
Friday, March 30, 2018

The Saturn - Mars Conjunction 2018

A turbulent phase is starting in few hours.That is the Conjunction of two greatest malefics, Mars and Saturn in the fire Sign of Sagittarius.
Mars is the doer and Saturn is the stopper.
Passions and emotions run high but are mostly suppressed. These emotions find expression after Mars enters Capricorn in the early hours of 30th April. People with Lagnas or Moon signs in Aries,Scorpio,Leo,Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius are prone to head aches and changes in their Blood Pressure.
Aries people need to be careful about their travel plans especially piligrimages. Becareful not to go to any crowded religious places.
Leo people should be cautious about their children, their investment plans.
Sagittarius people should be careful while dealing with cookers, Ovens and any electrical/fire appliances
Scorpio need to be careful about what they speak what they eat. There is a possibility they would suffer after consuming stale food or that which causes them allergies. They better not eat any non vegetarian food from outside.
Capricorn people need to be careful about their expenses, long distance travel plans. They should take more care of their health.These people might suffer from Insomnia. They Should be cautious while driving.
In general :
There might be mishaps at religious places. Avoid going to crowded religious places for atleast one month from now. There might be incidents of Bank Robberies by armed men. Nuclear tests might be conducted rising concerns.
Tensions will run high in countries like Israel, Palestine, Iran and Iraq. There will be war like situations.Satellite launches may go wrong in this time.A mass leader may pass away.Judgements passed now in supreme court/High court may face public criticism. There might be mishaps due to terrorist activity near courts.
Remedies : Chanting Hanuman chalisa and Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra, chanting Manyu Sookta parayana will help ward off all ill effects. Performing Rudra Homam will also help to ward off all negative effects