
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghaathaka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 01.10.2023 - tomorrow


Till 19:27 Naidhana tara for Rohini,Hasta and Sravana and from 19:27 Naidhana Tara for Mrigasira,Chitta and Dhanishta nakshatras. 

Moon transits in Mesha rasi all day tomorrow. Ashtama Chandra Dosha for Kanya Rasi people. 

All the people belonging to the above mentioned rasis and nakshatras should avoid initiating any new activity and postpone any travel plans. 

Tomorrow is a good day to do japa for Ravi,Ketu,Kuja and Chandra. Alternatively you can donate items related to the above mentioned grahas to the needy people or a Brahmin.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Moon Sign Horoscopes from 01.10.2023 till 07.10.2023

Mesha : First half of the week will be good. Income will be good but You should be careful while entering into any financial deals.You will get back long over due to you. Father's health will improve. Control un necessary expenses. Issues relating to children will bother you. You will receive good news. Relations with your younger coborns will be good. From Middle of the week you may experience partnership related issues. Be careful while dealing with your spouse and Business partners. Try not to be impulsive. Foreign deals will not be encouraging during this period. Students should work hard.

Vrushabha :  Students will do good. You will good food. You will receive good news.  Some of your work will get delayed . Think well before you communicate. You should control your anger. Not a good period for New Investments. Business men will  not be able to get Government contracts/favours. Higher authorities will not support you. Second half of the week will give you good progress. You will win in competitions. You will win over your enemies.You may receive the money pending from Government in the second half of the week. 

Midhuna : Your rasi lord Mercury is going into combustion from  2nd. Think before you act. Keep your possessions in safe custody. Do not sign any important agreements during this period. Income will not be upto expectations. Promotions due to you may get postponed. You will not be able to spend time with family or friends due to work pressure. Your relations with your younger co borns may suffer. Tkae care of your father's health.

Karkataka : First half of the week will be good. You will spend happy times with family and friends. Control your expenses. During the second half of the week , Higher authorities may find fault with your work. Issues of Children will bother you. You will be low on confidence. Some of your work will get postponed. Take care of your mother's health in the second half of the week. There will be issues with partners. Try to resolve them amicably.

Simha : Take care of your father's health. Travel plans may be postponed. Promotions due to you might get delayed. Income will not be upto expectations. Friends will not support you when you need. Second half of the week will be encouraging. You will be able to achieve your objecties. There will be travels which will be beneficial. Partnership issues will have to be dealt with carefully. Foreign travel plans will not succeed. 

Kanya : You will win over your enemies. You will be able to repay the loans taken earlier. You may suffer from seasonal diseases. Take care of your diet. Take extra care of important documents. Valuable possessions should be kept in safe custody. Relations with your younger co borns and maternal relatives will not be cordial. Avoid rash driving. 

Tula : Students will achieve their goals. Take care of the health of your spouse. Do not enter into any partnerships during this period. Foreign travel plans might be delayed. Expenses have to be controled. Higher authorities will not support you. You will be worried about your children. Avoid excessive thinking. Take advice when needed. First half of the week is better than the second half.

Vruschika : Income will be good. There will be promotions at work place. You will get appreciation for your efficiency from prominent people. In the second half of the week there will be hurdles in your work. Try to control expenditure. Long distance tavels will be toublesome.Take care of your health in the second half of the week. Students should work hard to achieve success.

Dhanu : Second half of the week is good for you . Most of the planets are favourably placed. You will be lucky during this period. You will be able to achieve all your objectives. You will have good career oppurtunities. Keep all important documents at work place in saf custody. Think well before you communicate with higher authorities. Your communications may be misunderstood. Partnership issues should be dealt with care. Children's issues will worry you. 

Makara : You will be experiencing delays in your works. There will be many hurdles in your way to achieve success. Do not get over stressed and do not think excessively.  Take care of your's and Your Life partner's health. Do not start any new activity during this period. Take care of your diet as you may suffer from indigestion and seasonal diseases. 5th , 6th and 7th are faourable days in this week. 

Kumbha : First half of the week is better than the second half. Holiday travel will bring you relief and fresh thoughts. You may suffer from indigestion and acidity. Higher authorities will not be in your favour. Take care of your father's health. There will be pressures at work place. Your work will not finished on time. You will suffer from lack of sleep. Relations with maternal relations will improve. 

Meena : First half of the week is better than the second week. 3 rd and 4th are favourable days during the week. You may suffer from pain in he legs and from insomnia. You may have bad dreams. Foreign travel plans will not succeed. You will not get the Visa. Take care of your diet. Drive carefully. Think before you talk. There will be good career oppurtunities during the first half of the week. Children will bring you happiness. Take care of the health of your spouse. Studens will do well. Drive carefully in the second half of the week. You may get repairs done to your communication devices and to your home/vehicle.  

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Saturn Remedy - On 29.09.2023


Pournami and Uttara Bhadra Pada nakshatra come together tomorrow. Tomorrow is a very good day to perform remedies to Lord Shani. This has to be done by people who are running a negatively placed Saturn in their horoscopes or People who are currently having Saturn in their Ardhaashtama, Ashtama or are running 7.5 years period of Saturn in transit. 

Following Remedies may be performed : 

1.Visiting temples of Lord Shiva and performing Rudra Abhisheka 

2. Visiting temples of Lord Vishnu and performing Sahasranama Puja

3.Doing Japa to Lord Saturn (19000 times)

4. Donating Items related to Saturn

5. Chanting any Sani mantra for 108/1008 times

6. Doing Annadaan to Poor people 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

12 th House Lord in 6th House

Personal Development pointers for those with 12L in 6H :

Impulsive Actions : We've all been there—making snap decisions that we later regret. The key is mindfulness.  Before you act, take a deep breath and ask, "Will this serve me in the long run?" 

Financial Losses : Money comes and goes, but financial wisdom is an asset for life!  Use those losses as a tuition fee for your life's financial course. Invest in knowledge and make smarter choices next time. 

Overcommitment : Saying 'yes' to everything is saying 'no' to your well-being. Prioritize your commitments.  Learn the art of saying 'no' so you can say 'yes' to what truly matters. 

Isolation : Feeling alone in a crowd? It's a sign to reconnect with yourself.  Embrace solitude as a chance to rediscover your passions and realign with your purpose. 

Ethical Dilemmas : These are the tests of your moral compass.  Use them to strengthen your moral compass. Stand by your values, even when it's hard. 

Lack of Focus : In a world buzzing with distractions, focus is your superpower.  Practice mindfulness techniques to sharpen your concentration and elevate your performance. 

Ineffective Communication : Communication is a two-way street. Listen actively and speak clearly. Your words have power; make sure they're understood. 

Recurring Issues : These are life lessons in disguise. Address the root cause, not just the symptoms. Self-awareness is the first step to resolution. 

Excessive Criticism : Being your own worst critic? Flip that energy into constructive self-reflection. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself and others. 

Always remember that challenges are not stop signs; they're opportunities for growth.

It is entirely up to you to turn these stumbling blocks into stepping stones and soar higher than ever! 

Ascendant Lord in Third House - Effects

The Ascendant Lord in the Third House influences various aspects of life, from communication and relationships to professional skills and mental qualities.

1. Communication & Expression

Individuals with this placement excel in fields requiring eloquence and creativity, such as advertising, marketing, sales, writing, acting, singing and the arts. 

However, their communicative prowess can sometimes lead to oversharing, causing misunderstandings. They may also be too direct, without considering the impact of their words.

Example: A person with this placement might excel in advertising, crafting compelling narratives that captivate audiences and lead to successful campaigns. The same individual might overwhelm clients by providing too much information, causing confusion and potentially losing sales.

2. Intelligence and Grit

These individuals are often intellectually gifted, capable of synthesizing information from disparate sources to form a coherent whole. This ability to "connect the dots" is particularly useful in problem-solving scenarios. 

Despite their mental strengths, they may have some physical deficiencies, such as chronic health issues. Additionally, their high intelligence can make them intolerant of criticism and overly sensitive to feedback.

Example: A person with this placement might excel in a strategic role, such as a business analyst, identifying patterns or trends that others might overlook. The same individual might take even constructive criticism as a personal affront, affecting their ability to collaborate effectively in team settings.

3. Relationships & Siblings

People with this placement generally have strong bonds with their siblings and are socially adept. They may enjoy being the center of attention and could be drawn to social careers like public relations or event planning. 

However, they can be argumentative and intolerant of contradictions, leading to avoidable conflicts. This could manifest as unncessary bickering with siblings, colleagues and teammates. They may also be unreliable in social commitments, such as canceling plans at the last minute.

Example: An individual with this placement could be the go-to person for family gatherings, always knowing how to keep the conversation flowing and even organizing memorable events. The same person might frequently argue with their siblings over trivial matters, straining the relationship. They might also cancel family events at the last minute, causing disappointment.

4. Courage and Adventures

These individuals are adventurous and courageous, often eager to explore new terrains and face challenges. 

However, their boldness can lead to impulsivity or recklessness, especially during their younger years. This could lead to purposeless travel and wasting a lot of time doing nothing.

Example: Someone with this placement might be the first to try skydiving among their friends, embracing the thrill. The same individual might impulsively decide to go on a risky adventure without adequate preparation, leading to avoidable dangers.

5. Professional Skills

In their careers, they are effective negotiators and quick learners, known for working in bursts of energy achieving much in little time. 

However, their self-confidence can be mistaken for arrogance, and they may struggle with monotonous tasks. Also, the intense energy they work with can often lead to fatigue and burnout.

Example: A person with this placement could excel in sales, closing deals efficiently through excellent negotiation skills. The same person might come off as arrogant in team meetings, leading to workplace conflicts.

6. Mental Qualities

Intellectual curiosity and self-motivation are hallmarks of this placement. 

However, they can be impatient for quick results and may struggle with decision-making. They may also be prone to distractions and overthinking.

Example: An individual with this placement could be an excellent student, always eager to learn and expand their knowledge. The same individual might procrastinate and miss deadlines, affecting their academic performance.


The Ascendant Lord in the Third House influences a wide range of life aspects. It bestows individuals with strengths in communication, creativity, intelligence, and social skills, making them excel in fields like advertising, marketing, and public relations. 

However, these strengths come with their own set of challenges, such as a tendency to overshare, be argumentative, or act impulsively.

Understanding these nuanced traits and working on them can help individuals leverage their strengths while being mindful of their weaknesses, ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghaathaka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 25.09.2023 - today

Naidhana Tara for Ardra,Swati , Satabhisha till 11:55 and for  Punarvasu, Visakha and Poorva Bhadrapada from 11:55 . 
Ashtama Chandra for Midhuna rasi people.
All the people of the above nakshatras and rasis should avoid initiating any new activity and postpone travel.  

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ravi Pushya Yoga on 08.10.2023


On this day Visiting temples of Lord Surya or Lord Shani will give immensely beneficial results. Chanting Stotras of Lord Ravi, Sani will give relief from the ill effects caused by the bad placements of these planets in ones horoscope. Donating items related to Surya and Shani also will give relief from troubles caused by these planets.  

Weekly Moon Sign Horoscopes from 24.09.2023 till 30.09.2023

                                       Click on the above picture for a better view

Tara & Chandra Bala for each Nakshatra,Ghaathaka Chakra, Ashtama Chadra Dosha for 23.09.2023


Naidhana Tara till 14:56 for Rohini,Hasta,Sravana and for Mrigasira,Chitta,Dhanishta from 14:56. Ashtama Chandra for Vrushabha rasi . Simha rasi people have more Ghaathaka elements tomorrow . All these people should avoid initiating any new activity and travel tomorrow 23.09.2023

Friday, September 22, 2023

భరణీ నక్షత్రం వారికి ఉపశమన మార్గాలు

భరణి వారికి ఉపశమన మార్గాలు

1. శివపంచాక్షరి జపం.
2. రుద్రార్చనలు - ఇంటియందు స్ఫటిక లింగాన్ని ఉంచుకొని శివ పంచాక్షరీ ఉచ్ఛారణతో ప్రతి నిత్యం శివలింగానికి అభిషేకం చేయడం.
3. పొట్టుతో ఉన్న బొబ్బర్లు భుజించడం (పొట్టు గల భిన్నము చేయని ధాన్యము నీటియందు నానబెట్టుకుని భుజించడం వలన వీరికి సంపూర్ణ ఆరోగ్యం.)
4. బొబ్బర్లు, లవణం, పత్తి (గింజలు తీయని పత్తి) దానం చేయడం
5. ఇంట్లో పత్తి మొక్క పెట్టుకొని ప్రతి నిత్యం దానికి నీరు పోయడం.
6. పంచదారతో చేసిన బొబ్బర/శనగ/పెసర/ కంది (ధాన్యానికి పొట్టు ఉండాలి).పూర్ణం ప్రతి నిత్యం శ్రీ మహాలక్ష్మికి నైవేద్యం చేసి తినాలి, వివాహం అయిన వారైతే భార్యాభర్తలు ఇరువురు తినాలి. 

అశ్వినీ నక్షత్రం వారికి ఉపశమన మార్గాలు/Remedies for Aswini Nakshatra Natives

అశ్విని వారికి ఉపశమన మార్గాలు

1. శ్రీ సుబ్రహ్మణ్య స్వామి ఆరాధనలు మంగళవారము నాడు ఉపవాస దీక్షలు,
2. నిరుపేదలకు వైద్య సహాయాన్ని అందించడం.
3. ఉలవలతో చేసిన వంటకాన్ని భుజించడం.
4. ఉలవు దానం ఇవ్వడం (బ్రాహ్మణుడికి - మంగళవారంనాడు)
5.వైఢూర్యము మరియు పగడము ధరించండం - వైఢూర్యాన్ని మరియు పగడాన్ని దానం చేయడం (జాతి రత్నాలు ధరించేటపుడు జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండాలి.
6. లోహంతో చేసిన (ఇత్తడి, రాగి లేదా పంచ లోహాలు) చేసిన అశ్వప్రతిమను ఇంటికి వాయువ్య మూలలో అమర్చాలి. ఇట్టి ప్రతిమను దక్షిణముఖము ఉండే విధంగా అమర్చాలి. ఇట్టి ప్రతిమ యొక్క ప్రత్యేకమైన ప్రమాణాలు లేదా సైజు అనేది ఏమీ లేదు. అశ్వపటము అనగా ఫొటో అనుకున్నంతగా సత్ఫలితాలను ఇవ్వలేకపోవచ్చును. (ఇది లాలికితాబ్లో ఇవ్వబడిన రెమిడి)
దీన్ని చాలా సులువుగా మన గృహమునందు అమర్చుకొనవచ్చును.

Remedies for Aswini Nakshatra Natives 

1. Praying to Lord Subhramanyeswara regularly and Fasting on Tuesdays
2. Providing Medical help to Poor people
3. Eating receipes made of Horse gram
4. Donating 1.25 Kgs of Horse gram to a Brahmin or feeding water soaked Horse gram to Cow on Tuesdays
5. Wearing Cat's eye stone after taking advice from a good astrologer or donating Cat's eye stone / Red Coral stone 
6. Putting a Panchaloha Pratima ( or made of Brass/ Copper) of a Horse in the North west direction of the Home. This Idol should face south.  

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghaathaka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 17.09.2023

Click on the above picture for a better view

Naidhana Tara till 10:02 for Punarvasu,Visakha and Poorva Bhadrapada . From 10:02 Naidhana Tara for Pushyami,Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada. 

Ashtama Chandra for Kumbha rasi till 11:08 and for Meena Rasi from 11:08.

People belonging to the above mentioned rasis and nakshatras should postpone travel and avoid initiating any new activity tomorrow till the times mentioned. 

Tomorrow is Varaha Jayanthi. Visiting temples of Lord Vishnu and performing special puja will give immense benefits. 

Tomorrow is a very good day to start performing Japa/Homa for Ravi,Chandra and Kuja.  

Friday, September 15, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghaathaka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 16.09.2023

Click on the picture above for a better view

Naidhana Tara for Ardra Swati, Satabhisha till 07:36. From 07:36 for all day Naidhana Tara for Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorva Bhadra Pada nakshatras. 

As Moon transits in Kanya rasi all day , Ashtama Chandra for Kumbha rasi people. 

Vrushabha Rasi people should be extra careful tomorrow as it is Ghaathaka Rasi, Nakshatra, Vaara ,Yoga. 

All the people belonging to the above mentioned nakshatras and rasis should avoid travel and postpone initiating any new activity tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is a good day to start to perform remedies for Ravi, Chandra and Sani. Doing mantra dhyana of any of these grahas will give relief from the troubles due to their dasas and antardasas.

Tomorrow is Sampat tara for Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttarashadha nakshatras. People belonging to these nakshatras and suffering from financial problems should perform remedies to Lord Chandra from 07:36. 

Janma Tara for Rohini, Hasta & Sravana all of tomorrow. Praying to their Ishta devata or the lord of the Maha dasa/antardasa they are running will relieve them of their troubles. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghaathaka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 15.09.2023

Naidhana Tara for Ardra,Swati, Satabhisha all of tomorrow . Ashtama Chandra for Makara Rasi till 11:36 & for Kumbha rasi from 11:36

Ghaathaka Thithi and Vaara for Vrischika rasi people. All these people should avoid travel and postpone initiating any new activity tomorrow

Bharani, Poorva Phalguni and Poorvashadha have sampat tara tomorrow. People of these nakshatras suffering from financial troubles should pray to lord Surya for relief.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Saturn Ketu Conjunction - Combination which causes the native to lose Job

Close Conjunction of Saturn Ketu in a native's chart causes the native to be suspended from his Job. He will face serious allegations of Corruption or negligence

Mercury Rahu Nexus - Combination which makes the native a Comedian

Rahu placed in a sign of Mercury or Mercury placed in Aquarius or both Rahu and Mercury are Conjunct in one of these signs, the native will be an expert at mimicry and will be a comedian.

Compatible and Incompatible Rasis

While matching horoscopes for marraige some Rasis which are Dwirdwadasas (2/12); Sashtashtakas (6/8) or Nava Panchakas (5/9) to each other are considered in auspicious and repellant. But some rasis are acceptable.

The above table shows the Dwirdwadasa , Sashtashtaka and Nava panchaka rasis which are acceptable and which are not acceptable.

Matching Rasis is only one part of the Horoscopes matching process for marraige. Other factors too have to be checked for deciding whether the horoscopes are compatible for marraige.

When will Saturn in Transit give Dhana Yoga to Ardra Nakshatra Natives

When Saturn transits in Tula and Kanya rasis Ardra natives will benefit immensely from Buying and Selling activities. 

But when Saturn transits in Karkataka and Makara Rasis , Ardra Natives will face financial constraints and troubles. 

The results will be more prominent when Saturn dasa or antardasa too run simultaneously while Saturn transits above mentioned rasis.

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghataka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 14.09.2023 - tomorrow


Click on the above picture for a better view

Naidhana Tara for Mrigasira,Chitta and Dhanishta all of tomorrow and Ashtama Chandra Dosha for Makara Rasi people. Tomorrow's Amavasya is happenning in the 8th house of Makara rasi. These people should be careful in all their dealings

Good day to do dhyana with Guru,Sukra and Rahu mantras tomorrow.
Sampat Tara for Aswini,Magha & Moola people these people can pray their ishta devata or perform remedies to their dasa/antardasa lord for getting relief from problems

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Saturn Transit - When will Saturn in Transit benefit Aswini Nakshatra Natives

When Saturn transits in Simha and Kanya rasis , Aswini Nakshatra people will benefit much from their Profession/Job/Business.
When Saturn transits in Dhanu rasi Aswini Nakshatra people will face financial difficulties and will experience losses in businesses.

When Satrun transits in Midhuna and Kanya rasis also, Aswini nakshatra people will suffer from debts and financial difficulties. 

The effects will be more when Saturn dasa also starts simultaneously when Saturn is transiting in the above mentioned rasis.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Saturn Transit - When will Saturn financially benefit Bharani Nakshatra Natives

Bharani Nakshatra people will accumulate wealth when Saturn transits Midhuna Rasi. Business will give exceedingly high profits. Everything will turn into Gold during the transit. 

But when Saturn transits Tula Rasi there will be trouble due to debts and losses due to women

Saturn Transit - Effects of Saturn Transit in Rohini,Hasta and Sravana

Rohini , Hasta and Sravana are the nakshatras owned by Chandra Graha. As Chandra is the karaka for Mind and thinking, Natives of these nakshatras when saturn transits their Janma nakshatra will lose peace of mind. 

They will face troubles from authorities. 

There will be false allegations and insults from relatives. 

Un necessary expenses will increase. 

Suffering due to Diseases of phlegm will be there. 

In these Circumstances, Pearl should be worn along with getting done remedies like Japa and Danas to Lord Sani.  

Saturn Transit - When is Saturn Transit Beneficial to Kruttika Nakshatra

For Kruttika Nakshatra people Saturn Transit in Mesha Rasi will give beneficial results. These people will get good recognition and promotions during Saturn's transit of Mesha.

But during Saturn's transit in Kumbha Rasi, Kruttika people will face financial troubles. Financial troubles will be more for Kruttika people when Saturn transits in Simha Rasi.

Nakshatras of the Third Triad/Navaka

The 27 Nakshatras are divided into three triads(Navakas) of 9 each.

First is from Aswini to Asresha
Second is from Magha to Jyeshta
Third is from Moola to Revati

Third Fifth &Seventh Nakshatras from any Nakshatra are Vipat, Pratyak and Naidhana Taras and are considered as malefic Nakshatras.

But the 3rd,5th & 7th Nakshatras of the 3rd Navaka do not give inauspicious results.

ForEx:For Aswini Nakshatra - Uttarashaadha, Dhanishta & Poorva bhaadrapada are Vipat, Pratyak & Naidhana Taras in the third Navaka. These should not be considered as malefic as they do not give inauspicious results.

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghataka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 09.09.2023 - tomorrow


Click on the above picture for a better view

All the people belonging to the rasis and nakshatras shown in red should avoid initiating any new activity and postpone travel plans till the time mentioned against those rasis and nakshatras.

Vrushabha rasi people have both Ghaataka Thithi and Vaara tomorrow. These people should be extra cautious in their dealings tomorow.

Till 14:26 Naidhana Tara for Asresha,Jyeshta&Revati
From 14:26 Naidhana Tara for Aswini,Magha & Moola
These people too should take extra care in all their dealings.

Vruschika rasi people have Ghaataka Yoga till 22:36 and also Ashtama Chandra Dosha. These people too should avoid starting any new activity or travelling

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, Ghaataka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for 08.09.2023 - tomorrow

Till 12:09 - Naidhana Tara for Pushyami,Anuradha, UttaraBhadraPada
From 12:09 - Naidhana Tara for Aslesha,Jyeshta,Revati 

People belonging to the rasis and nakshatras shown in the red in the above table are advised not to travel or initiate any new activity till the times mentioned against those rasis and nakshatras. 

Naidhana Taras which are Compatible for Marraige - As Per Kaala Prakasika


7th Nakshatra from any Nakshatra is its Naidhana Tara and this nakshatra is considered inauspicious while matching horoscopes for marraige. 

The Author of Kaala Prakaasika however , discusses in detail about the compatibility of Nakshatra and its Naidhana tara of the first Navaka ( Triad - first set of 9 nakshatras from janma nakshatra). He approves marraige with brides/grooms who has the naidhana tara as their janma tara in some instances. 

Above table shows the Compatibility between nakshatras and their naidhana taras. Some Naidhana Taras are beneficial and need not be rejected for marraige as per him.   

For example : Naidhana Tara for Moola nakshatra is Poorva Bhadrapada. Marraige between the Couple belonging to the above two nakshatras gives more prosperity. Hence marraige can be performed if all the other factors support.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Tara & Chandra bala for each nakshatra, Ghaataka Chakra, Ashtama Chandra Dosha for tomorrow - 03.09.2023

 Click on the picture above for a better view

All people belonging to the  Nakshatras and Rasis Shown in the red are advised not to travel or initiate any new activity till the times mentioned against those rasis and nakshatras. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

Remedies Suggested for the month of September,2023 - For each Moon Sign


Click on the picture above for a better view

You can do one or all the remedies as per your convinience