
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Corona Virus - The manifestation

These are the charts of the two Solar eclipses that happened in 2019. First one is in July 2019 and the second one is in December 2019. 

The Covid Virus pandemic is thought to have started somewhere in January 2020. But many doubt the Chinese coverup about the actual position. There are doubts about the Chinese claims that the pandemic started in the end of December.
Seeing the Eclipse chart of July 2019 and that of December 2019 I believe the spread of virus is very much known to the Chinese atleast by August itself.  

A study of charts of various eclipse charts near to the outbreaks of previous pandemics like Spanish Flu and Swine Flu , I can say the Rahu grastha Surya Grahana which happened in the MOIST Constellation of ARDRA and in the AIRY sign of Mithuna  in July 2019 in opposition to a venomous and extremely malefic  Saturn Ketu conjunction in Sagittarius is the actual trigger to the outbreak of the pandemic  or wishful spread of the Virus from the Lab in Wuhan.

Saturn's exact conjunction with Ketu and 100% aspect to the Eclipse is the proof of the Great Chinese Conspiracy behind the spread.  My take is after the wishful leak in August , they waited for the right mutations(rather dangerous) to happen to the Virus and then let it out into the world.

After the eclipse in July, all the planets were in the HIND side of the Rahu-Ketu axis which helped the Chinese to cover up the spread successfully and once Ketu entered into Moola and the Eclipse of 26th December happenning in the extremely malefic MOOLA constellation along with the Six planetary conjunction happenning in Sagittarius, and in the aftermath, when all planets aligned in the face of the Rahu - Ketu axis, the world went into lockdown with the worst fears and the pandemic effecting millions of humans around the world !!! 

The Spanish Flu pandemic was prevalent for about two years and lost its effectiveness afterwards. The same might happen with the COVID Virus too with relief in some form coming around September 23rd !!!