
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


2-10. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN ARIES. Following are the effects of births in the nine Navāńśas in Aries Ascendant
 Effects of Aries Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have a face, resembling that of a he-goat, with nose and shoulders not being very prominent. He will have a fierce voice, ugly appearance and narrow eyes. His body will be thin, but free from defects. 
Effects of Aries Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will be dark in complexion, will have broad shoulders and long arms. small forehead, strong collar bones, sharp sight and prominent face and nose. He will be an affable speaker and will possess weak legs.
 Effects of Aries Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will suffer loss of hair, be fair in complexion, will have irregular (defective) arms, charming eyes and nose, will be a scholar in direct poetic ability and will have weak thighs. 
Effects of Aries Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will have an erratic sight, be irascible, short-nosed, wandering-natured, will have rough legs and coarse hair, be bereft of co-born and emaciated.
 Effects of Aries Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will be fierce and will have eyes, resembling that of a supreme elephant, a fat nose, thick eye brows, wide fore face, fat body and coarse hair. 
Effects of Aries Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will be dark in complexion, soft in disposition, will have eyes, akin to that of a deer, be tall in stature, will have irregular (defective) stomach and hands, be a eunuch, be timid and garrulous.
 Effects of Aries Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will have complexion akin to green sprout, be fickle-minded, will possess white eyes, will marry an unchaste lady, be malicious and will have a broad physique. 
Effects of Aries Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will have a face, akin to that of a monkey, be a good speaker, will have an afflicted and tawny body, will suffer from secret diseases, be torturous, be a liar, be fond of friends and be fierce.
 Effects of Aries Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be tall, emaciated, wandering, will have defective fore face and ears, will have a face, akin to that of a horse, will possess many names and be crooked. 
11-19. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN TAURUS. Following are the effects due to births in the Navāńśas belonging to Taurus Ascendant
 Effects of Taurus Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have an even and dark coloured physique, be hard-hearted, will perform obsequies in the beginning and ending parts of his life, be base, will indulge in unnatural acts and will have crooked sight. 
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will be endowed with majestic looks, be indolent, will have a bent body, be not very intelligent, will indulge in hostile acts and be a great liar.
 Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will be erratic in sight, be fierce, will have a short nose, be wandering natured, will have coarse legs and hair will have soft limbs, be beautiful, will have broad eyes and big limbs, be interested, in Sacrifices etc. and will have stiff legs and hands. 
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will be short in stature, will be wandering natured, be easily irritable, will have eyes, akin to that of a he-goat, be tawny in complexion, be poor and will steal others' wealth.
 Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will be vicious, will have a well-elevated nose, will appear, like a giant ox, will have crooked hair, be sportive, will have large shoulders and hips. 
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have beautiful eyes and hair, be firm, be endowed with a fair complexioned physique, will speak sweetly, be pre-eminent, be fond of amusements, be emaciated and skillful.
 Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will be interested in females, who lost their sons, will have somewhat elevated nose and prominent eyes, will possess a strong physique, will hate his own men and will have stout feet and exquisite hair. 
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will have eyes, akin to that of a tiger and charming teeth, be unconquerable, will possess a full-blown nose, will work sparingly, will have curly and bluish hair and sharp nails and be garrulous.
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be honourable, will not be very strong, be timid, given to anger, will possess an even and charming body, be a rogue (or cheat), will gather money, be famous, will have a thin lower body and will prattle. 
20-28. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN GEMINI. Following are the effects of births in the nine Navāńśas of Gemini Ascendant
 Effects of Gemini Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have hair on the shoulders, will possess charming and dark eyes and an elevated nose, be akin to green (Durva) grass in complexion and will possess thin legs and thin hands. 
Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will have a pot-like head, will do dirty acts, be fond of torturous deeds, will have depressed nose, will speak much, will work much and will lead in strife and quarrels.
 Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will be fair in complexion, will possess blood-red eyes, charming nose and even physique be very intelligent, will have a long face and dark eye-brows and be a skillful speaker. 
Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will possess charming eye brows and forehead, be lustful, will possess a physique with the splendour of a blue lotus, will be broad-chested and white teethed, be soft in speech and will have attractive hair.
 Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will have a broad face, strong chest and big head, be wicked, cunning and will possess charming and friendly looks. 
Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will possess eyes with the hue of honey, be garrulous, will possess a broad fore face, even body and charming lips, be a rogue, be fickle-minded and be strong.
Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will possess a copper coloured physique, copper red and prominent eyes and a broad chest, be skillful in teaching and arts and be jocular in disposition. 
Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will be dark in complexion, be great, intelligent, soft in disposition, sweet in speech, will have a broad and tall physique and large and black eyes and will be an expert in arts.
 Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will have round and dark coloured eyes and charming body, be successful, very intelligent and be fond of sexual cohabitation, poetry and worldly knowledge. 
29-37. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN CANCER. Following are the effects for births in various Navāńśas related to Cancer Ascendant
 Effects of Cancer Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have a clean, charming and fair coloured physique, beautiful hair, broad belly, impressive face, prominent eyes, thin body and thin shoulders. 
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will be blood red in complexion, be fierce in quarrels, will like fine arts, will possess face and eyes, akin to that of a cat, will be well disposed to sacrify for others and will have weak knees and shanks.
 Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will be fair in complexion, will possess beautiful eyes, be an eloquent speaker, will have a soft body, akin to that of a female, be intelligent be a sparing and light worker and be indolent. 
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will be black in complexion, will have pressed eyebrows, be graceful in appearance, will have charming eyes and nose, be courageous, liberal, will perform acts prescribed for superior caste-men and be crafty.
 Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will possess voice akin to the sound of bell, crooked, or stooping face, allied eyebrows and very long arms, be interested in worship, be bereft of dutifulness, will injure others and be not very intelligent. 
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have a long and broad physique, charming eyes and great courage, be fair in complexion, be a good speaker and will possess beautiful nose and big teeth.
 Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will have scattered hair, big body and sinewy knees, will be disposed to protect others' families and will be akin to a crow in appearance. 
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will have a head with bell shape, charming face, shoulders and limbs, will be a degraded artisan (i.e. an infamous worker), will have the gait of a tortoise and crooked nose and be dark in complexion.
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be fair complexioned, will possess eyes resembling fish, be great, be soft-bellied, broad-chested, will have prominent chins and lips, large, but weak knees and similar ankles. 
38-46. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN LEO. Following effects will mature in the various Navāńśas prevailing in Leo Ascendant at birth
 Effects of Leo Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have an even belly (like a lion), be fierce, will have sharp and blood-red nose and a big head, be valorous and will possess a prominent and fleshy chest. 
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will have a prominent and broad fore face, a square body, broad eyes, broad chest, long arms and big nose.
 Effects of Leo Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will have hairy and broad arms, eyes, akin to that of (Greek) partridge (said to live on moon-beams), be fickle-minded, charitable, will have an elevated nose, pure white physique and round neck. 
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will have (ash-coloured) body akin to ghee, large and black eyes, soft hair, peculiar voice, big hands and legs and stomach, resembling that of a frog.
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will have a bell-shaped head with limited hair, charming nose and eyes, hairy body and long belly, be fierce and will have unsightly teeth and strong and broad cheek. 
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have limited, but soft hair on his physique, white and large eyes, be tall in stature, dark in complexion, will have proven skill (only) among females, be swaggering and be learned.
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will have a long face, be sinewy, will have a prominent physique, be unfortunate in the matter of wife (or females in general), dark-complexioned, fierce, hairy-bodied and be cunning and harsh in speech. 
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will be endowed with excellent speech, firm limbs, charming and majestic looks, be undutiful, poor and crafty.
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will have a face akin to a donkey's, will possess dark eyes, long arms, charming legs and be troubled by breathing disorders. 
47-55. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN VIRGO. The various Navāńśas emanating from Virgo Ascendant at birth will give the following effects
 Effects of Virgo Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will possess eyes, akin to that of an antelope, be a good speaker, be charitable, will enjoy sexual pleasures, be very rich, dark in complexion and large hearted. 
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will have a charming face, charming eyes and fair complexion, be soft, argumentative, fickle minded and long-bellied.
 Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will have blown nose, prominent feet, long arms, pure speech, fair complexion and be friendly. 
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will be learned, will be sportive with the fair sex, be beautiful, sweet, blood red in complexion, sharp, intelligent, emaciated and will have charming eyes and face.
 Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will have large lips and hands, big body, broad chest, strong ankles and will depend on others. 
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have charming appearance, impressive speech, splendourous body, be an exponent of Shastras, be very intelligent, skillful in writing and fine arts, be good hearted and will take pleasure in walking, or roaming.
 Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will have a small face, elevated nose, compact arms, very fair complexion, prominent belly, hands and legs and will have fear for water. 
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will be very beautiful, fair in complexion, tall in stature, will have charming eyes, be fierce, honourable and will have long and stout arms and brown hair.
 Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be famous, will have charming physique, broad eyes, incomparable vigour, be skillful, be with stooping shoulders and be learned a writer. 
56-64. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN LIBRA. The various Navāńśas out of Libra Ascendant at birth will produce following effects
 Effects of Libra Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will be fair complexioned, broad eyed, praiseworthy, long-faced, skillful in business, happy and famous. 
Effects of Libra Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will have squint and round eyes, elevated (ill formed) teeth, depressed waist, charming neck, large (physical) heart, ugly body and compact brows.
 Effects of Libra Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will be fair in complexion, will have a face, akin to that of a horse, be thin-bodied, famous, long-haired and long-nosed and will have beautiful legs. 
Effects of Libra Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will have weak hands, be timid, will have ill-formed teeth (some placed over others), weak body, rolling eyes, small nails, dark complexion and be devoid of virtues and be miserable.
 Effects of Libra Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will have majestic looks, be firm disposition, be not proud, rough haired, even-eyed and will possess a beautiful nose. 
Effects of Libra Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have fleshy limbs, be fair in complexion, will have broad eyes, beautiful nose and white nails, be diplomatic and be learned in Shastras.
 Effects of Libra Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will be blood-red in complexion, be intelligent, will have long physique and long arms and a big head, be miserly, fierce and intelligent. 
Effects of Libra Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will have elevated shoulders and prominent neck, will enjoy pleasures, will have a coarse physique, long and dark brows, be a polite speaker and will have a beautiful chest and bruised head.
 Effects of Libra Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will have charming eyes, pleased mind, be fair complexioned, even and beautiful bodied, be skillful, fond of arts, be charitable and jocular. 
65-73. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN SCORPIO. The Ascendant Scorpio will produce various following effects according to the nine Navāńśas thereof. 
Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, First NavāńśaThe native will be short in stature, will have prominent lips and nose, charming forehead, strong and fair complexioned body with belly, akin to that of a frog and will act, as a marriage broker (ascertaining genealogies and negotiating marital alliances).
 Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Second Navāńśa The native will be fair in complexion, will possess a strong and broad chest and shoulders and reddish eyes, will conquer his enemies be valorous and will have abundant hair. 
Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Third NavāńśaThe native will be learned, will have strong shoulders and arms and beautiful hair, be endowed with clear speech, fair complexion and charming lips. He is born of a virgin.
 Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Fourth Navāńśa The native will be intent upon joining others' wives, will induce others to be active, be valorous, tall, dark in complexion, dark-haired and dark eyed. 
Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Fifth NavāńśaThe native will be majestic, will possess copper-red eyes, depressed nose, be courageous, proud, will perform fearful acts, be famous and will have a strong physique.
 Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Sixth Navāńśa The native will be impudent, intelligent of a high order, will have elevated nose and great strength, will be endowed with knowledge of justice (or be diplomatic), be skillful, will possess less hair and compact brows. 
Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Seventh NavāńśaThe native will have a split face, strong body, teeth in various sizes, depressed belly, squint sight and be very splendourous.
 Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Eighth Navāńśa The native will have blown nose, be dark in complexion, devoid of virtues, dirty in appearance, will possess stiff hair and be foolhardy. 
Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Ninth NavāńśaThe native will have a fair coloured physique, be beautiful, like a deer, will possess calm and tawny eyes and similar hair and strong body and be amiable to elders.
74-82. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN SAGITTARIUS. The native born in Sagittarius Ascendant, but in its various Navāńśas will obtain following effects
 Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have charming big nose, will possess sight, akin to that of a goat, be a gifted speaker, will have charming teeth and hair, be fair in complexion, will have inset testicles and be fierce. 
Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will have a prominent head, be firm in disposition, will have large eyes, strong waist and knees, ugly nose, tall stature and firm cheeks.
 Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will have skill in educating and in fine arts, be majestic, just, fond of females, intelligent and jocular. 
Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will be skillful, be tawny in complexion, will possess round eyes, fair-coloured physique and a belly akin to tortoise, be intelligent, wandering-natured, will have charming hair and charming appearance.
 Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will have large ears, eyes and face, will possess a (majestic) physique, like a lion, widely spread eye brows, strong shoulders and arms, hairless physique and firm disposition. 
Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have beautiful and large eyes, broad forehead and broad face, be a poet, be mean and interested in scholarly discussions.
 Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will be dark in complexion, soft in disposition, will keep up his promise, will have a prominent head, will be interested in accumulating savings, be tall in stature, will possess broad eyes and be liberal. 
Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will be flat-nosed, broad headed, inimical, erratic sighted, garrulous and be dear to elders.
Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be fair in complexion, will have a face, akin to that of a horse and broad and dark eyes, will speak sparingly, be truthful, miserable and will possess crooked walking limbs. 
83-91. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN CAPRICORN. The various Navāńśas resulting in the Ascendant Capricorn will emanate the following effects
 Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will have intersticed and outwardly visible teeth, be dark in complexion, will speak with broken words, or be stammering, will have coarse hair, be famous, be interested in music and amusement, be emaciated and will have fluctuating wealth. 
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will be indolent, crafty, crooked nosed, fond of music, broad bodied, be interested in many females, will prattle much and be skillful.
 Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will have lust for music, be famous, fair complexioned, be endowed with superior looks and charming nose, will be fond of many friends and relatives and achieves fulfillment of desires. 
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will have round eyes with a mix of blood-red and black hue, large forehead, emaciated body and thin arms, scattered hair, intersticed teeth and broken speech.
 Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will have prominent neck, nose and belly, will enjoy pleasures, be attached to women, be dark in complexion, will have round knees and arms and will attain successful beginnings in his undertakings. 
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will possess a splendourous body, will attire charmingly, be libidinous, will possess small and even teeth, be a good speaker and will have big cheeks and large forehead.
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will be dark in complexion, be indolent, be an eloquent speaker, be short-haired, big-bodied, be harsh in disposition, will possess soft hands and legs, be intelligent and very virtuous. 
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will be endowed with majestic sight and charming nose, reddish face, uneven nails and hair, grotesque body and forehead protruding, like a pot.
 Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will have broad chest and large eyes, high intelligence, fully developed face, interest in musical studies, be endowed with sweetness and strength, be gentle and diplomatic. 
92-100. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN AQUARIUS. The various Navāńśas ascending, while Aquarius is on the East will produce following effects
 Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, First Navāńśa The native will be dark in complexion, be soft in disposition, will have an emaciated body and prominent cheeks, be learned in poetry and Shastras, be libidinous, interested in carnal pleasures and be splendourous. 
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will possess coarse skin, nails, sight and hair, be kind to the helpless, be gentle, be tall in stature, foolish and will have a ‘distinct' head.
 Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will have a compact body (limbs sticking close to each other), be fond of females, will possess the splendour of lapis lazuli, be learned in the meanings of Shastras and will act accordingly. 
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will be fond of women, be fair in complexion, will have a split face, will destroy enemies, be majestic, courageous and be fond of pleasures and sexual enjoyments.
 Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will be learned in clear meanings of Shastras and in fine arts, will have coarse hair on legs, concealed (not prominent) neck and ears and be dark in complexion. 
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will have a face, resembling that of a tiger, be bold, short-haired, will have unchanging aims, will kill living beings viz. tiger, deer, snake etc. and be dear to king.
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will have eyes and face, resembling that of a goat, be fierce in disposition, be delighted in village life, insulted by females, will suffer diseases of bilious imbalances and be endowed with strength and courage. 
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will possess an undiminishing strength, firm be disposition and affection, be a warrior with the king, or be a king himself, be beautiful and will have strong teeth and broad eyes.
 Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be dark in complexion, will possess unclean and elevated teeth, be disunited from his wife, children and wealth, be an affable speaker and be famous and skillful. 
101-109. EFFECTS OF NAVĀŃŚAS IN PISCES. Should Pisces ascend at birth, the various Navāńśas thereof will yield following specific effects
 Effects of Pisces Ascendant, First Navāńśa Though the native may be white in complexion, his body will reveal the splendour of blood-red hue; he will be soft in disposition, be akin to a female in mental make up, (i.e. will act, like a female), be fickle-minded and will have a short neck and emaciated waist. 
Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Second NavāńśaThe native will have a big nose, be skillful in his assignments, will eat meat and the like, be endowed with a charming physique, will wander in forests and hills and will have a big head.
 Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Third Navāńśa The native will be white in complexion, be crafty, will possess beautiful eyes, be beautiful, righteous, learned, courteous, modest and charming in appearance. 
Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Fourth NavāńśaThe native will have praiseworthy attributes, will fall into adversity, will serve aged people, be skillful in his assignments, learned, very strong versed in justice and will have elevated nose.
Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Fifth Navāńśa The native will be tall in stature, dark in complexion, be valorous, be not peaceful, will have a small nose and charming eyes, be fond of torturing others, be impatient, will possess beautiful teeth and prattle. 
Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Sixth NavāńśaThe native will be self-respected, righteous, excellent, strong, miserable, crafty, unsteady and be a minister.
 Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Seventh Navāńśa The native will be self-respected, will show interest in other religions, be excellent, be a minister, strong, miserable, cruel and unsteady. 
Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Eighth NavāńśaThe native will be tall in stature, will have a big head, be emaciated, indolent, will have uneven (or dirtied) eyes and hair, will have foolish children (or a few children), be interested in earning money and be skillful in war (or quarrels).
 Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Ninth Navāńśa The native will be short, soft in disposition, courageous, broad chested, broad eyed, big nosed, be bright, will have a broad physique, be intelligent, virtuous and famous. 

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