
Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Law of Karma

The Law of Karma

Our astrology chart is a map of our “karma”. Karma basically means “action”. When we talk about “our karma” we’re talking about the actions we’ve “sown” or performed in the past (including our past lives) that are the cause of what we “reap” in our current life situation. This either becomes our karmic burden or our karmic blessing depending on whether we’ve performed positive or negative actions in the past. The Vedic scripture, the Mahabharata, says that just as a calf can always find its mother, even if its wandered into a large herd, so our past karma will always seek us out and find us. This is the law of karma.
However, our astrology chart is a relatively flexible map because our karma is relatively flexible – meaning that some karma in our lives is fixed or fated and some karma is flexible and can be changed by our free will. Our lives, then, are a dynamic interrelationship between both fate and free will.

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