
Monday, October 25, 2010


Aries. One, who has Candr in Mesh will have round eyes, be liked by people, very fickleminded, will have cows, be troubled by expenses, will wander, be talkative, will eat not much, walk in a crooked way, be wise, respected be a gathering, bilious, dear to women, will have few sons, be angrily disposed, courageous, eldest among the brothers, miserly and be troubled by his relatives.
Taurus. The native, who has Candr in Vrishabh will be tall, strong, will have prominent thighs and face and enjoy pleasures. He will be happy and wise. He will sit in mountains and caves. He will be an able orator and know many meanings. He will be given up by his sons and relatives. He will have many daughters. He will be disposed to forgive others. From the middle part of his life, he will be happy till the end. He will like his wife and be brilliant.
Gemini. Should Candr be in Mithun, the native will look, like a cupid, will have broad face, clear voice, be fickleminded, will be impotent, or otherwise highly sensual, will have few sons, will be fond of betting and music, will hate his relatives, be phlegmatic, windy, self-willed, fond of his wife, liberal in gifts, witty, fond of eating and drinks and courageous.
Cancer. One with Candr in Kark will be very intelligent, of good qualities, superior of his relatives, will be troubled by windy complaints and fire, be talkative, will possess a strong body, be steady in quarrels, very strong, will have few issues, many houses, will be a Jyotishi, will be fast (in action), happy, will have declined wealth, will obtain secret sons (i.e. from women other than his wife), be wise, be never lonely, will have lot to speak and acquire wealth through kings.
Leo. The native, who has Candr in Simh will be profound, exalted, broad faced, blessed with wisdom, virtues and pleasures, will be cunning, will have lovely appearance, be compassionate, will do his work without fear, will have anger lasting for a short, while, be lean, self-willed, very wealthy, dear to his mother, stubborn, stronger than his enemies, be not with his people and will have few issues.
Virgo. One born with Candr in Kanya will be dirty, will have limited happiness and wealth, be very intelligent, virtuous, will hate his relatives, be comfortable, phlegmatic and windy in temperament, will have more daughters and few sons, will have beautiful face, will like women, very fickleminded, dear to his relatives, be wise, long lived, will talk sweetly, be intent on gathering money, will end his life peacefully and will have an eye on others’ money.
Libra. The native, who has Candr in Tula will be virtuous, will have good qualities, will be broad minded, smilingly disposed, will have wife, be distressed, expert trader, will like fun, will be wise, will help his relatives, will have no sons, will not have a stout body, be rich, will have a name after a god, will like liquid food and be the last issue of the family.
Scorpio. The native, who has Candr in Vrischik will have honey-coloured eyes, be without preceptors, expert in arguments, long-faced, will indulge in vicious deeds, have peaceless end, be dear to sovereign, sick in childhood, short lived, will be unfavourable to his relatives, be a poet, a religious advocate, strong, will suffer troubles of blood tubes of the body and be attached to mean people.
Sagittarius. The native, who has Candr in Dhanu will be long-faced, beautiful, will have enemies, will be dark-eyed, will have profound knowledge of Shastras, be self-controlled, will have declined wealth, heavy expenses, will not be well-disposed to his sons, will be highly respected by the learned, self-respected, virtuous, greatly strong, very long lived, miser and will not have wife and sons.
Capricorn. Should Makar be having one’s natal Candr, one will be short-statured, expert, very valorous, will move for long distances, be fickleminded, be subjected to calamities and troubles, be greatly sattvic in disposition, dear to people, have defective organs related to the five senses (viz. touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing), attached to women, will be troubled by his sons, be rheumatic and will have the affection of older ladies.
Aquarius. One born with Candr in Kumbh will have long body, will have an appearance resembling the pot, will do sinful acts covertly, will be talkative, will have many sons, be happy, will not have any ancestral property, be a wanderer, be hated by the virtuous, be deaf, will suffer cardiac diseases, be lazy and sensual, will be mentally deranged, will be inviting troubles through his own acts and speeches and will have others’ money.
Pisces. One born with Candr in Meen will be beautiful, strong spirited in speech, sick, will live in foreign places, win women and will have many wives.
The effects of the Janm Rāśis will be, as above, when there is no Drishti from, or yuti with any other Grah. Should a Grah give a Drishti to, or be yuti with the Janm Rāśi, then the results peculiar to that Grah will come to pass.

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