
Saturday, February 27, 2021


When the Moon transits constellations such as Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Visakha, Uttarashadha or Poorva Bhaadra which have three padas in one sign and one pada in another sign and the Thithi happens to be a Bhadra Thithi i.e Dwiteeya, Saptami and Dwadashi and the vaara happens to be one of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday Then the TRI PUSHKARA YOGA is said to be formed.

When the Moon transits the constellations such as Mrigashira, Chitta and Dhanishta which have two padas in one sign and the other two padas in the next sign and the Thithi happens to be a Bhadra Thithi i.e Dwiteeya, Saptami and Dwadashi and the vaara happens to be one of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday Then the  DWI PUSHKARA YOGA is said to be formed.

Any auspicious activity done while these yogas are in operation will help the person to do it at least three times or two times respectively as said in the Muhurtha sastras. That is why the Yogas are called  TRI PUSHKARA YOGA or DWI PUSHKARA YOGA S

This auspicious time is to be used for the following activities : 

1.Buying Gold, Jewellery and Diamonds

2. For Purchase of Property ,Vehicles and Live Stock

3. Purchase of Shares and Bonds and Making Investments

4. Inauguration of New Office

5. Starting New Business

6. Offering Charity and religious deeds 

Certain activities should not be done while these Yogas are in Operation . They are as follows :

1.Applying for loans from banks or other financial institutions

2. Starting to take medicines or getting admitted into hospital (Not in case of Emergencies)

3. Initiating legal Proceedings against anyone   

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Mars Rahu Conjunction 2021

Mars has entered Taurus on Feb 22 nd  and March 12th is an Amavasya. Starting one week before March 12th, the conjunction of  Mars and  Rahu in Taurus will be happening in  the constellation of  Rohini and this while  Kala Sarpa Yoga is still in operation, will have some ominous effects for some countries and some regions. The period of one week before March 12th and one week after March 26th is a volatile period. 

Adverse events are likely to occur especially in the capital city of Delhi and surrounding areas. Fires and earthquakes can occur.  Road accidents are more likely during this period. Possibility of  Terrorist Strikes is likely and Bomb blasts can happen. Some Army executives, Police and Home Department officials may be at risk.

The Air Quality Index may fall to a record low.

Similar events may occur in European countries, such as Ireland, Poland, Switzerland, Cyprus, and Greece.

Since Brahma is the presiding deity of  Rohini, the conjunction of Mars Rahu in this constellation some interesting revelations about Mars may come to light.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Seventh House of Marraige and Spouse

This house represents marriage (signified by Venus) and partnership (signified by Mercury) most predominantly.  Uttar Kalamrita says that we should also examine the female reproductive organs (signified by the Moon) and the act of sex (signified by Venus) from this house. Residence at a foreign place and break in journey are also examined from this house. This is a house of business (signified by Mercury) too. Being the fourth house from the fourth, on the principle of bhavat bhavam, this house shows the impact of the thoughts of the individual on his relationships. It also shows as to whether he would be able to deal with educational matters, property, or vehicles in partnership. This is the right  house to examine if the individual would go in for study of business. The house suggests share cropping arrangements. The ability of the individual to sway public sentiments as a demagogue is indicated 
by this house. Being the tenth from the tenth house on bhavat bhavam principle, this house also shows if the demagogue would be able to translate his popularity into attainment of a high position

This is the fifth house from the third house of younger siblings. It therefore signifies creativity of younger sibling, his romance, his intellectual achievements, his children, his entertainment, and his
stomach. This is the fourth house from the fourth. It signifies property of the mother, her academic achievements, her heart, her mind, her happiness, and her vehicles. This is the third house from the fifth showing travels, writings, courage, and neighbours of the children of the individual. This house also represents the next child born to the individual after the eldest. This house stands for the wealth of the maternal uncle of the individual being the second from the sixth. One can deduce from this house if the rivals of the individual would be wealthy. This is the eleventh house from the ninth showing success and gains of the father of the individual. It is the ninth house from the eleventh. It shows fortune, religion, and long journeys of the elder siblings. Incidentally, this is also the house for destruction of places of worship.

This is a maraka house for the individual as it is the twelfth from the eighth showing depletion of his longevity. This is the house of good fortune for the elder sibling of the individual being the ninth from the eleventh house. The Moon, in the context of this house, shows reproductive system, ovaries, and the ability to bear children. Mercury is the karaka for the house in respect of business. Jupiter represents
husband in the context of the house in a female chart. Venus is the karaka for sex act and marriage in respect of this house. It also shows the state of urinary tract when studied along with this house. Rahu connection with this house shows strangers.

Yogas: Prasna Marg has given some simple but applicable combinations relating to this house. It states that (a) a person may marry early when a strong naturally beneficial planet that owns the seventh house or a strong Venus is associated with the owner of the ascendant. (b) A similar result will be seen when the owner of the seventh house and Venus occupy angles. (c) Marriage will be early when the owner of the seventh house is placed close to the owner of the ascendant, or a naturally beneficial planet is placed near the ascendant or seventh house. (d) It will be delayed when the owner of the seventh house is placed at a distance from the ascendant and seventh house. 

Satya Jatakam states that the individual will marry early when the owner of the seventh house occupies the fifth in shubha yoga. This shubha yoga has been defined by Satya Jatakam. A planet is said to be in shubha yoga when it occupies a sign, navamsha or constellation of a naturally beneficial planet, is under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet, or the planet is flanked by naturally beneficial planets. 

The marriage of an individual according to Prasna Marg will not be favourable for him if the owners of the ascendant, second, seventh and Venus are badly placed and are combust, debilitated, and in inimical navamshas. 

The marriage will not be happy, according to Mahadev in Jatakatatva, when a naturally malefic planet associates with Venus or occupies the seventh house from it.  

An individual will not marry, or his spouse may die early according to Prasna Marg (a) if the seventh house is weak, has influence of naturally malefic planets, does not have influence of either naturally beneficial planets, or of the owner of the seventh house or of the owner of the ascendant; (b) if the owner of the seventh house and Venus are debilitated in the navamsha chart or are placed in inimical navamshas; (c) if these two planets are combust; (d) if these planets are under influence of naturally malefic planets and have no redeeming influence of naturally beneficial planets; or (e) if these two planets occupy trik houses. 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that the individual will not have a spouse if Mars and Saturn are with Venus in the seventh house from the natal Moon. 

Prasna Marg also says that the individual will lose his spouse if (a) Mars occupies the seventh house. In such a case the married partners may stay apart. The spouse may not live long (b) if Mars
occupies the seventh house with no influence of a naturally beneficial planet and Saturn projects an aspect to it; (c) if Jupiter occupies the house in Virgo or Capricorn; (d) if Venus occupies the seventh
house in Scorpio; (e) if Mercury occupies the seventh house in Taurus; or (f) if Satum occupies the house in Pisces. 

Prasna Marg is of the opinion that the individual will lose his wife (a) if a strong naturally malefic planet is placed in the fourth house; or (b) if the owner of the fifth or eighth house is in the seventh 

Prasna Marg says that the husband of a woman will die first when in her chart a naturally malefic planet occupies the eighth house from the ascendant. She will die before her husband if a
naturally beneficial planet is in the second house from the ascendant. She will die a spinster if Saturn Occupies the seventh house under influence of a naturally malefic planet. Naturally malefic planets in
the seventh and eighth houses indicate widowhood but if a naturally beneficial planet is placed in the ninth house this will be averted. 

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra has given several combinations that specify ages at which matters relating to the marriage of the individual will happen. According to Parashar, when Rahu is in the second house and Mars in seventh it shows that the wife of the
individual will die within three days of marriage. It could be due to snake bite. Parashar also says that Mars in the sixth, Rahu in the seventh, and Saturn in the eighth house show that the wife of the
individual will not live long.

Satya Jatakam says that a female individual may become a widow if Mars or Rahu occupies the second, seventh or eighth house from the ascendant. If one of these planets is in the fourth house, the mother of the female individual will become a widow. 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that the Sun in the ascendant and Saturn in the seventh house will cause death of the partner

When Venus has naturally malefic planets on both sides of it and has no influence of naturally beneficial planets, the individual may face threat to his life, according to Prasna Marg, from his wife
or she may not live. Varah Mihir in Brihajatakam states the effect of this combination differently. According to him the wife of the individual will die due to a fall in such a case. 

The wife of the individual will face danger, according to Prasna Marg, when naturally malefic planets occupy the fourth and eighth houses from Venus and it has no influence of naturally beneficial planets on it. Varah Mihir in Brihajjatakam states this combination slightly differently. According to him the wife of the individual will die from fire if at least two of the Sun, Mars, and Saturn occupy the fourth and eighth houses from natal Venus. 

The wife of the individual will die an unnatural death, according to Prasna Marg, when Venus is associated with Saturn and a naturally malefic planet occupies the eighth house from Venus. In
such a case if Venus is in a watery sign with the Moon her death would be due to drowning.

Satya Jatakam states a general principle that if a naturally malefic planet is placed in a trik house from a house and if the owner of the trik house is in that house, the affairs of the house will face severe setback in the period of the planet occupying the house. Therefore matters relating to the marriage of an individual will be adversely affected in the period of the owner of the second, sixth or twelfth house from the ascendant (trik houses from the seventh house) occupying the seventh house if a naturally malefic planet is placed in the trik house. To clarify further, suppose Mars occupies the second house in a Gemini ascendant chart. The marriage of the individual will be adversely impacted in the period
of the Moon if it occupies Sagittarius. 

A male individual, according to Phaldeepika, will not have a wife or children if Saturn joins the Moon in the seventh house. When this combination occurs in the chart of a female individual she will remarry 

The spouse of the individual will be physically defective according to Prasna Marg if the Sun and Venus are placed in the fifth, seventh or ninth house from the ascendant. 

The individual will, according to Prasna Marg, waste his wealth over women when the Sun and Rahu occupy the seventh house. 

The wife of the individual will be fortunate and religious according to Prasna Marg when the owner of the ninth house from natal Venus is strong and a naturally beneficial planet occupies this house. 

The individual will get a good wife, according to Prasna Marg, when (a) the seventh house receives aspect of its owner or a naturally beneficial planet and the house does not have adverse influence; (b) the owner of the seventh house and Venus are well placed and have no adverse influence; (c) the owner of the seventh house is associated with, under aspect of, or flanked by naturally beneficial planets; or (d) the owner of the seventh is placed in a sign or navamsha of a naturally beneficial planet and the owner of the tenth house is strong 

The health and temper of the wife of the individual will be bad according to Mahadev in Jatakatatva when the owner of the seventh house occupies the eighth 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that Jupiter with the Moon in the seventh house from the navamsha sign occupied by the atmakaraka planet will give a beautiful wife; Saturn will give a wife who is elder to the individual in age; Mars will cause defect in the limbs of the wife; and, Mercury will give a talented wife. 

The owner of the seventh house or the Sun in a sign and navamaha of naurally malefic planets, or associated with or under aspect of a naturally malefic planet according to Prasna Marg indicates that the wife will be troublesome and indined to vice. It is also stated by this authority that if the owner of the navamsha in which the owner of the seventh house is placed is combust, debilitated, placed in an inimical sign, under aspect of a naturally malefic planet, or flanked by two such planets, the individual will have more than one wife, 

Bhavartha Ratnakar states that association of the owner of the seventh house with Venus having no influence of a naturally malefic planet shows that the individual will marry only once. On the other hand presence of Jupiter in the second house gives rise to the possibility of the individual marrying again late in life. The association of Venus and Saturn in the seventh house shows that the Individual will be devoted to his wife, 

Sarvarth Chintamani says that (a) if the owner of the seventh house is associated with a Node and is under aspect of a naturally malefic planet the individual will be adulterous; (b) the Moon in the seventh house within 72° of the Sun and associated with a naturally malefic planet will give similar results. 

The wife of the individual will be chaste according to Sarvarth Chintamani (a) when the owner of the seventh house is associated with and under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet; (b) the owner flanked by naturally beneficial planets will also give the same result.

When the owner of the seventh house is placed in the fifth with ashubha yoga according to Satya Jatakam the individual will not have children, or wife may commit adultery and a child may be born to the individual through this act. Ashubha yoga is defined as follows: the planet occupies the sign or navamsha of a naturally malefic planet, it is flanked by naturally malefic planets, it is under aspect of a naturally malefic planet, or it occupies the 3rd, 5th, or 7th constellation from the one in which the Moon was placed at the time of birth 

A Node with the owner of the seventh house under influence of a naturally malefic planet will turn the individual into a debauchee according to Mahadev in Jatakatatva. The individual will have a strong libido if the owner of the seventh house is in the ascendant or seventh according to Mahadev in Jatakatatva. Further, if the owner of the seventh house is in the second or twelfth house the individual would have liaison with several women. The same effect would be seen when the owner of the eighth house occupies the eighth. Mahadev in Jatakatatva is of the opinion that presence of the Moon, Mars, and Saturn in the seventh house is a strong indication that both husband and wife would seek sex outside marriage.

When the owner of the eighth house occupies the ascendant or seventh the individual, according to Mahadev in Jatakatatva, may have more than one wife. The same result is likely if the owner of the ascendant occupies the sixth house. The association of strong Venus and Moon points to presence of several wives. 

The individual is likely to marry a widow according to Mahadev in Jatakatatva when Saturn associated with the Moon or Mercury occupies the seventh house. 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that the individual may have more than one living wife when (a) the owner of the second house is weak and a naturally malefic planet occupies or projects an aspect to the house. (b) A similar combination with the seventh house too will have a similar effect. (c) Naturally malefic planets in the seventh and eighth houses and Mars in the twelfth too will give two living wives. 

Jatakalankar has given some combinations relating to the ability of the wife of the individual to beget children. This house relates to the reproductive system of the female. Therefore these combinations are relevant. There are three such combinations given by Jatakalankar: (a) The Sun in the ascendant and Saturn in the seventh house; (b) the Moon without aspect of Jupiter in the tenth house and the Sun with Saturn in the seventh house; and, (c) Mars in the sixth and Saturn in the fourth house. If any one of these combinations exists in the chart the wife of the individual will not be able to bear children.

Thithis and Recommended Activities

Following are the recommended activities on each of the Tithis :

1. PRATIPADA: (Vridhi Prada : rise giver )
Works: Marriage, travel, house, entering into a house, Pratista (fame, honour), shaving, Samskaras like Seemant. tonsure, Upanayana, peaceful & developmental works, farming, intoxicant & medicine making, oiling, bed, sitting items (Aassan), stone work, cutting of trees, sculpture, Alankar. (These activities are to be performed on 1 thithi of Dark Half (Krishna Paksha ) & not on the 1thithi of the Brighter Half (Sukla Paksha)

2. DWTIYA: (Mangala Prada : augurs auspiciousness) Works: Marriage, Upanayana, Deva Pratishta (installation of  God's idol) all Paushtik (developmental) and Manglik (auspicious) treasury, army, travel, music, art, sculpture, Alankar , ornament making & wearing.

3. TRITIYA: (Bala Prada: bestows power)
Works: First feeding, Upanayana, Deva Pratistha, Manglik works, tonsure, worshipping of water, painting, singing, art, education, entry into house, jewellery, work related to animals (horse, elephant),

4 . CHATURTHI: (Khala Prada : wicked & cruel)
Works: Use of weapon, keeping arms, killing of enemy, arrest, poisoning, igniting fire, sorrowful, Atharva Vidya, works related to electricity. No Manglik works should be done as they get destroyed.

5. PANCHAMI: (Lakshmi Prada : wealth giver)
Works: All auspicious works. Upnayana, Paushtik works, Manglik Utsav, Griha Shanti, travel, stationary and moving works. Do not lend money,

6. SHASHTI: (Yasho Prada : fame giver )
Works: House, war, travel, land, animal, market & marketing, trade, sale purchase, service social customs, art, painting sculpture, wood work, Alankar. jewellery, clothes designing, oil massage,
donation & welfare, water works, ancestral (Pitri) works.

7. SAPTAMI (Mitra Prada: increases friends)
Works: Marriage, dance, music, singing, jewellery making & wearing, Alankar, hand works, travel, entering house, war, works related to elephants.

8. ASHTAMI : (Dwanda Prada : generates conflict)
Works: Women related works. Alankar, enjoyment, dance, jewellery making & wearing, art, sculpture, painting, writing, house, foundation laying, war, government works, government celebrations,
trade, farming, stone, steel, water related works. Do not eat meat. 

9. NAVAMI: (Ugra Prada : increases aggressive)
Works: Hunting, poisoning, making of fire arms, fire, gambling. drinking & making drinks, quarrel, opposition / encounter.

10. DASHAMI: (Saumya Prada : increases soberness)
Works: Manglik works, marriage, Upanayana, Alankar, peaceful & Paushtik works, installation, travel, conveyance, elephant, horse, enter, government works.

11 EKADASHI: Anand Prada : inculcates happiness)
Works: Marriage, religious works, Devotsava, fast, completion of fasts, Alankar, Upanayana, jewellery, painting, learning of sculpturing, clothes designing, dress, dance, travel, enter, starting of house, manufacturing of drinks, trade.

12 DWADASHI: (Yasho Prado: fame giver)
Works: Movable & fixed works, peaceful & Paushtik works, first feeding, Upanayana, marriage. Avoid travelling, entering in new house and oil massage.

13. TRIYODASHI: (Java Prada : brings victory)
Works: Alankar, Pratishta, Agnayadhan, marriage, travel, enter, clothes, war, all Manglik works except Upanayana.

14. CHATURDASHI: (Ugra Prada : increases aggressiveness)
Works : Bad works, poisoning, attack by deception, war, weapon, arms making, fire, arresting, success in cruel works, steel. Bad for Manglik, travel & hair cutting.

15 POORNIMA : (Saumya Prada : bestows soberness)
Works: All Manglik works, religious rituals, peaceful and Paushtik works, Pratishta, temple, marriage, painting, sculpture, art, ornaments, house, war. Sex, oil massage and Upanayana are strictly prohibited

30 AMAVASYA: (Pitri Prada: ancestral related actions)
Works: Religious works, Yagya donation, Agnihotra, Aganyadhan, ancestral works. All auspicious works other than ancestral works get destroyed if done in the New Moon. It is not good for sex.

Apart from the favourable Thithis for specific activities other factors such as Chandra Bala and Tara Bala , Lagna Bala among others to be considered before fixing the muhurta for performing any activity. This has to be known by consulting a known astrologer. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Sanyasa Yogas

Following Combinations or Placements of planets in a chart  cause Sanyasa Yogas :

1. When four or more planets, including lord of tenth house, are combined in a single house. The house occupied should be a Kendra or Trikona.

2. When Moon is in the sign of Saturn and is aspected by Mars or vice-versa. This should happen in birth chart, drekkana and navamsha. At least two of the above charts should have this.

3. Lord of the Moon sign is aspected by Saturn alone and no other Planet 

4. Lord of the Moon sign is aspected by all planets from a single house.

5. Jupiter should occupy the ninth house and  the Lagna, Moon and Jupiter are aspected by Saturn

6. Combination of fifth and seventh lord in 10" or first house leads to ascetism after marriage.

7. Saturn aspecting Lagna or Lagna lord gives renunciation

8. Moon in sign of Saturn In birth chart or in navamsha and has mutually exchanged sign with Saturn

9. Mutual aspect between Venus, Saturn and Ketu. All three in mutual trine

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Professions as per each degree of Signs

Following are the degrees where the lagna is posited and the Likely Professions :

Aries and Libra.-

1° -3°     Policemen, detectives, inventors, explorers and geographers 
4 - 6       boxers army and navy, teachers and philosophers, spiritualists. 
7 - 9°     Philosophers, mathematicians, jockeys. 
10°-12° Generals and dramatists, actors, diplomats. 
13 -15º  Spiritualists, doctors, soap merchants, physiologists, seed merchants, indigo
planters, orators and pearl fishers. 
16 -18°  Musicians, steel workers, goldsmiths, builders of coaches and carriages, sugar merchants, coal-miners, astrologers, surveyors, architects, civil engineers. 
19 - 21° Builders, carpenters, shipbuilders, electricians, hypnotists, manufacturers, aviators, stock-brokers. 
22 -24° House agents, tobacconists, agriculturists, painters, musicians, timber merchants and rubber
25 -27° Gardeners, tea planters, botanists, engineers, anthropologists, foresters, astronomers
28 - 30° Politicians.

 Taurus and Scorpio.-

1º-3° Mathematicians, ethnologists: 
4 -6° actors, dramatists, philosophers, distillers, 
7 -  9 Draughts men, engravers, cartographers, architects, painters, sculptors, surveyors, civil engineers. 10°-12° Opticians, watchmakers, theologians, geometricians, mathematicians ,astronomers, bankers, dealers in birds, aviators, shorthand writers, publishers, booksellers, paper manufacturers, librarians, novelists and dramatists. 
16-18   Painters, musicians, perfumers and furniture dealers. 
19 - 21° Lawyers, orators, chemists, postmen, travelers, chauffeurs. 
22 -24  Meteorologists, reformers, interpreters and teachers. 
25 - 27° Orators, scholars, carpenters, railway men. 
28 -30 Stock-brokers, scientists, astrologers, composers, inventors, grocers, sugar merchants, rubber growers, churchmen, dancers.

Gemini and Sagittarius.-

1-3° Publishers, advertising agents. 
4 -6° Glass manufacturers, jockeys, actors. 
7 -9 Scientists. 
10°-12° Scholars, musicians. 
13 -15º Numismatists, army and navy, criminologists anatomists, shipowners, bankers, pawn brokers. 16-18° Historians, chronologists, paper manufacturers. 
19 -21° Economists, financiers, bankers, insurance employees, mathematicians. 
22 -24 Philosophers and men of religion. 
25°-27° Railway men, hypnotists, players of tennis and cricket. 
28°-30° Astrologers and palmists, soldiers and sailors.

Cancer and Capricorn :- 

1 -3° Lawyers, smiths and ascetics. 
4 -6° Agriculturists, plumbers, geologists, botanists, zoologists, philatelists, 
7 - 9° Goldminers, goldsmiths, anthropologists and ethnologists. 
10°-12° Musicians, silk merchants, perfumers. 
13 -15° Sociologists, philosophers. lawyers and judges, skinners and tanners. 
16-18° Diplomats, statesmen, chemists, philosophers. pathologists, philologists. 
19-21° Poets, painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, grocers. 
22º-24° Oil producers, aviators meteorologists, chemists and teachers. 
25°-27° Versatile and high minded careers. 
28º-30° Comedians, nurses and veterinary surgeons.

Leo And Aquarius -

1°-3° Linguists, photographers pearl-fishers. 
4 -6° Astrologers, palmists, opticians, wine merchants. 
7 -9° Psychiatrists. 
10°-12° Psychologists, phrenologists, linen manufacturers. 
13 -15° Musicians, dancers, chemists, paper manufacturers, photographers. 
16-18° Clothiers, tailors, launderers, hosiers, hatters, wool merchants. theologians. 
19 -21° Grain merchants, 
28-30° Story-writers, actors, inventors, engineers. 
22º-24° Fishermen, men of religion, sailors, historians. 
25°-27° Shipowners, ship builders, corn merchants, barbers and hair-dressers, painters.

Virgo and Pisces :- 

1º-3° Sociologists. 
4 -6° Zoologists, astrologers. 
7°-9° Surgeons. 
10°-12° Zoologists, botanists, hairdressers. 
13-15° Coalminers, dentists, sculptors, soldiers, sailors, gun-makers, butchers. 
16-18° Policemen, railway men, goldminers, philosophers, muslin manufacturers. 
19°- 21° Sportsmen, hunters, lawyers, doctors, bankers, caterers, corn merchants. 
22° -  24" Dancers, musicians, poets, novelists, lawyers. 
25-27° Orators, electricians. 
29 - 30 Active careers

Sukra Graha Gayatri Mantras/सुक्र गायत्रि मन्त्राः

 सुक्र गायत्रि मन्त्राः :

1. ॐ राज रूपाय विद्महे भृगुसुताय धीमहि तन्नस्सुक्रः प्रचोदयात् 

2. ॐ अस्वध्वजाय विद्महे धनुर्हस्ताय धीमहि तन्नस्सुक्रः प्रचोदयात् 

3. महादेव्यैच विद्महे विष्णुपत्न्यैच धीमहि तन्नो लक्ष्मी:प्रचोदयात् 

4. भार्गवाय विद्महे दानवार्चिताय धीमहि तन्नस्सुक्रः प्रचोदयात् 

5. भृगु जयाय विद्महे दिव्य देहाय धीमहि तन्नस्सुक्रः प्रचोदयात् 

శుక్ర గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు :

1. ఓం రాజ రూపాయ విద్మహే భృగుసుతాయ ధీమహీ తన్న శుక్ర : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. ఓం అశ్వధ్వజాయ  విద్మహే ధనుర్హస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్న శుక్ర : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

3. మహాదేవ్యైచ విద్మహే విష్ణుపత్న్యైచ ధీమహి తన్నో లక్ష్మీ ప్రచోదయాత్ 

4. భార్గవాయ విద్మహే దానవార్చితాయ ధీమహి తన్న శుక్ర : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

5. భృగు జయాయ విద్మహే దివ్య దేహాయ ధీమహి తన్న శుక్ర : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

నవగ్రహ దోషనివారణకు జపములు

నవగ్రహస్తోత్రము :-

ఆదిత్యాయచ సోమాయ మంగళాయ బుధాయచ
గురు శుక్ర శనిభ్యశ్చ రాహవే కేతవే నమః

రవి స్తుతి:-
జపాకుసుమ సంకాశం కాశ్యపేయం మహాద్యుతిం
తమోరిం సర్వపాపఘ్నం ప్రణతోస్మిదివాకరమ్

రవికోసం పై మంత్రమును 6,000 సార్లు జపించాలి. రుద్రాభిషేకం చేయించి
గోధుమలు, బంగారం దానం చేయాలి.

చంద్ర స్తుతి :-
దధి శంఖ తుషారాభం క్షీరోదార్ణవ సంభవం |
నమామి శశినం సోమం శంభోర్మకుట భూషణమ్ -

చంద్రుని కోసం పై మంత్రమును 10,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి. దుర్గాపూజ
చేసి బియ్యం, వెండి దానం చేయాలి,

కుజ స్తుతి:-
ధరణీ గర్భ సంభూతం విద్యుత్కాంచన సన్నిభం
కుమారం శక్తిహస్తం తం మంగళం ప్రణమాన్యుహమ్ |

కుజుని కోసం పై మంత్రమును 7,100 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి. సుబ్రహ్మణ్య
పూజ చేసి, కందులు దానం చేయాలి.

రాహు స్తుతి:-
ఆర్ధకాయం మహావీరం చంద్రాదిత్య విమర్ధనం
సింహికాగర్భ సంభూతం రాహుంతం ప్రణమామ్యహం

రాహువు కోసం పై మంత్రమును 18,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి దుర్గాపూజ
చేసి మినుములు దానం చేయాలి.

గురు స్తుతి:
దేవానాంచ ఋషీణాంచ గురుం కాంచన సన్నిభం
బుద్ధిమంతం త్రిలోకేశం నమామి బృహస్పతిం ||

గురువు కోసం పై మంత్రమును 16,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి. రుద్రాభిషేకం
చేయించి శనగలు దానం చేయాలి.

శని స్తుతి:
నీలాంజన సమాభాసం రవిపుత్రం యమాగ్రజం
ఛాయా మార్తాండ సంభూతం తం నమామి శనైశ్చరం |

శనికోసం పై మంత్రమును 19,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి. తైలాభిషేకం
చేయించి నువ్వులు దానం చేయాలి.

బుధ స్తుతి:
ప్రియంగు కళికా శ్యామం రూపేణ ప్రతిమం  బుధం
సౌమ్యం సత్యగుణో పేతం తంబుధం ప్రణమామ్యహం !

బుధుని కోసం సైమంత్రమును 17,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి.
శ్రీ మహావిష్ణుపూజ చేసి, పెసలు దానం చేయాలి.

కేతు స్తుతి :-
పలాశ పుష్ప సంకాశం తారకాగ్రహ మస్తకం |
రౌద్రం రౌద్రాత్మకం ఘోరం తం కేతుం ప్రణమామ్యహం ||

కేతువు కోసం పైమంత్రమును 7,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి.
నమస్కారములు చేసి ఉలవలు దానం చేయాలి.

శుక్రస్తుతి :-
హిమకుంద మృణాళాభం దైత్యానాం పరమం గురుం
సర్వ శాస్త్ర ప్రవక్తారం భార్గవం ప్రణమామ్యహం ||

శుక్రుడు కోసం పైమంత్రమును 20,000 సార్లు జపం చేయాలి. మహా
లక్షిపూజ చేసి, బొబ్బర్లు దానం చేయాలి.

ప్రతి ఒక్కరు ప్రతిరోజు నవగ్రహ స్తుతిని కనీసం 9 సార్లు జపం చేసిన
శుభం కలుగుతుంది.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Ketu gayatri mantras/केतु गायत्रि मन्त्रः


केतु गायत्रि मन्त्रः :

1. चित्रवर्णाय विद्महे सरभ रूपाय धीमहि तन्नः केतुः प्रचोदयात् 

2. पद्मत्रयाय विद्महे अम्रुतेसाय धीमहि तन्नः केतुः प्रचोदयात् 

3. धूम्रवर्णाय विद्महे विकृताननाय धीमहि तन्नः केतुः प्रचोदयात् 

4. अस्वध्वजाय विद्महे सॊलहस्ताय धीमहि तन्नः केतुः प्रचोदयात् 

కేతు గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు : 

1. చిత్రవర్ణాయ విద్మహే శరభ రూపాయ ధీమహి తన్న: కేతు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. పద్మత్రయాయ విద్మహే అమృతేశాయ ధీమహి తన్న: కేతు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

3. ధూమ్రవర్ణాయ విద్మహే వికృతాననాయ ధీమహి తన్న: కేతు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

4. అశ్వద్వజాయ విద్మహే శులహస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్న: కేతు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

Monday, February 8, 2021

How is your Day - The Ashtakavarga Technique in Brahmayamala

On any desired day find the positions natal chart, find the number of bindus in each bhava occupied by the planets in the Zodiac. From the Bhinnashtakavargas of the the 7 planets on the day in question and find the total of the bindus associated with all 7 planets. 

The day-to-day  effects will be as per the Benefic Bindus obtained as follows :

Thus, the day-to-day prosperity or otherwise has been  mentioned by the sages. This important Ashtakavarga method  has been taught by God Shiva in the Brahmayamala to under- stand the effects of the Dasas and the day-to-day results, Whatever effects are given in the forgoing verses according to the Ashtakavarga bindus, they will be two-fold when the planets are in their exaltation, own house or Upachaya houses and proportionately reduced if they are otherwise. In this manner the effects of all the 12 bhavas should be  judged.

Mangal Dosha Or Kuja Dosha an Exhaustive View Point from various classical texts



In determining marriage compatibility, position of radical Mars in  the horoscopes of the couple is given significant importance in certain parts of India. Placement of Mars is seen first before judging  horoscopes for any Kuta or even its inherent strength & virtues. Sacerdotal fire is said to get extinguished, if he is un matchingly placed in horoscopes of the couple.

A girl or boy having Mars posited in 1,4,7,8, or 12th  houses  of radix does not yield benefic results after marriage. One spouse  destroys the other. (Jyotir Vidyabharanam)  

A girl having Mars in 1,4,7,8, or 12th  houses destroys her  husband; & a boy having similarly placed Mars destroys his wife after  marriage. (Muhurta Sangraha Darpanam)  

If Mars is in 2, 4,7, 8 or 12th  houses in horoscope of  female, death of her husband will happen, & similar situation in the  horoscope of the husband will cause death of his wife (Kerala Shastra)

The latter view is accepted in South India where Mars in 2nd house is considered as cause of death of spouse instead of when posited in  1st as generally followed in the North India. Logic of including 2nd house in the consideration is that this house represents matrimonial  aspects  It is also accepted that the Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha is to be  reckoned not only from the radical ascendant, but also from radical  Moon & also from the radical Venus, as the Moon represents mind & Venus the sexual relations. It is also held that the Dosha is weak when  present with respect to the radical ascendant, a little stronger from the  radical Moon's position: & strongest when present from the radical Venus. 

Extending this logic some opine that Kuja Dosha should also  be seen from Jupiter who is significator (Karak) of 2nd house. But in  the above three quoted dictums no such reference has been specifically made. It appears to be a derived phenomenon, as  horoscope is judged from radical ascendant, radical Moon sign taken  as ascendant & position of Karak (significator) taken as ascendant.  

According to Muhurta Deepika, if either boy or girl is having the  Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in 1,2,4,7,8 or 12 houses in their  matal charts, they have Mangal Dosha. And, if only boy is having the said planets in these houses from the placement of Venus, he has the  Dosha  This Dosha gets cancelled if present in horoscopes of both bride &  bridegroom. As poison kills poison, it is opined that if death of a spouse is indicated in a horoscope, then he / she should marry a  person whose horoscope indicates the same. Or the Mars, causer of  the affiction, should be weak or ineffective or having beneficial  disposition, in which case the Dosha does not exist will not be  effective. But this logic is not accepted by some, as a weak malefic  causes more adversities than a strong malefic. Matching is felt  essential if Mars is strong, or with a malefic, or aspected by a malefic,  or is in a malefic sign or in a malefic navamsha or in a malefic  asterism.  According to Muhurta Deepika, count the number of afflictions  (Doshas) present in both the horoscopes due to placements of the Sun,  Mars, Rahu & Ketu. If the numbers of afflictions in the boy's  horoscope are more or equal than that of the number present in the    girl's horoscope, the union is recommended. (The more the afflictions , more the dosha and thereby more the adversity)    

Some of the antidotes of the Mangal Dosha are as  following :

1) if Mars is set or retrograde or debilitated or in enemy's sign  (in 1,4,7,8.or 12th houses) then Mars Dosha is not effective (Muhurta  Deepika) that means the person can marry another person who has no  Kuja Dosha 

2) If both the spouses are having Mangal Dosha or the total Gunas  in matching are adequate (more than 27) then matching is recommended. 

3) The Dosha is nullified if 2nd  house is having the Moon & Venus, or Jupiter aspects Mars; or Rahu conjoins Mars (Muhurta  Deepika)

4) If Graha Maitri is present & Gana is the same, & adequate  Gunas (more than 27) are present then, the Dosha does not exist (Muhurta  Deepika). 

5) If any malefic (the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu) is present in either of 1,4,7,8,12 houses in horoscope of a spouse; and in horoscope of the other spouse any malefic is placed in similar house-
then the Dosha does not exists (Phalita Navaratana  Sangraha).

6) There is no Mars Dosha if Mars is in Aries coinciding 1" house;  Scorpio coinciding 4" house: Capricorn coinciding 10 house; Cancer  coinciding house; or Sagittarius coinciding 12 house (Muhurta  Deepika)
7) In the opinion of some, Mars in 2nd house coinciding with  Gemini or Virgo, 4th house coinciding with Aries & Scorpio, 7th  house coinciding with Cancer or Capricorn, 8th house  coinciding with Sagittarius or Pisces, 12th  house coinciding with Taurus or Libra - produces no Mangal Dosha
8) Strong Jupiter & Venus in ascendant or 7h house counteract the  Dosha. Some opine that if Jupiter or the Moon joins Mars, then the  Dosha does not exist,

9) If a spouse is having Saturn in 1st or 4th or 7th or 8th  or 12th then  the Mangal Dosha does not exist (Muhurta Sangraha Darpanam &  Muhurta Deepika)

10) if the Moon and Venus are in 2nd  house or Mars is aspected by Jupiter or Rahu is in quadrant, then Mangal Dosha does not prevail.

11) If Mars is in Leo or Aquarius ( in any of the said houses)  then the Kuja Dosha is not present at all

12) Mars does not cause Mangal Dosha to natives having Leo or  Cancer as radical ascendant, as Mars is Yogakaraka (special benefic) planet for these ascendants. But if Mars signifies malefic effects in such chart (being debilitated, combust, in enemy's sign etc.)  then, he shall cause the Dosha

Rahu Gayatri Mantra


राहु गायत्रि मन्त्राः

1. ॐ नागध्वजाय विद्महे पद्म हस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो राहुः प्रचोदयात् 

2. सूकतन्त्राय विद्महे पद्महस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो राहुः प्रचोदयात् 

3. ॐ नागध्वजाय विद्महे उग्ररूपाय धीमहि तन्नो राहुः प्रचोदयात् 

4. ॐ शिरो रूपाय विद्महे अम्रुतेसाय धीमहि तन्नो राहुः प्रचोदयात् 

5. ॐ भृगुपुत्राय विद्महे सैम्हिकेयाय धीमहि तन्नो राहुः प्रचोदयात् 

రాహు గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు :

1. ఓం నాగధ్వజాయ విద్మహే పద్మ హస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్నో రాహు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. సూకతంత్రాయ విద్మహే పద్మహస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్నో రాహు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

3. ఓం నాగధ్వజాయ విద్మహే ఉగ్రరూపాయ ధీమహి తన్నో రాహు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

4. ఓం శిరో రూపాయ విద్మహే అమృతేశాయ ధీమహి తన్నో రాహు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

5. ఓం భృగుపుత్రాయ విద్మహే  సైమ్హికేయాయ ధీమహి తన్నో రాహు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Volatile Time Ahead

Starting 8.29 pm on 9th Feb till 2.09 am on 12th Feb,  there will be a six planetary conjunction in Capricorn. 

There will be an Amavasya on 11th and in addition there is already a Kala Sarpa Yoga Running from 6th to 21st Feb. 

All these factors indicate a very very volatile time period. 

There will be tensions with neighbours. Pakistan, Afghanistan,Turkey may experience a major Earth quake .

There will be skirmishes at the border with Pakistan. Indian Army will be in an aggressive mode. 

Those in Stock market speculation be ware there will be a major crash in indices around 10th Feb and the markets will be volatile for some time to come. 

Like in Myanmar,Some more Governments will be toppled in the near future. 

Some Government heads may be misled by their ministers or advisors.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Remedies/Life style changes for appeasing Jupiter


Following remedies/life style changes help reduce the bad effects of Jupiter : 

1. Wear Kumkum everyday

2. Visit Temples regularly

3. Go on Piligrimages when ever possible

4. Feed the Poor 

5. Never talk less of Gods, Gurus or Brahmins

6. Respect Elders

7. Visit Dattatreya or Sai Baba Temples regularly

8. Read Guru Charitra 

9. Participate in Charitable activities

10. Felicitate your Guru.

Remedies for appeasing Saturn

Following simple remedies/life style changes help reduce the effects of a Bad Saturn in your horoscope :

1. Do not eat Non vegetarian food or drink alcohol

2. Respect Elders and never bad mouth your house helps or labourers. Give them more for the work you got done by them

3. Feed Monkeys and Fish

4. Give Chapathi to Crows 

5. See that there is always light in the last room of your home. 

6. Take bath in Rivers. 

7. Dont buy First hand leather and Iron articles 

8. Dont wear black clothes 

9. Visit Siva Temples regularly . 

10. Avoid the door in the south direction. 

Vishnu and Lakshmi Gayatri Mantras

 विष्णु गायत्रि मन्त्र :

1. नारायणाय विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि तन्नो विष्णुः प्रचोदयात् 

2. लक्ष्मी नाधाय विद्महे चक्रधराय धीमहि तन्नो विष्णुः प्रचोदयात् 

3.दामोदराय विद्महे चतुर्भुजाय धीमहि तन्नो विष्णुः प्रचोदयात् 

విష్ణు గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు :

1. నారాయణాయ విద్మహే వాసుదేవాయ ధీమహి తన్నో విష్ణు : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. లక్ష్మీ  నాధాయ విద్మహే చక్రధరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో విష్ణు : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

3. దామోదరాయ విద్మహే చతుర్భుజాయ ధీమహి తన్నో విష్ణు: ప్రచోదయాత్ 

लक्ष्मी गायत्री मन्त्राः 

1. महादेव्यैच विद्महे विष्णुपथ्नैच धीमहि तन्नो लक्ष्मीः प्रचोदयात् 

2.अमृतवासिनि विद्महे पद्मलोचनि धीमहि तन्नो लक्ष्मी:प्रचोदयात् 

లక్ష్మీ గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు :

1. మహాదేవ్యైచ విద్మహే విష్ణుపత్నైచ ధీమహి తన్నో లక్ష్మీ : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. అమృతవాసిని  విద్మహే పద్మలోచని ధీమహి తన్నో లక్ష్మీ: ప్రచోదయాత్  

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sani Gayatri Mantras


सनैस्चर गायत्री मन्त्रः 

1.ॐ नीलांबराय विद्महे सूर्य पुत्राय धीमहि  तन्नो सोउरिः प्रचोदयात्  

2. ॐ काकध्वजाय विद्महे खद्गहस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो मन्दः प्रचोदयात् 

3. भाग भव्याय विद्महे मृत्युरूपाय धीमहि तन्नस्सोउरि प्रचोदयात् 

శనైశ్చర గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు :

1. ఓం నీలాంబరాయ విద్మహే సూర్య పుత్రాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సౌరి : ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. ఓం కాకధ్వజాయ విద్మహే ఖడ్గహస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్నో మందః ప్రచోదయాత్ 

3. భగ భవ్యాయ విద్మహే మృత్యురూపాయ ధీమహి తన్నస్సౌరి ప్రచోదయాత్ 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Yogas which cause Childlessness and Sarpa Sapa Yogas

Following are the combinations which indicate that the native is afflicted by Sarpa Sapa. These Yogas will result in the native not having children or losing children : 

1. Rahu in the 5th house and Kuja aspecting the 5th house OR 5th house is owned by Kuja and Rahu is placed in it 

2. If the 5th lord has connection to Rahu and Saturn is placed in the 5th and aspected or conjoined by Moon.

3.If Putra Karaka Guru is connected to Kuja, Rahu is placed in the lagna and 5th lord is in Dusthana

4. If 5th house is one of Rasis owned by Kuja , Rahu is placed in 5th and aspected or conjoined by Mercury.

These are the Sarpa Sapa Yogas. 

There might be other combinations and placements of planets also which may lead to Childlessness or loss of children. Following are some of those :

1. If 5th lord is combust and is placed in a Dusthana or an enemy's sign aspected by a naturally malefic planet 
2. If 5th house has very less number of Sarvashtaka varga Bindus 
3. If Lagna, 7th lord , 5th lord and Jupiter are bereft of strength 
4. If there is a Naturally malefic planet in the 5th house and the 5th lord is debilitated and doesnt have aspect of a naturally benefic planet.
5. Kuja in the 6th house and Saturn in the 4th house 
6. If the 6th lord from lagna is placed in the 6th house along with Ravi and Saturn and has aspect from Mercury
7. If Saturn is placed in the 7th from lagna ,Moon is placed in the 10th and Jupiter and Ravi are conjunct
8. If Ravi is placed in the lagna and Saturn is placed in the 7th house from it 
9. If Kuja,Chandra and Sukra are in the 7th from lagna
10. If Saturn is the 5th lord and is placed in Mesha in conjunction with Ravi and is aspected by Kuja
11. If Guru happens to be the 5th lord and in conjunction with Sukra is placed in the 12th from lagna and lagna is aspected by a malefic planet
12. If Chandra happens to be the 5th lord and in conjunction with Budha is placed in the 12th from lagna and Jupiter is placed in the 8th house
13. If Ravi happens to be the 5th lord and is in conjunct with a debilitated planet or has a debilitated aspect from a planet and is placed in the 12th from lagna and Jupiter is combust 

Sukra Hora - What to do in Sukra Hora

Influence of Venus/Sukra is maximum on Fridays or when Moon is in Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purvashadha Nakshatras .

In Sukra Hora period during any day , even the toughest of people will be in good loving mood. It is good to meet these kind of people in this period during the day. 

In Venus Hora, writing love messages gives good results.

For arranging the first meeting of prospective Bride and Groom this period is more congenial. 

Sukra Hora period is good time in the day to buy Clothes, Ornaments, precious stones, perfumes , make up kits etc.,

Puchase of vehicles is very good in Sukra Hora. The period is ver

y auspicious to open Cinema Halls, Studios, Photo Studios, Music colleges, Educational Institutions. 

The Sukra Hora of Saturdays is very auspicious for Inauguration of Leather Industries, Orphanages.

The Sukra Hora period of Fridays is very auspicious for Inauguration of Milk Diaries.

Sukra Hora of Tuesdays is very auspicious for Trading in Rice.

Sukra Hora of Wednesdays is very auspicious for Inauguration of shops for selling Buscuits, Choclates, Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, Silk Sarees, Makeup kits for women and pharmacy stores.

Sukra Hora of Thursdays is very auspicious for Inauguration of maternity hospitals, veterinary hospitals, Income Tax Offices, Courts or joining in the service in the above mentioned organisations.

Praying to the Mother Goddess is very good in Sukra Hora period

Monday, February 1, 2021

Guru/Brihaspati Gayatri Mantras

 गुरु गायत्री मन्त्रा : 

1. ॐ वृषभध्वजाय विद्महे क्रुणि हस्ताय धीमहि  तन्नो गुरु: प्रचोदयात् 

2. ॐ सुराचार्याय विद्महे वाचस्पत्याय धेमहि तन्नो गुरुः प्रचोदयात् 

3. ॐ अन्गीरसाय विद्महे दिव्यदेहाय धीमहि तन्नो गुरुः प्रचोदयात् 

4. ॐ गुरुदेवाय विद्महे परब्रह्मणे धीमहि तन्नो गुरुः प्रचोदयात् 


గురు గాయత్రీ మంత్రాలు :

1. ఓం వృషభధ్వజాయ విద్మహే కృణి హస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్నో గురుః ప్రచోదయాత్ 

2. ఓం సురాచార్యాయ విద్మహే వాచస్పత్యయాయ ధీమహి తన్నో గురుః ప్రచోదయాత్ 

3. ఓం అంగీరసాయ విద్మహే దివ్యదేహాయ ధీమహి తన్నో గురుః ప్రచోదయాత్ 

4. ఓం గురుదేవాయ విద్మహే పరబ్రహ్మణే ధీమహి తన్నో గురుః ప్రచోదయాత్  

Combinations causing Late Marraige

There are some particular combinations of planets which cause late marriages. Following are those combinations : 

1. When Debilitated Saturn is placed in 1,3,5,7,10 from Lagna or Moon.

2. When Kuja is placed in 8th house from Lagna or Moon

3. When Moon and Saturn are both placed in one of 1,2,7,11 from either Lagna or Moon 

4. When Lord of the 7th house and Venus are aspected strongly by Saturn.

5. When Kuja and Sukra are combinedly placed in one of 5,7 or 9th houses from either Lagna or Moon and have the aspect of Debilitated Jupiter. 

6. When 7th house from either Lagna or Moon have very low Sarva Ashtakavarga Bindus, there may be very late marraige or problems after marraige.