
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Signs - Countries,Cities

Countries : England,Denmark,Germany,Western Poland,Burgundy,Palestine,Syria,Japan
Cities : Birmingham,Oldham,Leicester,Blackburn,Florence,Naples,Verona,Padua,Marseilles,Cracow,

Countries: Ireland,Persia,Poland,Asia Minor,Georgia,Switzerland,Caucasus,Cyprus,Grecian,Archipelago,
South of Russia.

Countries: United States,Belgium,Brabant,Lombardy,Lower Egypt,Sardinia,West of England,Armenia,Tripoli,
Cities: London,Plymouth,Melbourne,Bruges,Cordova,Metz,Nuremberg,Versailles,Louvaine,San Fransisco,

Countries: Scotland,Holland,New Zealand,North and West Africa,Isle of Mauritius,Paraguay.
Cities: Tunis,Algiers,Amsterdam,St.Andrews,York,Venice, Berne, Lubeck, Magdeburg,Milan,Cadiz,New York,Manchester,Stockholm,Constantinople,Genoa, Deptford, Rochdale,Georgia.

Leo :
Countries: France,Italy,Bohemia,Sicily,Chaldea to Bassorah,North of Rumania, Apulia and parts near Sidon and Tyre.
Cities: Rome,Bath,Bristol,Portsmouth,Philadelphia,Prague, Ravenna, Taunton,Damascus,Chicago(1 st decanate),Bombay(3 rd decanate),Blackpool

Virgo :
Countries : Turkey,Switzerland,West Indies,Assyria,Mesopotamia from the Tigris to Euphrates,Crete, Coratia,Silesia,Babylonia,the Morea,Thessaly, Kurdestan,Parts of Greece, Lavadia,Virginia,Brazil,California
Cities: Jerusalem,Corinth,Paris,Lyons,Toulouse,Cheltenham,Reading,Heidelberg,Norwich,Boston,USA,Los Angeles, Maidstone, Strasburg, Brindisi,Bury,Todmorden

Libra :
Countries : Austria, Indo-China,China,Tibet,Borders of Caspain,Upper Egypt,Savoy,North China,Livonia,Burma,Argentina,Japan,Massachusetts and vicinity
Cities:Antwerp,Charleston,Frankfort, Fribourg, Gaeta, Placenza,Spires,Vienna,Lisbon,Johannesburg,

Bhrigu Nadi Perspective - Jupiter - Part 2

Jupiter having Mars in the 2nd house - The native will have earnings through landed property

Jupiter's 3rd house lord in 2nd house to Jupiter - The native will have financial gains from co borns when

Jupiter transits over Mars or Venus in the third round

Jupiter has Mars in the 4 th house - Jupiter's 4 th round when Jupiter transits over the 4 th house or the house aspected by Mars or transits over Mars,the native will purchase lands or buildings

Jupiter in his 6 th round,transits over natal Rahu - The native will face a dangerous period

Jupiter transits places aspected by Sun - Development or Promotion is expected to the native

Jupiter has Rahu in his 3 rd house - The native will have fear from snakes

When Sun transits the 5 th or 9 th house from Jupiter - The month denotes the birth of the first and the second child respectively

When Sun transits the 7th house from Jupiter - The month would be the birth month of the spouse of the native

Jupiter in Gemini - The native would be very business minded

Jupiter in Gemini having Mars in Cancer with Saturn in the 7th house to Jupiter - The native will be trading in Liquors

Jupiter having Mars in the the Second house - The native will marry a relative

Jupiter having Ketu in the 12 th to him - The native will have no elder brother

Jupiter has Mars and Saturn in the 2 nd house and the 2 nd house is a watery sign - The native will be trading in Liquors

 To be Continued

Bhrigu Nadi Perspective - Jupiter

Jupiter in Scorpio - The native will be an ambitious person

Jupiter next to mercury - The native will take interest in vedic studies

Jupiter touches Mars and Rahu before touching Mercury - The native will study mantras

Jupiter has Saturn in the 7th house with Rahu - The native will be a low paid servant

Jupiter touches Venus in the 2nd round - The is the age when the native gets married

Jupiter touches Ketu or Rahu in the first round - The age of dangers to the native

Jupiter Ketu in the 3 rd round - Piligrimage trip to the native

Jupiter in Aquarius with Sun in Leo in 7th house from Jupiter - The native's fathr will be honoured by the Government

Jupiter having Mars in the 12 th house - The native will have one elder brother

Jupiter having Mars in the 2nd house - The native will have a younger brother

Jupiter has Saturn in the 3 rd huse to Jupiter and Sun in the 4 th house to Jupiter - The native's brother will be short lived

Jupiter and Sun in exaltation - The native will be a pious and religious person

Jupiter with Venus - The native will be born rich

Jupiter is having a malefic in the 7 th house - The native will face problems after his child takes birth

Jupiter is retrograde - The native will shine and develop in other places other than his birth place

Jupiter has Sun in the 7th house - The native will get Govt honors

Jupiter in the 2nd house to Mercury - The native will be very intelligent

To be continued

Friday, March 30, 2012

Affliction to Leo - Unrest in Prison in Honduras

The sign Leo seems to represent Prisons as when ever there is affliction to the sign,in Khavedamsa, there is unrest,arson and loss of life in  Prisons.

Above is the link to my earlier post on Arson in Prisons when Leo is afflicted in Khavedamsa.

Presently ,while retrograde Mars is still in Leo in rasi  and is in exact square to Rahu in Scorpio, in Khavedamsa, Retrograde Saturn entered into Leo 5 days ago and is in Opposition to Rahu/Ketu in Aquarius.Thus both Saturn and Rahu/Ketu are afflicting Leo and the result is there was unrest in a prison in Honduras yesterday. The wiki news link has been given below.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Effect of Mars entering Cancer in Khavedamsa

Today Retrograde Mars entered the watery sign of Cancer,his debilitation sign in Khavedamsa.Mars will be transiting in Cancer in Khavedamsa for another two days and entered into the sign 12 hours back.

Mars is the significator of accidents,violence and fire along with being the significator of land. He has started showing effects almost immediately.

1.There was an earth quake in Chile and Tsunami warning was issued.
2. Six South African rugby players from the Motherwell Rugby Club are feared dead after being swept out to sea from Port Elizabeth..

More of this type of disasters(accidents in seas,oceans etc) are likely in the two days to come.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Places of Worship under the Scanner

Untoward and or mystical events in Places of worship are most likely in the three days to come starting from today evening.There may be stampedes or Terrorist activity in Mosques and temples.There may also be denigration of Religions and Religious texts. A spiritual personality may be arrested or killed. We may hear demise of some eminent personalities too.

Jupiter-Saturn opposition is still going on in Rasi and in Khavedamsa Jupiter is going to be conjunct with Rahu/Ketu in Pisces in opposition to Retrograde Mars and Saturn in Virgo.Sun too is in conjunction with Mars and Saturn for a while in Virgo

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gaint Whale washes Ashore in Brazil

A Giant whale has washed ashore in Brazil, before a major earthquake in Mexico on 20th March 2012. It is a sign of the disturbance under the sea which effected the mammal to come out of its comfort zone,which resulted in its death.The link to the Yahoo news/Photos has been given below.

On a study of the Khavedamsa chart for the time we find out Retrograde Mars and Saturn in Oppostion to Pisces, a watery sign. Rahu/Ketu are about to change over into Pisces within a few hours at the time. The strongest of Malefics afflicting the watery Pisces would have effected the life under water.

In my view,Rahu/Ketu represent Snakes,Whales,Air borne Virus,Asteroids,Ships,Trains,Planes and the like which are about to face disasters.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Earth quake in the offing in India on 21st March ???

The Bigger Macro Picture in Rasi
Retrograde Saturn is about to change over into Virgo(Earthy Sign) and the Bhoomi Karaka Mars is Retrograde and Geo Stationery in Leo
Debilitated Ketu is in Taurus again an Earthy sign. So it is evident, the Bhoo Tatva is heavily afflicted.

The Finer Micro  Picture in Khavedamsa D40  on 21 st March.
The Earthly sign of Virgo is badly afflicted with Retrograde Saturn,Mars,Mercury and debilitated Venus.Rahu/Ketu  is changing over into Pisces aspecting Virgo,the same day.

The day happens to be just a day away from Amavasya. I think we can expect an Earth quake in India.

Lets test.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Division of India in Jataka Parijata

लङ्कादि कृष्णा सरिदं तमारः
सितस्त तो गोउतामि कान्तभूयः
विन्धान्त्य मार्यः सुर निम्न गान्तं
बुधः सनिः स्या तु हिमाचलान्तं

Sri lanka to Krishna river is ruled by Mars. The region between Krishna and Gautami is ruled by Venus.The region between Gautami and Vindhyaa mountains is ruled by Jupiter.The region between Vindhya mountains and Ganga river is ruled by Mercury and the region between river Ganga and Himalaya mountain range is ruled by Saturn.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Punjab Elections - Analysis of Captain Amarinder Singh's Horoscope

Election results are out in Punjab along with the other four states which went to Polls. The most shocking result was defeat of Congress in Punjab. In Punjab never before the Party in Power returned back after Polls unlike now.

An analysis of the Horoscope of the Key personality of Congress in Punjab Captain Amarinder singh gives an insight into the reason for the shocking defeat of Congress.

The Birth details of Capt.Amarinder Singh are as under :
Date of Birth : 11.03.1942
Time of Birth : 03.45 Am
Place of Birth : Patiala
Data Source :

Capt Amarinder Singh is the man who brought back Congress to power in 2002 and is a strong contender for the Chief Minister ship in the case of Congress coming to power in this elections.He is the President of Punjab PCC .

Let us now see what his Ashtakavarga scores in D5 (Fame,Power and Authority) and D10(Profession) Chart,D4( Fortune) are showing in the current transit of Saturn in Libra.
                                          SAV In Libra         Saturn's BAV         Placement from Moon    
                                                                       Score in Libra        in the Chart

D4 (Fortune)                          24                               3                  8 th from D4 Moon           
D5 (Power,Authority)             29                               4                  9 th from D5 Moon
D10(Career & Profession)      28                               1                  8 th from D10 Moon

From the above table of scores we can straight away deduce that he had less of Fortune,less of favorable indications of wrestling Power(Score of 29 in D5 is just over the average and obviously not sufficient to usurp power from the ruling party) and less of favorable indications in his Profession(Politics) and obviously he could not lead the Congress towards victory in the Punjab Polls.

While mentioning about the Ashtakavarga,I believe,Sage Parasara did not say that the Dasa-Antardasa should be considered for analysing upcoming events along with the ashtakavarga.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

UP Elections - Divisional Charts - Transits - Ashtakavarga

The trends are out on UP Elections and it is clear that Mulayam Singh's Samaj Wadi Party is leading. I wish to analyse the trends in the light of the Transits in Divisional charts with Ashtaka Varga.I have used the Birth data of Mulayam singh Yadav,Mayawati and Uma Bharati which are as follows:

Mulayam Singh Yadav : 21.11.1939;10.58 Pm , Etawah
Mayawati : 15.01.1956;8.23Pm;Ghaziabad
Uma Bharati : 03.05.1959,09.00am , Tikamgarh

Data source:

The following are the SAV Scores in the D5,D10 charts in Libra where Saturn is currently transiting, as per the above given birth data:

                                                        D5                                 D10                                  Saturn Strength
                                            (Power and authority)       (Career and Profession)              (BAV) In Libra
                                                                                                                                        D5           D10

 Mulayam Singh Yadav                    32                                  37                                        5                 4

Mayawati                                        21                                  22                                        1                 2

Uma Bharati                                    26                                  26                                        5                 2

From the above table the indications are loud and clear that Mulayam Singh is a clear winner.Maya wati never had a chance to win with such low scores and Uma Bharati had some better scores,reflecting clearly the trends.

Now who says ashtakavarga is not applicable to divisional charts ???

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Results of Affliction to Vayu Tatwa

Further to my earlier post regarding the affliction to Vayu Tatwa, I wish to list out the events which happened from 26 th February till date.

The following are the resultant events which happened:
1.Out break of a deadly airborne virus, which effects Live stock with dreadful effects in England
2.Tornadoes outbreak in United states with State of Kentucky being the most effected.
3.Collapse of a section of a Nine storied building in Astrakhan,Russia due to natural gas explosion.

The following is the link to the Wikinews where the events have been reported:

As Rahu/Ketu are in opposition to Pluto,in Khavedamsa, over the Gemini/Sagittarius axis for three more days,still some more events/ disasters related to the  Vayu tatwa can be observed till 6th March,2012

The latest disaster happenning being the out break of Tornadoes in USA yesterday.This happened specifically when Retro grade Mars changed over into Gemini to be conjunct with R/K. Earlier to that Mars was in Cancer in debilitation with the result of heavy rains and consequential floods in Australia,leading to evacuation of Thousands of people in the effected States.