
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Natural Disasters 2010

In 2010 many natural disasters occured. Following are the major natural disasters occured in 2010.
1. Earth quake in haiti.
The Haiti earthquake was a vey sweer natural disaster in 2010. Its manitude was 7.0. Its centre was located in leoane which is a small town. with an epicentre near the town of Leogane, leogane is 25 km away from the haiti. This earthquake has attacked haiti on january 12 2010.  It was estamated that 230000 people had died and 300000 had injured. Beside this more than 1000000 people had lost their homes.
The financial loss was also very huge. Rescue work for the betterment of victims in haiti is still in proress.

2. Earth quake in chile
Chile earth quake was one of the biggest earth un the history of chile. 27 feb 2010 was very unlucky day for the people of chile. Because the most sweer earthquake attacked chile on this day. The magnitude magnitude of this earth quake was 8.8. This earthquake proved extremely destructive due to its lasting time of 3 minutes. This major earthquake had ignited tsunami due which many coasts of chille had vanished. This earthquake had damaged nearly 80% of the chile population.

3. Pakistan Flooding
Heavy monsoons rains in pakistan had ignited heavy flood in various areas of country. This flood was the most heavy flood in the 100 years history of pakistan. It had effected many areas like punjab, khyber pakhtoon khawa, Balochistan, sindh. The death rate caused by this flood was nearly 2000. The people afected by the flood was nearly 20 million. This flood had damaed the 20% of pakistan land.
The rescue operation for the rescue of victims is in process.

4. Russian Heatwave
Russian heat wave is the most recent natural disaster. An extreme heat wave had produced destructive affects on many countries near russia. This heat wave had produced destructive effect on thousands of people. Actually this heat wave was produced due to climate warming.  This type of heat wave can be stopped by mainting the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to pre industrial level.

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