
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Tri Pushkara Yoga and Oher Yogas formed by combination of tithi, vaar & nakshatra

Tri Pushkara & Dwi Pushkara Yogas : 

A Tripada asterism (an asterism having its three parts out of four in one sign & one part in other sign) like Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttra Falguni, Vishakha, Uttra Shada or Poorva Bhadra; or a Dwipada asterism (an asterism having its two parts in one sign & balance two parts in the next sign) like Mrigshira, Chittra or Dhanishta; when coincide with any of the Bhadra Tithis (2nd, 7th, 12th Dark Half or Bright Half); and any one of Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday, results in Tripushkar and Dwipushkar Yogas respectively. Combination of weekday & constellation only does not cause these Yogas.

These Yogas should be chosen with utmost care and prudence for election purposes as these result in three times or two times respective occurance of activities such as destruction, death, injury, fight, birth etc. 

If a death occurs in a family during Tripushkar Yoga then, may follow three further deaths in the family; or if some item is destroyed / lost then, further three similar items will get destroyed / lost. If there is a birth or attainment of an item, then three births or three similar items are obtained. Similarly in Dwipushkar Yoga, the results get repeated twice.

To remove the Dosha one should donate three or two cows respectively or items having equivalent cost.

Some other yogas and general observations:

Abhijit muhurta: Divide dinmaan in 15 parts. 8th muhurta is good and can be safely used if nothing else is possible. Add Sunrise time with Sun set time and half it. 24 minutes on either side is abhijit muhurta.

 Aadal yoga: happens when Moon's nakshatra is 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, from Sun's nakshatra (including abhijit nakshatra). Avoid military activities, agricultural and stone works. Not bad for marriage & other samskaras.

Vidal yoga: happens when Moon's nakshatra is 3rd, 6th, 10th, 13th, 17lh, 20th, 24th, 27th from Sun's nakshatra (including abhijit nakshatra). It gives failure in all ventures.

Hora muhurta: Divide dinmaan into twelve equal parts and similarly divide ratrimaan in twelve equal parts. Thus we get 24 subdivisions of a day called horas. One hora = 1 hour (approx.). First hora of the day is ruled by the day lord, next by lord of the 6th day lord and next by 6th from that lord in the sequence. (Starting from 1st hora, go as per alternate weekday; backwards). Good work in a benefic hora and bad work commenced in a malefic hora gives good results. One should not commence any auspicious work in the hora of the planet that is inimical to ones birth star lord.

Rahu kalam: about 1.14 hours in a day belong to Rahu kala. No auspicious work should be started in this period. Divide dinmaan in 8 equal parts. 8th part on Sunday (4.30pm. to 6.00pm. 2nd part on Monday (7.30am. to 9.00am.) 7th part on Tuseday (3.00pm. to 4.30pm.) 5th part Wednesday (12.00 to 1.30pm.) 6th part on Thursday (1.30pm. to 3.00pm.), 4th part on Frida (10.30am. to 12.00 noon) and 3rd part on Saturday (9.00am. to 10.30am.) are Rahu kalas.

Pushya phala: During pushya nakshatra doshas of yogini, chandrayuti, tara, Jupiter's trans' bhadra (vishti), Rahu are cancelled. Guru pushya is considered to be the best, Ravi pushya next. Pushya anyway is however, inauspicious for marriage ceremony only.

Muhurta: divide dinmaan in 15 equal parts. Each part is known as muhurta of the da Likewise, divide ratrimaan in 15 equal parts. Each part is known as muhurta of the night.

Ravi Yoga - When is it formed ??? and exceptions


Ravi Yoga is formed if the current Moon constellation is fourth, sixth, ninth, tenth, thirteenth and twentieth from the constellation the Sun is on. For example, if the Sun is on Ashwini Nakshatra, then the fourth Rohini, the sixth Adra, the ninth Ashlesha, the 10th Magha, the 13th Hasta and the 20th Purvashada constellation, then Ravi Yoga occurs on that day. Ravi Yoga is believed to destroy all the doshas. The work done in it pays off quickly. 

But if Sunday comes with the above Nakshatras, then 9 Vajras are formed by the combination of Sunday-Ashlesha, 10 Mudgar Yoga is formed by the combination of Sunday-Magha, in which no work should be done.

Ravi Yoga - Auspicious time from 15:30 today - Tara & Chandra Balam for today - 30.04.2023


Today is Vaisakha Sukla Dasami, Sunday. An auspicious Ravi Yoga is in operation for the whole of today. As the nakshatra is Magha upto 15:30 Hrs the Ravi Yoga is effective after 15:30 as the nakshatra will be changing to Purva Phalguni. The time after 15:30 is auspicious to perform Ravi Homa and perform other remedies to Ravi, Rahu,Ketu. 

Donating 1.25 Kgs of Black gram packed in a Wheatish coloured cloth will reduce the ill effects of Rahu Graha

Donating 1.25 Kgs of Horse gram packed in a red cloth to a brahmin will reduce ill effects of Ketu graha

Or chanting the mantras of Rahu And Ketu as many time as possible will reduce the ill effects caused by these Grahas.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Daily Moon Sign Horoscopes for Tomorrow - 30.04.2023

 Daily Moon Sign Horoscopes for Tomorrow - 30.04.2023

Sita Navami Today - 29.04.2023 - Tara & Chandra Bala for today for each nakshatra paada.

Today is Vaisakha Sukla Navami. Today is celebrated as Sita Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Sita Maatha. Married women do fast today worship Sita Devi for long lives of their husbands. 

Chanting Seetha Sahasra Nama stotra will give auspicious results like prosperity and good health to Couples and resolution for any conflicts. 

In Vaisakha maasa donating Water, Foot wear, Umbrella to poor and needy people will absolve one from all sins.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Masik Durgashtami Today - 28.04.2023 - Tara & Chandra Balam for today

Today is Vaisakha Sukla Ashtami till evening 04;01. Today is also Masik Durgashtami. Very good day to pray to Durga Matha. Chanting Durga Sooktam will bring immense benefits and reduce the ill effects of all planets in one's horoscope especially Rahu. 

Visit any Durga temple nearby to you and get ashtottara puja. Or performing Kum Kum pooja for the mother will give extremely good results.

Today is Aslesha till 12:47. Good day to start doing japa for Budha. If Budha is placed in dusthanas or is debilitated or combust in your horoscope you can do a Japa (17000 times) of Budha mantra yourself or by a purohita.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

రేపటి రాశి ఫలితాలు - 28. 04. 2023

మేషరాశి : చర్మ సంబంధమైన ఎలర్జీలు ఇతర చికాకులు ఉండొచ్చు. ఆర్ధిక పరిస్థితి పరవాలేదు అనిపిస్తుంది. ప్రయాణాలు చేయవలసి వస్తుంది. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. గవర్నమెంట్ కాంట్రాక్టర్లకి, రచయితలకి, హోటల్ వ్యాపారంలో ఉన్న వాళ్ళకి మంచి లాభాలు ఉంటాయి. నీతి నిజాయితీతో వ్యవహరించండి. భాగస్వామ్య వ్యాపారాలు లాభించవు.

వృషభ రాశి: సంతోషంగా ఉంటారు. సినిమాలకి షికారులకి వెళ్తారు. నిద్రలేమితో నూ, కాళ్ల నొప్పులతో నూ, బాధపడతారు. కొందరికి ఎడం కన్ను కి సంబంధించిన చికాకులు ఉండొచ్చు. ఖర్చులు ఎక్కువగా చేస్తారు. మొత్తానికి అనుకున్నవన్నీ సాధిస్తారు. కొందరికి ప్రమోషన్లు వచ్చే సమయం. ఆదాయం బాగానే ఉంటుంది.

మిధునరాశి: విద్యా విషయాలలో పురోగతి బాగుంటుంది. మంచి మార్కులతో ఉత్తీర్ణత సాధిస్తారు. తల్లి ఆరోగ్యం మెరుగుపడుతుంది. గృహ వాహన యోగాలు ఉన్నాయి. కొన్ని విషయాల్లో అసహనంతో ఉంటారు. అదృష్టం మీ వైపే ఉంటుంది. రెండు మూడు రకాల ఆదాయాలు ఉంటాయి. పై అధికారులతో మాట పడవలసి రావచ్చు జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండండి.

కర్కాటకరాశి: వృత్తి ఉద్యోగ వ్యాపారాలలో మంచి పురోగతి ఉంటుంది. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. ఆస్తి పంపకాలలో లాభపడతారు. ఆరోగ్యం బాగానే ఉంటుంది. గవర్నమెంట్ కాంట్రాక్టర్లు, ఫార్మసీ వ్యాపారంలో ఉన్నవాళ్లు, ఉపాధ్యాయ వృత్తిలో ఉన్నవాళ్లు మంచి ప్రగతి సాధిస్తారు.

సింహరాశి: భాగస్వామ్య వ్యాపారాలు లాభిస్తాయి. ఆస్తులు పెరుగుతాయి. వాక్చాతుర్యంతో ఎంతటి వారినైనా కన్విన్స్ చేయగలరు. హోటల్ బిజినెస్ లో ఉన్న వాళ్ళకి మంచి లాభాలు ఉంటాయి. రాజకీయ రంగంలో ఉన్నవారు మంచి పదవులు ఆశించవచ్చు. పేరు ప్రఖ్యాతలు పెరుగుతాయి. తీర్థయాత్రలు చేసే అవకాశం ఉంది.

కన్యారాశి: ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. సరైన సమయంలో సరైన నిర్ణయాలు చేయగలుగుతారు. శత్రువులపై విజయం సాధిస్తారు. విద్యా విషయాలలో పురోగతి బాగుంటుంది. తండ్రి ఆరోగ్యం పై శ్రద్ధ పెట్టాలి. తీర్థయాత్ర లు చేసే ప్రయత్నాలు వాయిదా పడతాయి. వృత్తి వ్యాపారాలలో కూడా కొన్ని పనులు వాయిదా పడే సూచనలు ఉన్నాయి.

తులారాశి: పిల్లల పురోగతి విషయంలో సంతృప్తిగా ఉంటారు. మనశ్శాంతిగా ఉంటుంది. ధైర్య సాహసాల తో కొన్ని పనులు సాధిస్తారు. మనసు ఆందోళనగా ఉంటుంది. ఆదాయం బాగానే ఉన్నా ఖర్చు అంతకన్నా ఎక్కువే ఉంటుంది. ఉపాధ్యాయ వృత్తిలో ఉన్నవారు, ఫార్మసీరంగంలో ఉన్నవారు లాభపడతారు

వృశ్చిక రాశి: జీవిత భాగస్వామితో మాట పట్టింపులు ఉండొచ్చు. అష్టమ కుజ సంచారం వల్ల వాహనాలు నడుపుతున్నప్పుడు జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండాలి. తీర్థయాత్రలు చేస్తారు. తల్లి ఆరోగ్యం మెరుగుపడుతుంది. విద్యా విషయాలలో పురోగతి బాగుంటుంది. గృహ వాహన యోగాలు ఉన్నాయి. గవర్నమెంట్ కాంట్రాక్టర్లకు కొంత ప్రయత్నం మీద పనులు నెరవేరుతాయి. రచయితలకు, అకౌంటెంట్లకు, టెక్స్టైల్స్ రంగంలోని వారికి లాభాలు ఉంటాయి.

ధనస్సు రాశి: ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. ఆట పోటీల్లో విజయాలు సాధిస్తారు. మనసు కొద్దిగా ఆందోళనగా ఉంటుంది. కొందరికి ప్రమోషన్లు వచ్చే సమయం. సంఘంలో మీ పరపతి పెరుగుతుంది. అధికార యోగం ఉంది. ఉపాధ్యాయ వృత్తిలో ఉన్నవారు మంచి పేరు గడిస్తారు.

మకర రాశి: ఆస్తులు కూడా పెడతారు. భోజన సౌఖ్యం ఉంది. సంతాన విషయంలో ఆందోళన చెందుతారు. భాగస్వామ్య వ్యాపారాల్లో అంతగా లాభాలు ఉండవు. విదేశీ వ్యాపారాల్లో కూడా అంత అనుకూలత ఉండదు. అదృష్టం మీ వైపే ఉంది. తండ్రి ఆరోగ్యం మెరుగుపడుతుంది. దైవకార్యాలు చేస్తారు.

కుంభరాశి: ప్రయాణాలు ఎక్కువగా చేస్తూ ఉంటారు. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. ఇంతకు ముందర ఇచ్చిన అప్పులు వెనక్కి వస్తాయి. తండ్రితో సంబంధాలు అంత సంతృప్తిగా ఉండవు. కొన్ని విషయాల్లో అసహనానికి గురవుతారు. ప్రయాణాలు లాబిస్తాయి.

మీన రాశి: వృత్తి ఉద్యోగ వ్యాపారాలలో ప్రగతి సాధిస్తారు. పిల్లల విషయంలో ఆందోళన చెందుతారు. జీవిత భాగస్వామితో వ్యాపార భాగస్వాములతో సంబంధ బాంధవ్యాలు బాగుంటాయి. మీకు రావలసిన డబ్బులు ఆలస్యం అవుతాయి. ఆదాయం బాగానే ఉన్నా ఖర్చులు అంతకుమించి ఉంటాయి .

Ganga Saptami and Guru Pushya Yoga Today - 27.04.2023 - Most auspicious day


Today is an extremely auspicious day as today is Vaisakha Sukla Saptami, the day when Ganga was reborn . As today is Thursday and Moon is transiting through Pushyami nakshatra, a Most Auspicious Guru Pushya Yoga is operating today. In addition, there is a Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga running today along with Amrita Siddhi Yoga. 

Success is guaranteed if  acquiring knowledge of something important/ learning a new subject is started today. Today many people in North India consider it very auspicious to buy Gold. 

Today is a most auspicious day in the Ganga Pushkaras currently going on. Taking bath in Ganges will absolve one from all sins. 

Those who could not go to Ganga can go to the near by river and assume the Ganga water is flowing in the river by chanting this mantra : 

Gangecha yamunechiva Godavari Saraswati
Narmade Sindhu kaveri jalesmin sannidham Kuru 

If You cannot go to the river you can chant the above mentioned mantra before taking bath at home in the morning and also evening. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ganga Saptami - 27.04.2023

Tomorrow ie 27.04.2023 is Vaisakha Sukla Saptami and is celebrated as Ganga Saptami. This day is believed to be the day when Ganga was reborn.

According to Hindu Mythology Ganga  descended to the Earth on Ganga Dussehra day. When mighty Ganga was descended to the Earth, Lord Shiva took her in His hairs to break Ganga's descent to avoid Ganga sweeping the whole Earth away. Later Lord Shiva released Ganga so that she can accomplish her mission to purge the cursed souls of Bhagiratha's ancestors.

While on her way to kingdom of Bhagiratha, her mighty flow and gushing turbulent water destroyed the Ashram of sage Jahnu. This angered Sage Jahnu and he drank up all of Ganga's water. Upon this, Bhagiratha and the Gods prayed to Rishi Jahnu to release Ganga so that she could proceed on her mission. Pleased with prayers Jahnu released Ganga from his ear.

According to legends Jahnu Rishi released Ganga from his ear on Saptami of Vaishakha Shukla Paksha. Because of this legend this day is also known as Jahnu Saptami. Ganga is also known as Jahnavi, the daughter of Rishi Jahnu.

On Ganga Saptami devotees worship Goddess Ganga and take bath in Ganges. Taking bath in Ganges on Ganga Saptami day is considered highly auspicious.

This Mythological Story finds mention in Padma Purana, Brahma Purana and Narada Purana.

On this day, people take bath in Ganga river, recite Ganga Stotram and can also offer jal to shivlinga chanting ॐ गंगाधराय नमः॥

Dasa Sandhi Period

Life is a journey full of ups and downs, and we often encounter periods of transition and change. In Vedic astrology, the planetary periods or dashas play a significant role in determining various aspects of life.
Dasha is a term used in Vedic astrology to refer to the main cycle or period of influence of the planets, which is determined by the position of the Moon at the time of an individual's birth. Depending on the Dasha, certain planets rule over our lives at any given period.

Antar Dasha, on the other hand, refers to sub-periods within a Dasha cycle. Each Dasha period is divided into multiple Antar Dasha periods, each of which is governed by a different planet.

These sub-periods can vary in duration, depending on the specific planetary influence and position in an individual's birth chart.

During a Dasha and Antar Dasha period, the planetary influence is believed to shape our lives and experiences. Our behavior and perspectives change, and our personalities evolve as we transition from one Dasha to another.

Understanding the influence of these planetary periods can provide valuable insights into our lives and help us navigate  changes with greater awareness and clarity. However, the transitions between these periods, known as  Dasha Sandhi and Antar Dasha Sandhi, can pose challenges and difficulties.

Dasha Sandhi is an important concept in Vedic astrology that refers to the transition period between two consecutive planetary periods or dashas. In other words, it is the time when one planetary period is ending, and the next one is about to begin.

During Dasha Sandhi, the influence of the previous dasha may still be felt, while the effects of the upcoming dasha may not  yet be apparent. This can lead to confusion, uncertainty, and a lack of direction in life. Additionally, the planetary energies may be in a state of imbalance during this transition period,  which can cause challenges and difficulties.

If the effects of the  Transition period are causing too much of difficulties and hurdles, performing Mritunjaya homa, or regularly chanting Vishnu Sahasranama will help wade through the difficult times. 

రేపటి - 27. 04. 2023 - రాశి ఫలితాలు

మేష రాశి : ఆర్థిక పరిస్థితులు మెరుగవుతాయి. దైవ కార్యాలు చేస్తారు. పేరు ప్రఖ్యాతలు గడిస్తారు. కొన్నిసార్లు అతిగా మాట్లాడి ఇబ్బందుల్లో ఎదుర్కొంటారు. విద్యా విషయాల్లో మంచి పురోగతి సాధిస్తారు. స్నేహితుల కలయికతో సంతోషంగా ఉంటారు. వ్యాపారాల్లో లాభాలు గడిస్తారు. ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. జీవిత భాగస్వామితో విభేదాలు ఉంటాయి. 

వృషభ రాశి : వృత్తి వ్యాపారాల్లో పురోగమిస్తారు. పిల్లల పురోగతి మీకు సంతృప్తిని ఇస్తుంది. తోడబుట్టిన వాళ్లతో మంచి సఖ్యత ఉంటుంది. దూరప్రాంత ప్రయాణానికి ప్రణాళికలు వేస్తారు. సంతోషంగా ఉంటారు. కొన్ని పనులు అతి ప్రయత్నం మీద జరుగుతాయి. నిజాయితీతో వ్యవహరిస్తారు. మాట్లాడే ముందర ఆలోచించి మాట్లాడటం మేలు. శత్రువులపై విజయం సాధిస్తారు.

మిధున రాశి: మీకు అండగా ఉండే వాళ్ళు చాలామంది ఉంటారు. కోపాన్ని అదుపులో పెట్టుకోవాలి. మీ తండ్రి ఆరోగ్యం మెరుగుపడుతుంది. విద్యుత్ రంగంలోని వారికి మంచి లాభాలు. తీర్థయాత్రలు చేస్తారు. పిల్లల పురోగతి విషయాల్లో కొంత ఆందోళన ఉంటుంది. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది.

కర్కాటక రాశి: ప్రయాణాలు చేయవలసి వస్తుంది. ఈ ప్రయాణాల వల్ల మంచి కలుగుతుంది. పిల్లల పురోగతి విషయాల్లో కొంత ఆందోళన చెందుతారు. మీ వాక్యాతుర్యం ప్రదర్శించి కార్యసాధన చేస్తారు. ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. మీ తెలివితేటలు వెలుగులోకి వస్తాయి. మంచి గుర్తింపు పొందుతారు. మీ అధికారాన్ని సద్వినియోగం చేసుకుంటారు. ఆస్తి పంపకాల్లో లాభపడతారు. అష్టమ శని వల్ల కొంత ఆందోళన అయితే ఉంటుంది.

సింహరాశి: ఆస్తులు వృద్ధి చెందుతాయి. కొన్ని పనులు వాయిదా పడతాయి. విదేశీ వ్యాపారాల్లో వ్యవహారాల్లో అనుకూలతలు ఉంటాయి. జీవిత భాగస్వామితో సఖ్యంగానే ఉంటారు. పిల్లల పురోగతి విషయంలో సంతృప్తి చెందుతారు. దూర ప్రయాణాలు చేసే ఆలోచన చేస్తారు. వృత్తి ఉద్యోగాలలో పురోగతి సాధిస్తారు.

కన్యా రాశి: ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. శత్రువులపై విజయం సాధిస్తారు. రుణాలు తీర్చేస్తారు. అష్టమ రాహు  ప్రభావం ఉంది గనుక కొన్ని విషయాలలో ఆటంకాలు ఆలస్యాలు ఉంటాయి. రాహు కేతువులకి పూజలు చేసుకుంటూ ఉండాలి. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. ఏ పని చేసినా విజయం లభిస్తుంది. 

తులారాశి: క్రమ పద్ధతిలో ఆలోచించడం అలవాటు చేసుకోవాలి. వేరే వాళ్ళు చెప్పేది మీకు సరిపడుతుందా లేదా అని జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి ఏ విషయంలో అయినా నిర్ణయాలు తీసుకోవాలి. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. పిల్లల విషయాల్లో పురోగతి బాగుంటుంది. విద్యా విషయాలలో పురోగతి ఉంటుంది. ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. ఏదో తక్కువైనట్టుగా మనసులో అసంతృప్తి ఉంటుంది. రాహు కేతువులకు పూజలు చేసుకోవాలి. 

వృశ్చిక రాశి: విద్యా విషయాలలో మంచి పురోగతి ఉంటుంది. నిద్రలేమితో బాధపడతారు. దూర ప్రాంత ప్రయాణాలకు ప్రణాళికలు ఫలించకపోవచ్చు. స్నేహితులు అండగా ఉంటారు. మంచి విజయం ఉంది. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. తల్లి ఆరోగ్యం మెరుగుపడుతుంది. వాహన యోగం ఉంది. 

ధనస్సు రాశి: తోడబుట్టిన వారు అండగా ఉంటారు. ధరి సాహసాలు ప్రదర్శిస్తారు. వృత్తి వ్యాపారాలలో మంచి పురోగతి ఉంది. కష్టపడిన తర్వాత ఫలితం దక్కుతుంది. అదృష్టం కొద్దిగా తక్కువగా ఉంది. కష్టపడిన దానికి తగిన ప్రతిఫలం ఉండకపోవచ్చు. విదేశీ వ్యాపారాలు

మకర రాశి: ఆస్తులు కూడ పెడతారు. కుటుంబంలో సంతోషం ఉంటుంది. కానీ జీవిత భాగస్వామితో కొంత సఖ్యత తక్కువగా ఉంటుంది. అదృష్టం మీవేపే ఉంటుంది. కొన్ని పనులు వాయిదా పడతాయి. ఆదాయం బొటాబొటి గా ఉంటుంది. పిల్లలు విషయంలో ఆందోళన చెందుతారు.

కుంభరాశి: ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. ఆదాయం బాగుంటుంది. కొన్ని పరిస్థితుల్లో అసహనానికి గురవుతారు. అనుకున్న పనులు ప్రయత్నం మీద జరుగుతాయి. అదృష్టం కొద్దిగా తక్కువగా ఉందనే చెప్పాలి. తండ్రి ఆరోగ్యం మీద శ్రద్ధ పెట్టాలి. విద్యా విషయంలో విదేశీ ప్రయాణ ప్రయత్నాలు ఫలించవు.

మీన రాశి: ఆరోగ్యం బాగుంటుంది. ఖర్చులు అధికంగా ఉంటాయి. వృత్తి ఉద్యోగ వ్యాపారాలు అనుకూలంగానే ఉంటాయి. విదేశీ ప్రయాణాలు చేయాలనే ప్రయత్నాలు అలుస్తాయి. కొంత అసహనంగా ఉంటారు. ఈ రాశి వారు కొందరు ఆధ్యాత్మిక పురోగతి సాధిస్తారు. 

Tara and Chandra Balam for Today - 26.04.2023

Today is Vaisakha Sukla Shashti till 11:27 AM, Budhavara. And Moon transits Punarvasu nakshatra all day.

For those having Negative Dasas, Antardasas and bad transits of Guru and Budha grahas , this is a  good day to start doing Japas for both. Doing Parayana of Subhramanya Ashtakam will give good results as Shasti is contiuing till 11:27 AM.

Donating Haldi in Vaisakha Masa will avoid one from undergoing frequent accidents. Donating Jaggery, Sugar Cane ,Mangoes will also give auspicious results.

Tara Balam is more important today. Avoid starting to travel or starting any new activity in the timimngs shown in the red in the above chart.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Aadi Sankara Jayanti - 1235th Birth Anniversary - 25.04.2023 - Vaisakha Sukla Panchami

Today is Aadi Sankaracharya Jayanti. This day is the 1235th Birth Anniversary of Sree Aadi Sankaracharya. 

Adi Shankara was born in Kalady which is situated in Kerala during 788 C.E. and he disappeared at young age of 32 in year 820 C.E. Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti is observed on Panchami Tithi during Shukla Paksha of Vaishakha month and currently falls between April and May.

Shankaracharya consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanata and revived it at a time when Hindu culture was on decline.

Adi Shankara, along with Madhava and Ramanuja, was instrumental in the revival of Hinduism. 

These three teachers formed the doctrines that are followed by their respective sects even today. 

They have been the most important figures in the recent history of Hindu philosophy.

Today's Tara and Chandra Balam Chart :

Tara Balam,Chandra Balam for today - 24.04.2023

Click on the Picture to have a better and clear view. Today is good day to start to perform remedies for Mars and to pray for Lord Shiva and Subhramanyeswara.

Doing abhisheka to lord Shiva through Dhaara Paatra during vaisakha masa will give highly beneficial results.

Donating Sugar cane, Jaggery, Mangoes will give auspicious results during this month.  

As today is still chavithi/panchami having good tara balam is more important. 


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Stock Markets - Mercury Retrograde - April 21 st till May 15th ,2023


Mercury is retrograde from 21st of April till 15th of May,2023 in Mesha rasi. How will it effect the stock market???
Mercury generally influences the stocks of Corporates in the following sectors :
Media houses ,Aviation , Educational , Information Technology, Publication, Telecommunication, Travel and Tourism sectors. 

Mercury is now in close conjunction with Rahu. Both are good friends but are in an enemies sign. 

These two planets bring about volatility in stock prices of corporates belonging to the above mentioned sectors. These two planets cause some of the stocks to be overrated and overpriced or vice versa irrespective of their financials. Investors are required to exercise extreme caution when buying stocks in the above mentioned sectors till May 15th. 

Due to retrogression of Mercury, there may be some rumours which may mislead the investors into buying or selling. Please double check the authenticity of information based on which you are deciding upon buying or selling.  

Some times there may also be technical glitches in the Stock market servers due to Mercury's retrogression. 

Investors should make sure there is no miscommunication with the broker. 

 Mercury retrogression may also cause repairs to the Cell Phones 

Transit of Ketu - General Effects

Ketu is an imaginary but powerful planet and when it moves through the houses, its effects can be felt far and wide. It is considered a malefic planet because it gives negative results in many houses including 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. However, in 3rd, 6th and 11th, it brings positive results too. Rahu gives obsession for material possessions relating to the house where it sits so its impact cannot be felt as much as Ketu because Ketu takes away what Rahu gives. However, we should realize that what Rahu gives is not permanent happiness. At the same time, when Ketu takes away material comforts, it rewards you with spiritual liberation, the ultimate happiness. Both Rahu and Ketu spend almost 18 months in a sign, which is why their transit is an important astrological event. Here is how Ketu influences while moving through different houses.

Transit in First House : When Ketu transits to the first house from natal Moon, native begins to experience some mental tensions and health goes downhill to some extent. This is a period when your expenditure increases and savings decrease. You should avoid taking a loan during this period. This transit specifically affects your mind. Some confusion persists in life along with misunderstandings in married life. Your social reputation also suffers during this period.

Transit in Second House :If ketu transits into the 2nd house from natal Moon, it affects one’s financial prospects. Financial state remains vulnerable due to possibility of loss. Expenses are also likely to shoot up during this time. You should be very careful from theft and keep your house and belongings secure. Some mental ailments could possibly strike due to the placement of Ketu. It would be better to not ignore any eye related issues. During this time, you might develop a tendency to indulge in useless conversations. You should avoid becoming harsh as it could engender conflicts with spouse.

Transit in Third House :When Ketu moves into the 3rd house from where natal Moon is positioned, a relatively easy period begins. Native might enjoy some financial gains as well. Chances of progress on the work front increase. Native might get a lot of acclaim and fame in society. Frequent travels take place as well. This is a good period to perform well in education and land your dream job too.

Transit in Fourth House :Ketu transit to 4th house from natal Moon is not considered positive in Vedic Astrology. You should be careful while driving. Health of mother also becomes vulnerable during this period. Some financial fluctuations persist, causing unnecessary mental stress during this time. It isn’t the best period to travel either. You should also try to avoid any property related disputes.

Transit in Fifth House :If Ketu moves into 5th house from natal Moon, it increases one’s expenditure. Native also experiences a lot of issues with children during this period. Some mental stress remains throughout. It is not an opportune time to make new investments and you should exercise utmost caution in money matters too. Overall, this period brings lots of ups and downs in life.

Transit in Sixth House :When Ketu transits to 6th house from natal Moon, your work life begins to improve. This is a good period to get success in competitions. Career progresses and you get victory over opponents. Financial position also improves during this period. It is also an opportune time for business growth. You might begin to take interest in spiritual pursuits. However, health needs attention during this transit.

Transit in Seventh House :When Ketu moves into 7th house from natal Moon, the native tends to develop many health issues. Native also feels distressed and pressured mentally. A lot of misunderstandings and confusion prevails in your married life too. You should work towards curtailing expenses to keep finances balanced.

Transit in Eigth House :Ketu transit in 8th house from natal Moon doesn’t augur that well for a native. You should be extra careful in terms of health. Chances of frequent fever and body aches could be there. Lack of peace of mind and mental distress also persists until Ketu moves ahead. This transit can also lead to defame in society. You feel more inclined towards spirituality, which is good to mitigate the negativity during this transit. Some wealth loss is also possible during this period.

Transit in Ninth House :When Ketu moves into 9th house from natal Moon, native might travel abroad or go for a religious trip. This position of Ketu is not favorable for one’s finances. Some mental and physical distress also persists during this time. You should try to avoid any arguments with your children and siblings to maintain peaceful and cordial relationship.

Transit in Tenth House :Ketu’s transit into 10th house from natal Moon could affect one’s wealth related possibilities. You may also encounter some mental distress due to recurrent issues in life. Business progress could also come to a halt if you don’t put in serious efforts. Nonetheless, those in fieldwork might experience some growth during this time. This is a satisfactory period for salaried individuals too. You should however be alert and cautious in your social life.

Transit in Eleventh House :When Ketu transits to 11th house from natal Moon, it brings profits and gains in business. Any land and property deals also prove lucrative during this period. You can also start your own business. Income remains satisfactory throughout the transit. Your children are likely to get married during this period. Overall, this is a positive transit. You also feel more interested in meditation.

Transit in Twelth House :Ketu in 12th house from natal Moon is not a positive placement for married life. You might encounter some issues with spouse during this time. Expenditure also increases. However, this transit proves good for spiritual development. There is however a possibility of humiliation and defame too. You might get to travel abroad during this period but you should not spend excessively or take a loan while the transit lasts.

Transit of Rahu - General Effects

Rahu is a shadow planet, an imaginary point in the sky but its presence is the most powerful in Vedic Astrology. It spends around 18 months in each sign so its transit is naturally an important astrological event. Rahu increases your desires for material matters of the house where it is placed in the chart. When at 3rd, 6th and 11th from natal Moon, it gives positive results. And when it transits to 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th house from where natal Moon is positioned, it can be malefic too. Here is how it affects your life while transiting through each house.

Transit in First House : When Rahu moves into the first house from natal Moon in a birth chart, it brings a lot of challenges for the native. It boosts one’s tendency to squander money. Possibility of financial loss also exists during this period. Some health issues may keep you disturbed mentally. Also, lack of peace of mind persists in life until Rahu is in this position. A sense of restlessness remains. Native should refrain from any shady activities too.

Transit in Second  House :If Rahu transits to the second house from natal Moon, financial issues increase in your life. Some disputes in married life also take place. Expenditure also shoots up during this time. Something or the other keeps you disturbed. You should keep your dietary habits in check during this period to maintain good health. Eyes also become vulnerable during this time. It would also be better to avoid any arguments during this period.

Transit in Third House :When Rahu transits to the third house from natal Moon, it brings positive vibes back into life. You begin to enjoy your work life and work harder. Chances of promotion also exist. Native gets a lot of financial gains and prosperity during this time. Any prolonged litigation matters also get resolved in your favor. Your relationship with siblings also improves during this time. Your will power becomes stronger. You get fame and name in society with your own efforts. For salaried individuals, this period brings good chances of increment too.

Transit in Fourth House :Rahu’s transit into 4th house from where natal Moon is positioned is an alarming time. You should be extra cautious in matters involving land or property. This period may be full of troubles, which can affect your mental peace too. Your mother’s health could fall during this time. You should also be careful while driving as some trouble or accident from vehicle is possible during this period. A relocation could occur for some.

Transit in Fifth House :If Rahu transits to the fifth house from natal Moon, it brings a lot of mental stress and grief to the native. Something or the other related to children keeps you disturbed. This is a very promising period for growth in income and business though. But at the same time, some issues prevail in love life of the native. Due to increasing confusion, you may remain mentally distressed during this time.

Transit in Sixth House :When Rahu transits to the sixth house from natal Moon, it increases your sources of wealth accumulation. You may also get profit in business matters. Property deals turn out well for the native. You get a lot of respect and recognition in your social circle. Any pending court cases wind up in your favor too. You may also benefit from your maternal uncle in some way or the other.

Transit in Seventh House :If Rahu is moving into your 7th house from natal Moon, expect a lot of financial turbulence. There could be some loss of wealth too. You should be very cautious in matters involving money. Married life also remains disturbed during this time due to recurrent disputes. Moreover, health of spouse may also become a matter of concern. Your relationship with coworkers also suffers a setback while Rahu is in this position. You own health may also dip a bit during this time. You might bump into someone of other religion or caste and make a strong association.

Transit in Eigth House :Rahu’s transit in 8th house from natal Moon is not that positive. It can create some hurdles for the native such as physical ailments. You should be very careful and alert in health matters. A sexual disease is also possible so exercise caution. A lot of mental distress would be there along with unnecessary fears. You might have to face humiliation so better not indulge in any shady activities. Someone at work may try to drag you down so be watchful of any conspiracies against you. On a positive note, you could land some unexpected gain or hidden treasure during this transit.

Transit in Ninth House :Rahu’s move into the 9th house from natal Moon is also positive for a native. You might go abroad during this period. This is also a promising time concerning higher education. You might feel yourself driven towards spirituality. However, this transit may not augur well for your parents. Loss of money is also possible and you might get involved in shady activities. It would be best to avoid any arguments with coworkers to maintain better work relationships. Refrain from unnecessary discussions too.

Transit in Tenth House :Having Rahu in your 10th house from natal Moon means you are likely to experience growth in career. Your status and professional image improves during this period. You may also get some financial gains. Your relationship with seniors and coworkers also remains cordial and mutually beneficial. However, you may feel mentally distressed due to some reason. Sleeplessness is also another upsetting result of this transit. Your mother’s health may also suffer during this time so take care.

Transit in Eleventh House :When Rahu moves into the 11th house from natal Moon, it brings a better phase in your life. You could land some monetary gains too. Your social standing and image at work improves considerably. This is a favorable period for income growth. You might get a chance to go abroad as well. Your domestic life also become peaceful. Your children might get married during this time. Your interest in religion also increases. Overall, you enjoy a good status during this transit.

Transit in Twelth House :The period after Rahu moves into 12th house from natal Moon is very positive for going abroad. However, this transit may not augur well for money matters. Native may suffer from losses in business and hurdles in career. Over-confidence can lead to significant wrong moves in life. Despite the challenges, you should try to avoid any mental stress. Health of spouse could also downhill during this time.

Transit of Jupiter - General Effects

As per Vedic astrology principles, Jupiter gives positive results if placed in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th house from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. In the remaining houses, it can bring some negative results too. Jupiter nonetheless is considered as the most benefit planet in Vedic astrology. Its transit is reckoned crucial because it takes around 12 years to complete the zodiac circle, meaning it spends around 1 year in each sign. When it changes sign, its impact can be felt for a long while unlike planets as Sun and Mercury that change signs within less than a month.

Transit in First House : When Jupiter moves into the 1st house from natal Moon, it brings some hurdles in life. Mental tensions persist along with lack of contentment and satisfaction. Health also degrades at the same time. Native also develops a tendency to indulge in arguments with others. Nonetheless, this is a very positive period when it comes to indulging in spiritual and virtuous pursuits. Native also develops a sort of fear and faces anxiety issues so practicing spirituality naturally helps.

Transit in Second House :Positivity returns into life when Jupiter transits to the 2nd house from natal Moon. There is a sharp increase in wealth and gains thereafter. You are also likely to get an award or recognition from society. You seem to develop prophetic abilities during this period. What you say often comes out to be true. Your relationship with family improves a lot. Health also picks up pace. For married folks, there is a good chance of childbirth during this period.

Transit in Third House :When Jupiter transits into the 3rd house from where Moon is positioned at the time of birth, native experiences some challenges in life. Business matters slow down due to obstacles. This is not a good period in terms of finances as some loss of money is possible. You may also encounter problems with your employer. Relationship with siblings and friends also suffers during this period. You should be very careful in health matters. A short religious trip is possible during this period or you could possibly indulge in some spiritual activities.

Transit in Fourth House :Jupiter transit into 4th house from Moon brings mixed results for the native. You should try to maintain cordiality with your relatives and family. Property matters can take an ugly turn so better avoid for now. You should also be careful while driving and travels should be avoided too. You also need to curtail unnecessary expenses to maintain financial balance. You may however have to borrow money to keep your business up and running. Your relationship with mother could also suffer so better take care.

Transit in Fifth House :When Jupiter transits into 5th house from natal Moon, the native experiences a lot of improvement in all areas of life. Love and compassion increases. Children become very supportive. You gain a lot of well-wishers during this period. Your position in society also improves. Spiritual inclination also increases during this time. This is a good time to expect profit in investment and speculation. Your financial position is likely to improve too. Singles are likely to meet someone special during this time too. This transit period is also good for study related matters.

Transit in Sixth House :Jupiter’s move into 6th house from natal Moon is considered inauspicious in Vedic astrology since 6th is a malefic house and Jupiter expands what the house signifies. In this case, Jupiter increases health issues, expenditure, debt and problems with coworkers and employees. You need to be careful in these areas in order to maintain mental peace and happiness. You should also be careful of theft. Competitors may try to affect you adversely during this time. It would be better to stay away from any shady activities & arguments as some legal issues could crop up.

Transit in Seventh House :When Jupiter moves into 7th house from where Moon is positioned at the time of birth, native begins to experience relief in certain areas. Businesspersons start looking for new partnerships. Your relationship with seniors also improves. Understanding with spouse and children also gets a boost. Overall, you enjoy a good health, cordial relationships and better status. Some fruitful travels also take place during this time. This period is also marked by strong marriage prospects. You social life remains hyperactive too and you enjoy being with friends.

Transit in Eigth House :Having Jupiter move into your 8th house from Moon means you will now have to work harder to succeed in life. This period may have you spending excessively and travelling a lot. Some sudden issues in business could also crop up. Health may also dip during this period. You should be careful in litigation matters too. It would be best to avoid any arguments with family and friends to maintain peace.

Transit in Ninth House :Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius. When it moves into 9th house from natal Moon, it feels quite at home. This is an excellent time to grow professionally. Your financial position also improves and so does your relationship with boss. In fact, you can also get an increment or promotion during the transit period. Jupiter also brings blessings of the sages and mentors. A lot of religious activities take place. This is a good period to tie the knot as well. You could also go abroad!

Transit in Tenth House :When Jupiter moves into 10th house from natal Moon’s placement in a horoscope, it brings negative thinking and emotions into the native’s mind. You feel emotionally dissatisfied due to unfulfilled desires. It would be best to avoid any conflicts with seniors and family during this time. Some loss in property matters is also possible. All this could lead to mental distress so better keep patience and be calm. It would be good to visit religious places.

Transit in Eleventh House :If Jupiter moves into 11th house from where natal Moon is posited, it brings a lot of respect, prestige, and position to the native. Children become supportive and loving during this time. You get success in your endeavors and topple opposition. You also get to enjoy a lot of material comforts life has to offer such as luxuries, jewelry, vehicle and property. Your desires get fulfilled in love matters too. Income also shoots up during this time and so do profits in business. You are likely to enjoy a good social reputation too.

Transit in Twelth House :Jupiter’s move into 12th house from Moon brings mixed results. Expenditure increases during this time but you are likely to spend on spiritual activities. You should stay far from you native place and children during this period and enjoy some solitude. Your interest in spirituality is likely to increase during this time. Some long distance travels may also take place. This period also brings difficulties in business matters so be cautious.

Transit of Saturn - General Effects

Saturn is a huge planet, farthest from the earth compared to other planets in the cosmic realm. It is a slow-moving planet, so slow that it spends around 2.5 years in each sign. It is one of the most feared planets in astrology, because it is associated with restrictions, challenges, denial and delay. Nonetheless, Saturn can give positive results if placed in 3rd, 6th, and 11th house from where natal Moon is posited at the time of birth. In rest of the houses from natal Moon, i.e. 1st, 2nd,4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th , it is usually malefic.

Transit in First House : When Saturn transit to the first house from natal Moon, it marks the beginning of the second phase of the Sade Sati (the 7 1⁄2 years long period of Saturn, which is deemed challenging in Vedic Astrology). With the onset of this transit, you might notice that lady luck has turned a blind eye to your efforts. You would start feeling alone and rejected. Important things would get delayed during this time. This period also affects your health negatively. You might not feel as courageous and confident as before. What you need the most during this time is emotional security and support of loved ones to keep depression and disappointment at bay.

Transit in Second House :If Saturn transits to the second house from natal Moon, it marks the beginning of the third and last phase of Sade Sati. You mind keeps wandering and you may struggle to be at peace. You should be careful in your relationship with spouse. More hard work is required from your end in career matters as well. Some financial hiccups might be there too so one should remain prepared for this phase. You might have to stay away from your native place during this period. You may also indulge in conflicts with seniors and siblings. This is essentially a period to cut down expenditure and maintain cordiality with loved ones. Otherwise, that heavy-heart feeling would keep you bothered throughout.

Transit in Third House :When Saturn transits to third house from natal Moon, it starts favoring the native since Sade Sati is over now. The confidence you had missing would make a comeback into your persona. You would achieve good success in life during this period. You might in fact start a business or get a new job. Property matters also wind up in your favor and render good profit. You feel a lot happier and better now. Enemies struggle to bring any harm to you. Happiness also prevails in family life.

Transit in Fourth House :Saturn’s transit into fourth house from natal Moon is called the period of “Saturn’s dhaiyya”. This could create some financial ups and downs. Chances of accident also form so you should be careful. You might have to incur loss in property matters too. Some health issues also drag you down. Conflicts and arguments increase at both the work front as well as home. The path to success is no longer smooth and a lot of hard work goes into realizing dreams. Litigation issues also crop up during this time. This is the period to be patient and keep your mind stable so you can face competition.

Transit in Fifth House :With the onset of Saturn transit into 5th house from natal Moon, you start experiencing issues with spouse and business partner. Something or the other keeps you upset. This is not a good period for children either. Lovers may also hit a rough patch in their relationship. You should remain strong and patient to sail through this transit seamlessly. Any investment or speculation in stock market should be avoided for now. Students should also work hard to maintain their concentration and level of focus in studies to perform satisfactorily.

Transit in Sixth House :With Saturn transit into sixth house from natal Moon, a better period transpires. You begin to gain victory over enemies and opposition. Your competitors in business fall way behind in the race. Health also remains good throughout. Your relationship with family members and relatives also becomes sweeter. New opportunities open up in career as well, bringing growth in income. Your loved ones would be very supportive and compassionate to you during this period.

Transit in Seventh House :If Saturn transits to seventh house from the natal Moon, it creates disturbances in married life. You should make serious efforts to avoid separation. While this period is smooth for salaried individuals, some issues in business matters persist. Your opinion may not match with business partner, which could create trouble. You might feel more inclined to indulge in short cuts and illicit means. However, you should realize that this period demands patience and hard work.

Transit in Eigth House :If Saturn transits to eighth house from natal Moon, it majorly affects your health since 8th house is associated with longevity. Chances of hospitalization or surgery could form for some. You may not get the desired support from your friends during this time. Some conflicts could arise with them in fact. Minor hiccups would be there in work life as well. You should not sing your praises but instead work harder. This would also help you retain your current job.

Transit in Ninth House :If Saturn transits to ninth house from natal Moon, you might begin to feel distressed and worried all the time. You may change your job frequently during this period. Chances of long distance travels could form too during this period. To maintain peace of mind, you should practice the path of spirituality consciously. Your expenditure could also shoot up so keep a watch. You might feel the job market to be very competitive too. Some issues with children and spouse may also persist.

Transit in Tenth House :If Saturn transits to tenth house from natal Moon, you could face some issues at the workplace. It would be better to avoid any arguments with boss during this time. You should also work towards resolving any differences with spouse. Your expenses may surpass income during the transit so be very careful. The mark you have made in your social circle would seem to fade away now. You might feel burdened due to responsibilities you are carrying on your shoulders. You should also take care of your mother’s health during this period.

Transit in Eleventh House :As Saturn moves into eleventh house from natal Moon, it begins to favor the native. It is positive in all terms. There would be ample financial gains to cover up previous losses. You relationship with spouse and all loved ones also remains cordial during this time. A lot of respite in health matters is perceived as well. You might take part in an auspicious event during this transit. This is also a positive period for job prospects. You would be able to topple any opposition or competition.

Transit in Twelth House :When Saturn transits to twelfth house from natal Moon, the first phase of Sade Sati begins. This is when you experience challenges in life. You might feel like you have fallen short of efforts. Loss in business could be there too. You might feel a lot distressed than before. It would be better to stay calm and avoid making any major decisions during this time. Your marriage could be rocks so better maintain cordiality and compassion in your relationship to foster understanding. You should also avoid any wasteful travels.

Tara and Chandra Balam for today - 23.04.2023

Click on the picture above to have a better view. 

Today is Vaisakha Sukla Tritiya till 07:47 Am. Later Chavithi. Matangi Jayanti and Vinayaka Chaturdhi are celebrated today.

As the Thithi is Sukla Tritiya Tara Balam is more important for day to day activities. Discard the timings given in the red for starting to travel or to start any new activity. 

In Vaisakha Masa doing abhisheka to Lord shiva through Dhara Patra will be highly effective and will give good results. 

In Vaiskha Masa donating Sugar Cane,Jaggery will give relief from the negative effects of all the sins committed. 

This is a very good to start doing Japa for Chandra , Sani (for those having doshas of chandra and Sani in their horoscopes) , Praying to Mother Goddess Durga and Lord Vighneswara. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Stock Market Trends - 21042023


Above is the bell ringing chart for BSE @09:15 am today. The chart shows a four planetary conjunction in Mesha rasi, Guru graha in Gandanta degrees , Venus in the lagna of the bell ringing chart forming a Malavya Maha Purusha Yoga,  Saturn in the 10 th house Kumbha rasi which is his own sign forming a Sasa maha purusha Yoga.

Sun is in Mesha rasi having strong aspects from Saturn(debilitated aspect) and Ketu ,both malefic planets. Media and Entertainment Sector , Solar Power and Conventional Power sector will suffer. Public Sector enterprises may face selling pressure.

Mercury, Uranus too are under the influence of Debilitated Saturn aspect . Due to this Aviation sector, Telecommunication, Travel Industries will suffer.

Long term investment in Banking company shares is not advised at all. Intra day selling can be done in stocks which are with weak financials and weak sentiments. 

Pharmaceutical companies too are not good to invest currently as Moon transits Mesha Rasi.

Looking forward to the right stock in Agriculture sector will give good results. 

Infrastructure Industry will face selling pressure. Leather and Footwear Industry will do good. 

Paint companies will flourish.

Pharmaceutical companies are not a good option to trade.

Realty sector industries who have a very long standing will do good. New companies should not be considered for buying. 

Shipping sector will suffer as both Moon and Jupiter are under strong malefic influence.

As Saturn is Placed in the 10th house of the Chart and is in his Own Sign Crude Oil and Gas Sector Companies will do good. 

Sugar Companies will do good. Companies with strong financials have to be carefully selected.

Travel and Tourism Companies will do good mostly.

श्री लक्ष्मीनारायणाष्टकम् /శ్రీ లక్ష్మీనారాయణాష్టకం- Tara and Chandra Balam for the day - 21.04.2023

Vaisakha Masa starts from today. The month is good for praying to Lord Lakshmee Naraayana. Vishnu Puja should be done with Tulasi leaves to get good results. The month is also called Madhava Maas.

In the Month of Vaisakha, donating Mangoes to Brahmins and needy people will make the ancestors happy. 

Having a Good Tara Balam today gives good results.   

శ్రీ లక్ష్మీనారాయణాష్టకం

ఆర్తానాం దుఃఖశమనే దీక్షితం ప్రభుమవ్యయమ్ ।
అశేషజగదాధారం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే ॥ ౧॥

అపారకరుణాంభోధిం ఆపద్బాంధ వమచ్యుతమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే ॥ ౨ ||

భక్తానాం వత్సలం భక్తిగమ్యం సర్వగుణాకరమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే || ౩ ||

సుహృదం సర్వభూతానాం సర్వలక్షణసంయుతమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే || ౪ ||

చిదచిత్సర్వజంతూనాం ఆధారం వరదం పరమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే ॥ ౫ ||

శంఖచక్రధరం దేవం లోకనాథం దయానిధిమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే || ౬ ||

పీతాంబరధరం విష్ణుం విలసత్సూత్రశోభితమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే ॥ ౭ ||

హస్తేన దక్షిణేన యజం అభయప్రదమక్షరమ్ |
అశేషదుఃఖశాంత్యర్థం లక్ష్మీనారాయణం భజే ॥ ౮॥

యః పఠేత్ ప్రాతరుత్థాయ లక్ష్మీనారాయణాష్టకమ్ |
విముక్తస్సర్వపాపేభ్యః విష్ణులోకం స గచ్ఛతి ॥ ౯ ||

ఇతి శ్రీ లక్ష్మీనారాయణాష్టకమ్ |

श्री लक्ष्मीनारायणाष्टकम् 

आर्तानां दुःखशमने दीक्षितं प्रभुमव्ययम् ।
अशेषजगदाधारं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ १ ॥

अपारकरुणाम्भोधिं आपद्वान्धवमच्युतम् |
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ २ ॥

भक्तानां वत्सलं भक्तिगम्यं सर्वगुणाकरम् ।
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ ३ ॥

सुहृदं सर्वभूतानां सर्वलक्षणसम्युतम् ।
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ ४ ॥

चिदचित्सर्वजन्तूनां आधारं वरदं परम् ।
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ ५ ॥

शङ्खचक्रधरं देवं लोकनाथं दयानिधिम् ।
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ ६ ॥

पीताम्बरधरं विष्णुं विलसत्सूत्रशोभितम् ।
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ ७ ॥

हस्तेन दक्षिणेन यजं अभयप्रदमक्षरम्
अशेषदुःखशान्त्यर्थं लक्ष्मीनारायणं भजे ॥ ८ ॥

यः पठेत् प्रातरुत्थाय लक्ष्मीनारायणाष्टकम् ।
विमुक्तस्सर्वपापेभ्यः विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति ॥ ९

इति श्री लक्ष्मीनारायणाष्टकम् ।