
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturn's Ashtakavarga

1.If Saturn occupies Lagna devoid of bindus in his own ashtakavarga,there will be either death or loss of wealth and suffering.
2.If Saturn,invested with 1 to 4 bindus,is in a kendra or is exalted,one will have short life.
3.When Saturn is in lagna,associated with 5 or 6 bindus,one will meet with all sorts of worries,financial upsets,etc from birth.If however Saturn associated with 5 or 8 bindus is debilitated or in an inimical sign,one will have a long life.
4.If Saturn is associated with 8 bindus,the native becomes head of a village panchayat or a muncipal commissioner or a mayor,if with 7 bindus,he will earn money by trade and allied activities.
5.If saturn is powerfully disposed in lagna,associated with 4 or 5 bindus one will always lead a life of sorrow,begging alms and suffering in travails.
6.When saturn is debilitated in navamsa and endowed with 5 or more bindus occupies lagna or the 5th house,one suffers from laryngeal troubles and poverty. will not live long but will become fortunate if saturn,endowed with 4 bindus but not exalted or occupying own house,is in lagna or the 4th.
8.If saturn endowed with 5 or more bindus is in a debilitated sign is occupying and exalted/own navamsa,one will live long,and possessed of wealth and happiness.
9.There will be influx of wealth through various sources,if saturn,endowed with 1 to 3 bindus,in his own house or navamsa,occupying a a quadrant or a trine.
10.kingship or an equal status will be the result when saturn as lord of 9th and 10th has 1 to 3 bindus and occupies the 3rd,6th or 11th house.


  1. Please give classical reference for No. 10.
    I have this in my chart.



  2. The above have been collected from a book of a very recent author.
    Please check your Bhava chalita chart to be sure
