
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Saturn's transit in Dhanu Rasi - Effects on various Raasis - Mithuna

Mithuna rasi natives will have Saturn transiting in their 7th house from their natal moon and will be Tamra moorthy all of this year which is not too encouraging.Saturn in Sagittarius will be in a neutral sign.
Any relations formed now will take time to mature.Relations will take time deepen for these natives during this period. 

Saturn in the 7th house from the natal moon aspects the 9th house which is its own sign this aspect makes the native more fortunate during this period.

The natives will have keen interest in religion now. There will be happiness through wife and children.

When Saturn transits between 6 deg 40 min and 20 deg the most of the natives of Mithuna rasi will get oppurtunities from abroad as Saturn will be aspecting Ardra, the constellation of Rahu.If there is a promise in the natal chart, the natives will get a good break abroad.

Saturn in the sign between 0 deg and 6deg 40 min will give good success to the elder brother of the native.

There might be some health problems to the spouse of native when Saturn transits moola.

Saturn while transiting in Poorvashadha may cause a temporary separation in marraige which may be involuntary.

Father of the native will have successful time during this transit of Saturn.

As the Saturn projects an aspect to the fourth house from the natal moon, Students will have a better time during this transit.

The aspect of Saturn on the fourth house may also negatively effect heart patients.

Mother of the native may have some negative impact. Relations with her might not be very congenial.

Real estate transactions should be done with care during this time.

Saturn's ashtakavarga score will matter much to come to conclusions always. If Saturn is with a strength of 4 or more BAV  and with a score of 28 or more SAV, then there will not be much negative effects.

If you are facing any negative effects of this transit. Perform Rudrabhisheka regularly, visit Lord Shiva temple regularly. 

Saturn's transit in Dhanu Rasi - Effects on various raasis - Vrishabha

Effects on Vrishabha Rasi natives :

Continuing on the topic of Saturn's transit in Moola, Vrishabha rasi natives will have Saturn in Moola in their 8th house from their natal moon.Saturn will be a Lohamurthy all of this year to the natives. 

This transit may cause some separations in the lives of some natives. There will be unsatisfactory partition of Inheritance. Health of the individual may be under pressure.

The Saturn will be projecting aspects on the third and Sixth houses from the natal moon. Both these aspects are good there will be gain in courage, name and fame. 

The transit will be good for the Profession of the  native as the Saturn will be aspecting the 10th house,his own house from the natal moon.The native may gain confidence of the Government or higher officers at his work place. 

There will be excessive work and will be stressful to the natives in this transit.

This transit some times may also result in some loss of money at the place of work due to theft or misappropriation by subordinates. 

There will be irreligious during this transit. The natives may trouble or bad mouth Gods and Gurus.This should be taken care of by the natives. 

This transit will be good for the elder brother/sister of the native. They will be having higher income and gains through their profession.

The spouse will be keeping things to herself in this transit of Saturn and will be an introvert.She might be mostly preoccupied with some serious concerns.

Eigth house transit of Saturn may lead to health troubles to the mother of the native. Relations with her will not be congenial.

Any how conclusions should be drawn only based on the Ashtakavarga strength of Saturn in Dhanu rasi.If Saturn is with strength of 4 or more in BAV and more than 28 in SAV then most of negative results will be absolved.

Redmedies: If you are facing any of the troubles mentioned above, please visit lord Shiva Temple regularly and perform Rudrabhishekas on a regular frequency.

Saturn's transit in Dhanu rasi - Effects on various Raasis - Mesha

Saturn entered Dhanu rasi on the 26th January this year. Lets see what effects Saturn will have on each of the rasis.

First on Mesha rasi : 
Saturn will be transiting the 9th house as Rajata Murthy which is generally good. On June 20 Saturn will go back into Vischika rasi and will stay there till October 25th.This may result in some change of place.Ninth house transit of Saturn is generally not too auspicious.However before coming to any conclusion on the effects of the transit, the ashtakavarga strength of Saturn in Dhanu rasi in the individual horoscope should be surely taken into consideration.

Mesha rasi people during this transit will acquire more knowledge about tradition,religion and Judicial affairs. They will be successful in some court cases if other factors like dasa and antardasa also indicate the same.

Saturn in the Dhanu rasi projects aspect to the 11th house from Mesha which is Aquarius. 

This aspect results in gains and success. The younger brother/sister of the native will be more fortunate during this period.

There will be professional gains as the placement of Saturn in the 9th house from Mesha being the lord of 10th house results in a Raja Yoga.

However, the transiting Saturn also projects an aspect to the 6th house from the natal moon which is Virgo.This aspect will cause health disturbance to the maternal uncle and may cause some obstructions to the affairs of the individual. 

Saturn while transiting the sign between 0 deg to 3.20 deg may cause health troubles to the individual.

If Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rasi in the natal chart, While Saturn is transiting over the natal Rahu, it may take the younger brother of the individual on a trip abroad.

Overall though there would be some professional gains due to the Raja Yoga effect, there may be some health troubles too for the Mesha natives.

Remedies: Chanting Hanuman Chalisa, visiting Lord Hanuman temple,Performing Rudrabhishekam will absolve troubles that may arise from this transit.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Sun and Mercury of Pulitzer award winning Ellen Goodman

This is the horoscope of  Ellen Goodman, the versatile Pulitzer prize winning American Journalist and Syndicated Coloumnist. I have some interesting references to make from two Astrology classics ,what they say about the placement of planets in her chart. She has her lagna lord Mercury debilitated in her 10th house of profession along with the third lord Sun. Mercury is in the constellation of Uttarabhadrapada and Sun is in the constellation of Revati. 

Surprisingly both placements indicate her profession to be writing and becoming an author.
Saravali says about the native becoming a Professional author if Mercury is in Uttarabhadrapada and Jyotish Makarand says the native will be an author if Sun is in Revati. 

Saravali, more explicitly says the native will write on Political issues,geography and governance. Ellen Goodman has spent most of her life chronicling social change and its impact on American Life. She has been a recipient of the prestigious Pulitzer awards and the Hubert H.Humphrey Civil Rights award . 

She received the award in the Dasa-antardasa of Jupiter-Rahu in April, 1980. Jupiter is the 10th lord of Career and position placed in the friendly 11th house of success and recognition.The antardasa was of a beneficial Rahu placed in the sign of Mercury, the natural karaka for writing and aspecting the 10th house.

Surprisingly, at the time of receiving the Pulitzer award in April,1980, the planets Jupiter and Saturn were transiting the third house from her Janma lagna.Both Jupiter and Saturn at this time were transiting over the Hora lagna,Sree lagna and the Ghati lagna. All the three were associated with the third house in her natal chart which is an another indicator of her being a versatile author. 

Following are the links to the data on  Astrodata Bank and Wikipedia :

Sunday, April 2, 2017

How is my day today ??? - Want to know ???

If you are attending an interview today or if you are negotiating on a property transaction or if you are planning to complete any unfinished task which is pending and if you want to know the outcome before hand as per your horoscope, mail your birth details and if you do not have your birth details mail me a number between 1 to 108. Will let you know the indications as per your birth chart and or the prashna chart. The charges will be Rs 250 per one question which you will have to send along with your question. You will get a straight answer immediately.

Following are my contact details and Bank account details :

Soma Sekhar Sarva
email : 
Phone No : + 91 96407 54054

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Savings Account No: 055710100091009
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T.Nagar Branch,

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