
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Uranus in the Seventh House

Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little
commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise "unavailable". Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is
likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life. Any need to control the other person in your relationships will probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain "hit the road" attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other
for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, "casual" types of relationships.
You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments
where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present. Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and
there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a
tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner. The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the
other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place. 

For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.

Outer Planets in the 12 Houses - Pluto

Pluto in 1st house

You are strong-willed, brave, self-sufficient and probably enjoy throwing your weight around. Yet you may lack self-confidence.Controlling others may become an issue for you. You crave experience
and transformation. Regeneration is a topic that occupies your thoughts. There is a magnetism that surrounds you that draws other people to you, yet you may be a loner whom others find difficult to
understand. You can be gentle and sensitive, yet will always fight for what you believe in. You don't back down from anyone. You are capable of great anger under the right circumstances and when this
occurs, you can go off like an A-bomb. You may be a channel for healing and can perhaps develop this ability should you decide. Forgive and forget and don't brood over slights, whether real or
imaginary. Trying to be a little more flexible wouldn't hurt either.

Pluto in 2nd house

You have financial ability with keen judgment, patience, energy, and will. You may possess unusual talents. This placement may give an inordinate desire for money and possessions. Watch the tendency to view loved ones as possessions. You may see money coming and going in order to de-emphasize its importance. Detachment may be necessary. You must learn to spontaneously share all possessions with others. Integrity in money matters is essential. Others may seek to control your resources and possessions or you may be quite demanding and controlling with your own resources, monetary and otherwise.

Pluto in 3rd house

Your mind is versatile, inspired, probing and original. You perhaps have a keen ability to size up people and circumstances. You are probably good at understanding people's true motives. You want to know the answers to all your many questions. Research and figuring out puzzles or brain teasers may appeal to you. Perhaps you enjoy playing detective. You may be searching for that something that will give meaning to your life or searching for that area that will help you regenerate yourself or your thinking. Frustration, depression or anxiety may arise when the answers you seek are not forth-coming. Keep at it! Expressing yourself in writing may help alleviate the tension. This may help purify your thoughts, then allow new thoughts to enter. Once your thoughts and feelings have been purged, you may want to destroy the material as its purpose has been served.

Pluto in 4th house

You may have a good imagination and intuitive ability. There is a desire for a loving home atmosphere, yet power struggles and a desire to wear the pants in the family may cause problems. The influence of one or both parents is strong for good or ill. Perhaps one or both are manipulative or controlling. You may possess an explosive temper due to the inner tension at home. You may feel restless in the place of your birth. The home may be your place for regeneration.

Pluto in 5th house

You have unusual talents and hobbies. Great creativity and self- expression is possible. Your children may be unique and it may be difficult for you to understand them or for them to understand you.
There may be too much emphasis on sex in romantic relationships and issues of power and control can surface therein. There is an inner drive to be creative and it would be best if this creativity were not channeled through sex. Find a creative hobby instead.

Pluto in 6th house 

Great personal transformations can occur because of your work or your workplace environment. You may have the desire to become involved in workplace issues or labor union goings-on. You strive for cooperation and thoroughness in your work habits and you can be a hard taskmaster for fellow employees or for the workers under your command. Guard against trying to be too controlling of how they work. You have the ability to work long hours on nervous energy until your body cannot take any more. You enjoy troubleshooting and solving problems that others cannot solve. Detective work on the job is fun for you. You have the ability to encourage people to discuss deep-seated problems and then analyze the problems logically. There may be an interest in healing. You could be a channel for healing or you might simply be a hypochondriac. You are apt to unconsciously project criticalness to fellow workers without speaking. There may be difficulties through infectious, deep-seated diseases or problems in the colon area.

Pluto in 7th house

Control and power issues along with feelings of ownership are present with the partner or spouse. Cooperation with the mate will need to be learned. A partner may be selected based on that person's ability to stand their ground and not give in. A partner such as this could make the relationship very combative and competitive rather than harmonious and equal-sided. You are inclined to seek a partner who will provide a challenge to discover new resources within yourself that will give you the power to transcend previous performances and to transform certain aspects of your being. A partner who makes you feel growth and intensity is one you seek. There is a tendency to admire well developed will power in others, with the result that you may attract those who tend to dominate you, possibly feeling that if you have to cope with a somewhat overpowering personality you may discover more effectively the full extent of your own resources. There are intense feelings and reactions in your relationships. You have a need to cooperate with others and expect total commitment in your partnerships. Trouble can occur when this same sense of commitment is not felt by the other person in the relationship.

Pluto in 8th house

You possess strong intuition and good business sense. You have an analytical mind, with courage, fortitude and an interest in the metaphysical world. You may have clairvoyant abilities. There is a
possibility of an inheritance. There may be concern or difficulty over money through marriage or through a business partner. There can be financial upheavals and transformation may come through this means. You search for the meaning to life and may develop a fascination or interest in death and the afterlife. You want to know how the Universe ticks. This position develops insight, self-awareness, independence and regeneration. Any tendency to dominate, control, or possess others must be dealt with in a positive manner. A strong desire nature will need to be overcome if regeneration is to occur.

Pluto in 9th house

You are intuitive and may be clairvoyant. Travel in other dimensions is possible during sleep. There is an inherent interest in religion and philosophy. You want to know why and how. There can be the danger of such total belief in your own ideas that it borders on fanaticism, with total disregard for the thoughts and beliefs of others. Develop tolerance for other's beliefs. You search for Truth as a starving man looks for food. You want to know everything. Metaphysical experiences are possible and transformation can occur through dreams, long distance travel or philosophical insights and revelations. You can suffer mental strain from studying too intensely. You must control your desire to always be right no matter what.

Pluto in 10th house

Unforeseen activities can affect your career. Elements of the world society can directly influence your job or your status in the world. You are self-assertive and need to incorporate diplomacy and patience
into your personality, especially when dealing with the world at large. This position can give a desire for power, a desire to retreat from society or a desire to be of benefit and service to society.
Using power and force to get your way will bring your downfall. Use your skills to uplift society and the masses. You enjoy working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. You have an instinct for
knowing why people do the things they do.

Pluto in 11th house

Loyalty of friends is important to you. Some friends may try to be quite controlling of you or you may be quite controlling of them. Intensity of friendships really appeals to you. Your friends may find
you rather charismatic. They perhaps see you as the rebel or the reformer or idealist. Friends will come and go as the need for your own growth changes. This is all part of the cosmic process. What
ceases to grow, dies. This includes friendships and all relationships you may have with different groups of people. Groups and organizations can play major roles in your regeneration or
transformation. Your dedication to high ideals can be used for the benefit of all mankind, if you apply yourself. You have leadership ability and the will to fight for "causes" that are beneficial to

Pluto in 12th house

You feel a need to search for truth and wisdom so that you can understand life. Perhaps life has enslaved you in some way and you are searching for transformation or regeneration. Occasional
upheavals in your life come about in order to bring you back to the correct path. There is a desire to retreat from society in order to re-analyze your life. You can become a champion of the downtrodden
masses. Serving others in this life may be important for you. You enjoy working behind the scenes.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On the Events to happen in the near future - Followup Post

Continuing on my prediction in my previous post regarding mishaps at religious places ,following are the event that happened in the two days after my post:

1.A sucide bomber attacked a church in Nigeria killing two people and injuring 45

2.A Stampede occured at an Ashram in Jharkhand causing 9 deaths

3.Another stampede occured at Panki temple in Kanpur killing one person

Sunday, September 23, 2012

On the Events to happen in the near future

On a study of today's and tomorrow's planetary formations,following events are possible to occur :

1.A mishap at a religious place which is near to a river, sea or a ocean is about to happen.Terrorist activity cannot be ruled out in this mishap.

2.Sea life may be effected and large whales and sharks may wash ashore.

3.There might be sudden floods,hurricanes in Australia.

4.An Earth quake is likely to happen in India,Turkey,Brazil,West Indies,Greece.

Interesting Slokas about Lagna Aaroodha Paada

Deva Keralam

चतुर्वर्षत्परं भाग्यं स्वप्राबल्यम् भवेद्ध्रुवम् !
सुभारूधे तत्र चारे जीवे केन्द्रत्रिकोनागे !!

This is an interesting sloka given in Deva Keralam. This sloka specifically says that "after the 24 th year of life,the native will soon attain prosperity through his valour,provided benefic planet occupies the Lagna Aaroodha Paada and when ever in transit Jupiter comes to an angle or trine from that sign also prosperity is attained.

Bhrugu Naadi :

लग्नारूधे गुरुयुते वीक्षिते वा प्रजायते !
सर्वारिष्टं निहत्यासु जीवति स्म नरो भवेत् !!

If the Lagna Aaroodha paada is either occupied or aspected by Jupiter,the Native born is long lived and all his calamities are destroyed soon

UK meteor sighting stuns hundreds

Yesterday ,People from across the UK have reported seeing bright objects in the night sky, thought to be meteors or "space junk"
Coastguards in Northern Ireland took calls from people who saw the objects from Coleraine on the north coast, to Strangford Lough in the south east.

The lights were seen as far north as Caithness in Scotland as well as in Wales and Norfolk in East Anglia.

This sighting only proves that when outer planets Uranus,Pluto are conjunct Rahu/Ketu ,in Rasi or Khavedamsa,either unidentified flying objects are seen in the skies or Asteriods or Meteors hit Earth as established in my previous posts labeled 'Mysterious explosions - Asteriod Hits'.

 Yesterday's sightings were another instance which prove the 'formula' to be right

Yesterday's khavedamsa chart shows a conjunction of Uranus with Rahu/Ketu axis in opposition to Pluto in Pisces and Virgo.

The objects seen in the skies are yet to be identified whether they are fragments of a falling meteor or some space  junk falling down. The confusion is due to  involvement of Uranus.As Pluto is involved the flying objects are seen burning in the sky while falling down.

I believe the conjunction of Pluto with Rahu/Ketu in the Rasi chart and when the conjunction is aligned to the Galactic centre,will cause some near earth asteriods or meteors to hit earth to cause destruction.