
Monday, October 25, 2010


In Aries.  Active, intelligent, famous, traveler, wealthy, warrior, variable fortune, ambitious, phlegmatic, powerful, marked personality, impulsive, irritable, pioneering, initiative. 
Taurus.  Clever, reflective, attracted by perfumes and dealer in them, hated by women, slow to action, musician, self-confident, delicious drinks, happy meals, tactful, original, sociable, intelligent, prominent nose.
Gemini. Learned, astronomer, scholarly, grammarian, polite, wealthy, critical, assimilative, good conversationalist, shy, reserved, lacking in originality.
Cancer.  Somewhat harsh, indolent, wealthy, unhappy, constipation, sickly, travelling, independent, expert astrologer.
Leo.  Stubborn, fixed views, strong, cruel, independent, organising capacity and talents for propaganda, humanitarian, frequenting solitary places, generous, famous.
Virgo.  Linguist, poet, mathematician, taste for literature, well read, scholarly, artistic, good memory, reasoning faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehension, learned in religious lore, reserved, wanting adulation.
Libra.  Manufacture of liquors, popular, tactless, base, drunkard, loose morals, arrogant, wicked, frank, submissive, pompous.
Scorpio.  Adventurous, bold, fearing thieves and robbers, reckless, cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, impulsive, idiotic, indolent, surgical skill, dexterous, military ability.
Sagittarius.  Short-tempered, spoils, reliable, rich, obstinate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy, musician.
Capricorn.  Mean-minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly, pushful, unhappy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging, humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm.
Aquarius.  Poor, unhappy, unlucky, unsuccessful, medium height, rare faculties, self-esteem.
Pisces.  Pearl merchant, peaceful, wealthy, uneventful, religious, prodigal, loved by women
In Aries. In Aries. - Round eyes, impulsive, fond of travel, irritable, fond of women, vegetable diet, quick to decide and act, haughty, inflexible, sores in the head, dexterous, fickle-minded, war-like, enterprising, good position, self-respect, valiant, ambitious, liable to hydrophobia if the Moon is afflicted, large thighs, popular, restless, idiosyncratic, versatile. 
Taurus. Taurus. - Liberal, powerful, happy, ability to command, intelligent, handsome, influential, fond of fair sex, happy in middle life and old age, great strides in life, beautiful gait, large thighs and hips, phlegmatic afflictions, rich patience, respected, love-intrigues, inconsistent, wavering mind, sound judgement, voracious eater and reader, lucky, popular, influenced by women, passionate, indolent.
Gemini. Gemini. - Well read, creative, fond of women, learned in scriptures, able, persuasive, curly hair, powerful speaker, clever, witty, dexterous, fond of music, elevated nose, thought reader, subtle, long life.
Cancer. Cancer. - Wise, powerful, charming, influenced by women, wealthy, kind, good, a bit stout, sensitive; impetuous, unprofitable voyages, meditative, much immovable property, scientist, middle stature, prudent, frugal, piercing, conventional.
Leo. Leo. - Bold, irritable, large cheeks, blonde, broad face, brown eyes, repugnant to women, likes meat, frequenting forests and hills, colic troubles, inclined to be unhappy, haughty, mental anxiety, liberal, generous, deformed body, steady, aristocratic, settled views, proud, ambitious.
Virgo. Virgo. - Lovely complexion, almond eyes, modest, sunken shoulders and arms, charming, attractive, principled, affluent, comfortable, soft body, sweet speech, honest; truthful, modest, virtuous, intelligent, phlegmatic, fond of women, acute insight, conceited in self-estimation, pensive, conversationalist, many daughters, loquacious, astrologer and clairvoyant or attracted towards them, skilled in arts like music and dancing, few sons.
Libra. Libra. - Reverence and respect for learned and holy people, saints and gods; tall, raised nose, thin, deformed limbs, sickly constitution, rejected by kinsmen, intelligent, principled, wealthy, business-like, obliging, love for arts, far-seeing idealistic, clever, mutable, amicable, losses through women, loves women, just, not ambitious, aspiring.
Scorpio. Scorpio. - Broad eyes, wide chest, round shanks and thighs, isolation from parents or preceptors, brown complexion, straight-forward, frank, open-minded, cruel, simulator, malicious, sterility, agitated, unhappy, wealthy, impetuous, obstinate. 
Sagittarius. Sagittarius. - Face broad, teeth large, skilled in fine arts, indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and arms, deep and inventive intellect, yielding to praise, good speech, upright, help from wife and women, happy marriage, many children, good inheritance, benefactor, patron of arts and literature, ceremonial-minded, showy, unexpected gifts, author, reflective mentality, inflexible to threats.
Capricorn. Capricorn. - Ever attached to wife and children, virtuous, good eyes, slender waist, quick in perception, clever, active, crafty, somewhat selfish, sagacious, strategic, liberal, merciless, unscrupulous, inconsistent, low morals, niggardly and mean. 
Aquarius. Aquarius. - Fair-looking, well-formed body, tall, large teeth, belly low, youngish, sensual, sudden elevations and depressions, pure-minded, artistic, intuitional, diplomatic, lonely, peevish artistic taste, energetic, emotional, esoteric, mystical, grateful, healing power.
Pisces. Pisces. - Fixed, dealer in pearls and fond of wife and children, perfect build, long nose, bright body, annihilating enemies, subservient to opposite sex, handsome, learned, steady, simple, good reputation, loose morals, adventurous, many children, spiritually inclined later in life.
In Aries. In Aries. - Love of grandeur, powerful, wealthy, prudent, many children, courteous, generous, firm, sympathetic, happy marriage, patient nature, harmonious, refined, high position. <
Taurus. Taurus. - Stately, elegant, self-importance, liberal, dutiful sons, just, sympathetic, well read, creative ability, despotic, healthy, happy marriage, liked by all, inclination to self gratification.
Gemini. Gemini. - Oratorial ability, tall, well-built, benevolent, pure-hearted, scholarly, sagacious, diplomatic, linguist or poet, elegant, incentive.
Cancer. Cancer. - Well read, dignified, wealthy, comfortable intelligent, swarthy complexion, inclined to social gossip mathematician faithful.
Leo. Leo. - Commanding appearance, tall, great, easily offended ambitious, active, happy intelligent, wise, prudent, generous broad-minded, literary, harmonious surroundings, likes hills and dales.
Virgo. Virgo. - Middle stature, ambitious, selfish, stoical, resignation, affectionate, fortunate, stingy, lovable, a beautiful wife, great endurance, learned.
Libra. Libra. - Handsome, free, open-minded, hasty, attractive, just, courteous, strong, able, exhaustion from over-activity, religious, competent, unassuming, pleasing.
Scorpio. Scorpio. - Tall, somewhat stooping, elegant manners, serious, exacting, well built, superior air, selfish, imprudent, weak constitution, sub-servient to women, passionate, conventional, proud, zealous, ceremonious, unhappy life.
Sagittarius. Sagittarius. - Pretty inheritaner, wealthy, influential, handsome, noble, trustworthy, charitable, good executive ability, weak constitution, artistic qualities, poetic, open-minded, good conversationalist.
Capricorn. Capricorn - A weak body; not very intelligent. not much stamina or virility; will have to put in much hard labour for low financial returns; He has several low traits of character; will have a little sense of cleanliness or love for his people, or compression and his religious conduct will be low ; he lives at places other than his native one and is timid and melancholy.
Aquarius. Aquarius. - Learned, not rich, controversial figure, philosophical, popular, compassionate, sympathetic, amiable, prudent, humanitarian, melancholic, meditative, dreamy, dental troubles.
Pisces. Pisces. - Good inheritance, stout, medium height, two marriages if with malefic, enterprising, political diplomacy, high position.
In Aries. In Aries. - Organizing capacity, commanding, rich, social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician, rich social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician, active, powerful, inspiring, pioneering able, statesmanly, frank, generous, careful not economical in domestic dealings, vague imaginations, combative tendencies, hard-hearted.
Taurus. Taurus. - Influenced by women, timid, rough body, stubborn, sensual, liking for magic and sports, somewhat unprincipled, selfish, tyrannical, not soft-hearted, rash, emotional, animal instinct strong sensitive.
Gemini. Gemini. - Loving family and children, taste in refinement, scientific, middle stature, well built, earned, ambitious, quick, rash, ingenious, skilled in music fearless, tactless, peevish, unhappy, subservient, diplomat, humiliating, detective.
Cancer. Cancer. - Intelligent, wealthy, rich travels and voyages, wicked perverted, love of agriculture, medical and surgical proficiency, fickle-minded, defective sight, bold, dashing, headlong, speculative unkind, egoistic.
Leo. Leo. - Tendency to occultism, astrology astronomy and mathematics, love for parents, regard and respect for elders and preceptors, independent thinking, peevish, liberal, victorious, stomach troubles, worried by mental complaints, generous, noble, author early in life, successful, combative, restless.
Virgo. Virgo. - Imitable, explosive, trouble in digestive organs, no marital harmony, general love for the fair sex, revengeful, self-confident, conceited, affable, boastful, materialistic, ceremonial-minded, positive, indiscriminative, pretentious, deceptive, scientific enterprises.
Libra. Libra. - Tall, body symmetrically built, complexion fair and swarthy, ambitious, self-confident, perceptive faculties, materialistic, live for family, self-earned wealth, affable, warlike, foresight, business-like, deceived by women, sanguine temperament, king, gentle, fond of adulation, easily ruffled, boastful.
Scorpio. Scorpio. - Middle stature, clever, diplomatic, positive tendency, indulgent, tenacious memory, malicious, aggressive, proud, haughty, great strides in life.
Sagittarius. Sagittarius. - Gentlemanly, many foes, famous minister, statesman, open, frank, pleasure loving, few children, liable to extremes, conservative, indifferent, exacting, impatient, severe, quarrelsome, litigation troubles, good citizen.
Capricorn. Capricorn. - Rich, high political position, many sons, brave, generous, love for children, middle stature, industrious, indefatigable, successful, penetrating, bold, tactful, respected, generous, gallant, influential.
Aquarius. Aquarius. - Unhappy, miserable, poor, not truthful, independent, unwise, wandering, impulsive, controversial, combative, well-versed in dialects, free, quick in forgiving and forgetting, conventional, danger on water, morose, meditative.
Pisces. Pisces. - Fair complexion, troubles in love affairs, few children, passionate, restless, antagonistic, exacting, uncertainty of feeling, faithful, unclean, colic, indolent, and willful. 
In Aries. In Aries. - Evil-minded, middle stature, obstinate, clever, social, great endurance, materialistic tendencies, unscrupulous, wavering mind, antagonistic, fond of speculation, impulsive, greedy, dangerous connections, deceitful, swerving from rectitude.
Taurus. Taurus. - High position, well built, clever, logical, mental harmony, many children, liberal, persevering, opinionative, wealthy, practicable, friends among women of eminence, inclination to sensual pleasures, well read, showy.
Gemini. Gemini. - Inclination to physical labor, boastful, sweet speech, tall, active, cultured, tactful, dexterous to mothers, indolent, inventive, taste in literature, arts and sciences, winning manners, liable to throat and bronchial troubles, musician, mirthful, studious.
Cancer. Cancer. - Witty, likes music, disliked by relations, low stature, speculative, diplomatic, discreet, flexible, restless, sensual though religious, liable to consumption, strong parental love, dislike for chastity.
Leo. Leo. - Few children, wanderer, idiotic, proud, indolent, not fond of women, boastful, orator, good memory, two mothers, poor, early marriage, independent in thinking, impulsive, positive will, remunerative profession, likes traveling.
Virgo. Virgo. - Learned, virtuous, liberal, fearless, ingenious, handsome, irritable, refined, subtle, intuitive, sociable, no self-control, morbid imaginations, dyspeptic, difficulties, eloquent, author, priest, astronomer.
Libra. Libra. - Fair complexion, sanguine disposition, inclination to excesses, perceptive faculties, material tendencies, frugal, agreeable, courteous, philosophical, faithful, ceremonial-minded, sociable, discreet.
Scorpio. Scorpio. - Short, curly hair, incentive to indulgence, liable to disease of the generative organ, general debility, crafty, malicious, selfish, subtle, indiscreet, bold, reckless. 
Sagittarius. Sagittarius. - Taste in sciences, respected by polished society, tall, well built, learned, rash, superstitious, vigorous, executive, diplomatic, cunning, just, and capable.
Capricorn. Capricorn. - Selfless, business tendencies, economical, debtor, inconsistent, low stature, cunning, inventive, active, restless, suspicious, drudging. 
Aquarius. Aquarius. - Middle stature, licentious, proud, quarrelsome frank, sociable, rapid strides in life, famous, scholar, cowardly, weak constitution.
Pisces. Pisces. - A dependent, serves others, dexterous, peevish, indolent, petty-minded, respect for goods, and Brahmins
In Aries. In Aries. - Extravagant, active, mutable, artistic, dreamy, idealist, proficient in fine arts, licentious, sorrowful, fickle-minded, prudent, unhappy, irreligious, easy going, loss of wealth due to loose life. 
Taurus. Taurus. - Well built, handsome, pleasing countenance, independent, sensual, love of nature, fond of pleasure, elegant, taste in dancing and music, voluptuous.
Gemini. Gemini. - Rich, gentle, kind, generous, eloquent, proud, respected, gullible, love of fine arts, learned, intelligent, good logician, just, dual marriage, tendencies towards materialism.
Cancer. Cancer. - Melancholy, emotional, timid, more than one wife, haughty, sorrowful, light character, inconsistent, unhappy, many children, sensitive, learned.
Leo. Leo. - Money through women, pretty wife, wayward, conceited, passionate, fair complexion, emotional, zealous, licentious, attracted by the fair sex, premature in conclusions, superior airs, unvanquished by enemies.
Virgo. Virgo. - Petty-minded, licentious, unscrupulous, unhappy, illicit love, agile, loquacious, rich, learned.
Libra. Libra. - Statesman, poet, intelligent, generous, philosophical, handsome, matrimonial felicity, successful marriage, passionate, proud, respected, intuitive, sensual, wide travels.
Scorpio. Scorpio. - Broad features, quarrelsome, medium statured, independent, artistic, unjust, proud, disappointed in love, haughty, not rich.
Sagittarius. Sagittarius. - Medium height, powerful, wealthy, respected, impertinent, generous, frank, happy domestic life, high position, philosophical.
Capricorn. Capricorn. - Fond of low class women, imprudent, ambitious, unprincipled, licentious, boastful, subtle, learned, weak body. 
Aquarius. Aquarius. - Liked by all, middle stature, handsome, affable, persuasive, witty, timid, chaste, calm, helpful and humanitarian.
Pisces. Pisces. - Witty, tactful, learned, popular, just, ingenious, caricaturist, modest, refined, powerful, exalted, respected, pleasure seeking.
In Aries. In Aries. - Idiotic, wanderer, insincere, peevish, resentful, cruel, fraudulent, immoral, boastful, quarrelsome, gloomy, mischievous, perverse, misunderstanding nature. 
Taurus. Taurus. - Dark complexion, deceitful, successful, powerful, unorthodox, clever, likes solitude, voracious eater, persuasive cool, contagious diseases, many wives, self-restraint, worried nature.
Gemini. Gemini. - Wandering nature, miserable, untidy, original, thin, subtle, ingenious, strategic, few children, taste for chemical and mechanical sciences, narrow-minded, speculative, logical, desperado.
Cancer. Cancer. - Poor, weak teeth, pleasure-seeking, few sons, cheeks full, slow, dull, cunning, rich, selfish, deceitful, malicious, stubborn, devoid of motherly care.
Leo. Leo. - Middle stature, severe, obstinate, few sons, stubborn, unfortunate, conflicting, hard worker, good writer evil-minded.
Virgo. Virgo. - Dark complexion, malicious, poor, quarrelsome, erratic, narrow-minded, rude, conservative, taste for public life, weak health.
Libra. Libra. - Famous, founder of institutions and the like, rich, tall, fair, self-conceited, handsome, tactful, powerful, respected, sound judgment, antagonistic, independent, proud, prominent, charitable, sub-servient to females.
Scorpio. Scorpio. - Rash, indifferent, hard-hearted, adventurous, petty, self-conceited, reserved, unscrupulous, violent, unhappy, danger from poisons, fire and weapons, wasteful, unhealthy.
Sagittarius. Sagittarius. - Pushful, artful, cunning, famous, peaceful, faithful, pretentious, apparently generous, troubles with wife, courteous, dutiful children, generally happy.
Capricorn. Capricorn. - Intelligent, harmony and felicity in domestic life, selfish, covetous, peevish, intellectual, learned, suspicious, reflective, revengeful, prudent, melancholy, inheritance from wife
Aquarius. Aquarius. - Practical, able, diplomatic, ingenious, a bit conceited, prudent, happy, reflective, intellectual, philosophical, vanquished by enemies.
Pisces. Pisces. - Clever, pushful, gifted, polite, happy, good, wife trustworthy, scheming, wealthy, helpful

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