
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jupiter - Saturn Opposition

Jup-Sat oppositions have been historical moments and they signal the time of change. Sh KN Rao a very famous astrologer has stressed upon   watching these celestial dramas with care and attention for they reveal a lot.

I have noticed three common features in these oppositions. (studies in the Indian context, but may be applied to other countries as well)
  1. Mass movement and unrest of people against the prevailing socio-political system.  Mass movements have invariably happened questioning the excesses of authorities
  2. Changing of hands of power or seat of power or reforms in existing socio-political situation
  3. There could be an associated loss of a social activist or a spiritual or political leader.
We are witness to the historic events unfolding before us in 2011 opposition. There was a mass movement and unrest which brought a political reform and a change in the system which could have far reaching consequences.

I am giving examples of 5 Jup-sat oppositions which took place in the last century. The common threads may be traced and the events seem to be comparable.

3rd July 1989 to 15th August 1991.
The longest opposition which remained for 2 years and 8 months was perhaps the worst in the history of nation. Covering sagi-gem and cap-can both axes, the two heavy weights swung in opposition for a long time and had 2 exact conjunctions in sag-gem and later one in cap-can.
Major events which unfolded in this period were the beginning of mass movement with rising opposition from VP Singh from within the government machinery, setting up of Mandal commission and exit of congress from the seat. VP Singh becomes Prime Minister. Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi  on the date of exact opposition in Cap-Can axis.

28th April 1971 to 6th Jan 1972
A shorter duration opposition for only 9 months in Tau-Sco axis. Major event was breaking of Indo-Pak war which actually started with socio-cultural unrest in East Pakistan and interference of India brought war to our doorsteps.

24 March 1951 to 1 April 1952
The opposition stayed on for a little more than one year in Virgo-Pisces axis with three exact conjunctions. It was quite a significant year for India. Nehru forms his first government and also the first Census of India was held in this year. There were again voices raised for masses and first Amendment to constitution was made in favour of backward classes. Yoganandji  takes Samadhi in this year.

Another interesting long opposition of more than 2 years, spanning two consecutive signs in Sag-Gem and Cap-Can rashis.  Extremely important historic year when New Delhi became the Capital city. New Delhi becomes capital of India, Historic Gandhi Irwin pact, Mass movement and hysteria against Dalit oppression under the leadership of Ambedkar and the government granted untouchables separate electorates under the new constitution. The trigger of these events led to many other spin offs in days to come and had the strength to change the history of the nation.

8 Oct 1910 to 18 Nov 1911
One of the most significant years in Nation’s history when the rulership of Britain was formally established with the coronation of King George V on 19th June 1911. Two exact oppositions had taken place between May 1911 to October 1911.  Sister Nivedita who attacked British politicians passed away on 13 Oct 1911.

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