
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Peculiar Kaala Sarpa Yoga around 20 th July 2013

On the 20th of July,2013 if we observe the planetary positions,three planets namely Retrograde Mercury,Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in the airy sign of Gemini and are in the constellation of Aardra lorded over by Rahu. 
Sun is in the Constellation of Pushyami lorded over by Saturn.
Venus is in the Constellation of Magha lorded over by Ketu. 
Saturn and Rahu are conjunct in the airy sign of Libra and are in the constellation of Swati lorded over by Rahu.
Moon is in the fire sign Sagittarius and in the constellation of Moola which is lorded over by Ketu.

Summing up, 5 Planets are in the star of Rahu and 2 planets are in the star of Ketu.These alignments surely signify drastic events.The days around the 20th July are obviously influenced greatly by Rahu/Ketu.

Significantly,In Khavedamsa and Trimsamsa too the sign Gemini is heavily afflicted by number of planets being posited in the sign or aspecting the same.

The Following Places are related to the Sign Gemini :
Countries: United States,Belgium, Brabant, Lombardy, Lower Egypt ,Sardinia ,West of England, Armenia, Tripoli,Flanders,Wales
Cities: London, Plymouth, Melbourne
, Bruges, Cordova, Metz, Nuremberg, Versailles, Louvaine, San Fransisco, Wolverhampton, Wednesbury.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lord Krishna's Birth Date and Some thoughts

I was just browsing through the Jagannatha hora data available with me when i came across the Birth chart of Lord Krishna prepared as per Sri BV Raman's research which he has given in his book 'Notable Horoscopes'. I also had the book with me and studied the analysis he gave in his book on lord Krishna's birth chart.This is when i wanted to see if there was any substantiation for the Birth story of the lord given in the Bhaagavata  by way of the placement of planets in the chart prepared.

Immediately after the Lord's birth at about midnight,he was shifted to Nanda and Yashoda's house in Gokula by Vasudeva as per the instructions of the asareeravani.In the process he had to come out of the prison and cross the Yamuna river.It is described in  Bhaagavata that the chains which were used to bind Vasudeva just came off, the river Yamuna  gave way   and a Five headed snake protected the Lord from the heavy rain fall happening at the time while the lord was shifted to Gokula.
Here in below is the chart prepared for the time given by Sri BV Raman:
It is very interesting to see the Rahu/Ketu axis being placed in the Third house which happens to be the Watery sign of Cancer.Mars and Venus too were in the sign in conjunction to the R/K axis.
While the conjunction of Mars(12th lord) and Venus(Ascendant lord) and with the R/K axis surely shows his birth in prison,the conjunction of planets in the third house signify the travel he had to undergo immediately after his birth. Here the R/K axis is interestingly connecting the 9th and 3rd houses from his natal ascendant. 9th house shows the reason behind the birth and the long distance travel for higher learning and 3 rd house too shows travels.We can thus deduce he had to travel immediately after his birth to in order to fulfill his future mission.3rd house being Cancer, a watery sign and containing debilitated Mars and Venus along with the R/K axis also signifies the lord's travel across the river and during the rain.I also see the Rahu/Ketu axis acting as the path way across the river in this context.
Rahu as per Lahiri Ayanamsa is in last quarter of the constellation of Pushyami whose ruling diety is Jupiter and is away from the constellation of Asresha by only a degree.As per Rohini Paksha Ayanamsa,Rahu very interestingly is in the constellation of  Aasresha which is ruled over by the celestial serpent Aadisheshu.This correlates to the Five headed snake which protected the lord during his travel across the river.