
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sri Vidhu Sekhara Bharathi Swami - The 37th Pontiff of Sri Sringeri Mutt

Wikipedia gives the date of Birth of the 37th Pontiff to be of the Sri Sharada Peetham of Sringeri, Sri Vidhusekhara Bharathi to be 24 th July 1993 at Tirupathi.

On trying to indentify the lagna of the Swamy i believe he should be of Simha Lagna.

If it is Simha lagna, lagna lord Sun in the 12th gives him divine powers.

The Lagna lord in a Chara sign gives him a Sanchara Yoga.

Yoga karaka Mars the 9th lord in lagna gives him the religious inclinations and mission.

Ketu in the 10 th house gives him knowledge in shastras
Venus in his own house in the 10 th while forming a Malavya maha purusha yoga, gives him good oratory and teaching skills.
Mercury in own house in the 11th and Jupiter in 2nd too will give him good teaching skills.
Retrograde Saturn in the 7th while forming a Sasa Maha purusha yoga gives him a sanyasa yoga too.

Rahu in the fourth and Eigth lord Jupiter aspecting his own 8th house and Lagna lord in the 12th along with the Mahapurusha Yogas will sure make him a highly spiritual personality and a man with a mission.
Broad forehead and well formed face confirms him to be of Simha lagna i believe.

Moreover the Rahu - Jupiter period running currently,gives him association with ascetics(he has been taken as the sishya on the 23rd January by the Sringeri Swamy) and religious missions,gain of position !!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Man who knew Infinity - Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan

Rishi Jaimini in his horasastra states thus in the context of letting us know the results of planets placed in the bhavas from Karakamsa:

चन्द्रेण संख्ययोगज्ञा : साहित्यज्ञो गयकस्च !!

which means : Moon placed in the Karakamsa or the Fifth from it results in making the native well versed in Samkhya sastra,Yoga.literature and a muscian.

The mathematical genius Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan has his moon in the fifth from his Atma Karaka Mercury in his horoscope.Sri Ramanujan was a hard core believer of Samkhya philosophy.

He was a self trained mathematical genius .

Sri Ramanujan seems to have mentioned many a times that a mathematical equation had no meaning if it is not expressed as a thought of God

The parivartana yoga of the Fourth lord(Mercury) of education and the Sixth lord(Mars) of psychic perfections and siddhis (being the 11th from 8th) is very significant in his horoscope.

While Mars in his fourth house has given him many troubles in education in his childhood, Mercury in the Sixth house in opposition to a combination of retrograde Pluto and Neptune gave him insights and higher level understanding of the mystical and ultimate laws of the Universe.

The Conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter in opposition to a Pluto and Neptune conjunction is the cause of his expertise in mathematics and applying  his mathematical abilities to the esoteric laws of the Universe. 

Mercury is the significator of Mathematics and is in conjunction with Jupiter, the deva guru who imparts divine knowledge, AND is in opposition to Pluto, the planet which signifies the  absolute truth, the end of everything and moksha and Neptune, the planet which signifies divine mysticism . The combination of Pluto and Neptune is in the 12th house from his Janma Lagna,  with Pluto in the constellation of Rohini of which Brahma is the adhidevata .12 th is also the house which signifies the state of non existence(moksha).

In conversation with Mr.GH Hardy, Sri Ramanujan  seems to have often mentioned that " Zero is the symbol of the Absolute Nirguna Brahma and the Product of Zero and Infinity is the finite number series !!! "