
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debilitated Planets

Real life manifestation REAL-LIFE MANIFESTATIONS OF NEECHA PLANETS: Applications of the hypothesis

There is often a physical or health-related problem signified by the neecha planet, and/or there will be some concurrent weakness involving one or more of the planet’s karakas (significations). For example, debilitated Jupiter might confer weakness to the liver or gall bladder, a tendency toward allergies and having one or no children. In the charts of females, problems with finding the appropriate spouse might occur since Jupiter is one karaka of the husband. While Venus and the 7th house ruler are the main karakas for one’s spouse, many respected astrologers also consider Jupiter as the karaka for the husband since he is traditionally supposed to offer wisdom and provide for the family’s growth and prosperity.

Moreover, the neecha Jupiter individual might be more practical, frugal, conservative politically and financially, less expansive ( or less gullible) and less optimistic than others. Since Jupiter also governs good fortune, overall “luck” in life, and finances, these areas are subject to difficulties when Jupiter is fallen. Financially, Jupiter in Capricorn also creates an interest in saving money, investing, obtaining better value for items, and being more cautious in spending. In Capricorn, Jupiter is acting more like Saturn. However, this Jupiter might simultaneously yield an intense interest or focus on education, philosophy, law, religion or spirituality, all with a very pragmatic approach. Sai Baba has this Jupiter placement, for example.

It is accurate to view planets that are in debilitation as acting DIFFERENTLY from what would be expected as the natural tendency for the particular planet in question . Another famous example (involving debilitated Mercury), is the well-known chart of Albert Einstein, who was Gemini rising with Mercury debilitated in the 10th house. Mercury is the planet which governs intelligence, logic, analysis, writing and communications. Sure, this particular Mercury was technically released from debilitation by it’s association with a highly exalted Venus and attained neecha bhanga raja yoga status. However, the point to be emphasized is that in Einstein’s case, most of his attention was mercurially-focused throughout his lifetime. He achieved the brilliance of Mercury through his perseverance and embracement of Mercury in Pisces. Interestingly, it is said that Einstein attributed his ability to discover hidden scientific truths, to being comfortable lingering in confusion (until answers would appear). This state clearly sounds like a Pisces Mercury in operation. This same Mercury (ruler of the 1st & 4th houses) also hindered his early education, speech development and conferred a series of health problems. Due to the overall high status of his chart, the debilitated Mercury became the focal point and motivational catalyst for Einstein’s spiritual development. If Mercury is discounted due to its neecha status, then the major focus/purpose of this individual’s life would be ignored. He was far from ignorant, illogical or unintelligent. Einstein’s Mercury simply functioned opposite of it’s natural tendencies.

Observations  indicate that a predominance of individuals with otherwise unafflicted debilitated planets, tend to emphasize that specific area of life signified by the neecha planet. There are also cases where the debilitated planet is additionally under other afflictions and the person still concentrated on that area, particularly in regard to their chosen vocation. Briefly, some examples of these cases involve several teachers, professors & attorney clients with Jupiter debilitated. Jupiter is clearly the karaka for education, law, ethics, morals, fairness, philosophy, judges and the courts. Hence, debilitated Jupiter is not the first chart component one would associate with attorneys. Why would a debilitated Jupiter choose law as a career? One assumption is that he is focused on improving that inherent deficiency during this particular incarnation. I’m referring to the resonance of a “higher frequency” of planetary manifestation which some individuals aspire to, because the rest of the chart indicates that tendency. One attorney has also steeped himself in Hindu philosophy, spiritual practices and he demonstrates honesty and integrity in his dealings with people. He fights for truth pragmatically, which is the Jupiter in Capricorn style. Of course, all attorneys don’t necessarily have debilitated Jupiter present. This pattern represents a sub-set of individuals with a particular bent for a legal career which is likely to manifest differently from other attorneys with different Jupiter placements. This is just one of several cases of a beneficial manifestation of a debilitated planet raising itself to a higher level, or overcoming some of it’s deficiency. From one perspective, perhaps practicing law is one type of “remedial measure” for improving the neecha Jupiter. Jupiter in Capricorn is certainly imminently practical!

Significations of the Twelve Houses of the Horoscope

First House (or Lagna-Ascendant)

Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.
Second House
Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one's power and resources, worldly attainments and possession of extrinsic value, jewellery, precious stones, bonds, securities and shares, speech, vision, right eye, memory, imagination, nails, tongue, nose, teeth, chin, family members. This is also a house of death or maraka sthana. Many a learned are of the opinion that education is also a signification of this house etc.
Third House
Mental inclination, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study, courage, firmness, valour, prowess, heroism, younger brothers or sisters, cousins, neighbors, short travels, communications such as railways, wireless, posts and telegraphs, correspondence, writings, change of residence, signing contracts or agreements, rumours, carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collarbone, arms nervous system.
Fourth House
Mother, one's home (native place), residence, domestic environments, grave, private affairs etc., secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines, buildings, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water, milk, rivers, lakes etc.
Fifth House
Progeny (children), inclinations, pleasure, artistic talent, recreation, amusement, sports, romance, competitive activities like cards, crosswords, lottery, gambling or betting, love affairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra-tantra, religions mindedness, high learning and wisdom, intelligence, enormous riches, spiritual practice etc.
Sixth House
Sickness, diseases, nursing, food, service, employees, subordinates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, intense anguish, litigation etc.
Seventh House
House of union or earthly ties, legal bondage, partner in life (wife or husband), partner in business, conjugal life, influence in foreign countries and reputation achieved there, sexual life, marital relations, danger to life, marakasthana (house of death).
Eighth House
Longevity or span of life, also called house of death (because end of longevity is death); inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratuity, accidents, death by drowning, fire or suicide; misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay, dejection, disappointment, defeat, loss and obstruction, theft, robbery, chronic diseases.
Ninth House
Faith, wisdom and divine worship; fortune or luck (bhagya), philosophy, religious and philosophical beliefs, meditation, intuition and forethought, places of worship, sacrifices and charity, father, preceptor (Guru), teaching, Dhanna, grandchildren, dreams and visions, knees; communication with spirits, long journeys, voyage, air travel, higher education, foreign travel.
Tenth House
Thighs, honour, dignity, public esteem, name and fame, power prestige, credit (for good work and conduct), success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, permanency (in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's parents, religious functions. Government, high position such as President, Prime Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honour from Government.
Eleventh House
Friends, society, community, favourites, ambitions, wishes, desires and their fulfilment, gains of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, profits, prosperity, elder brothers and sisters, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune, ankles.
Twelfth House
Loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses, drudgery and deception, investments, donations, charities, separation from family, going to far away places, sorrow and sin, misery and misfortune, poverty, imprisonment, secret enemies, confinement in hospital, association, fraud, scandal, disgrace, secret sorrows, success through occult affairs, the feet, the left eye, the left ear, comforts of bed, debts, life in a foreign place and Moksha (final salvation).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Quotes from the Mahabharata

One's karmas are like treasures which are safequarded according to the laws of scriptures. In the right time, Time draws them towards itself.

Honour and dishonour, gains and losses, rise and fall all these are the results of the karmas of past lives, stage by stage. After they are enjoyed or suffered, they are exhausted.

Unhappiness is the result of one's own karmas of past lives and so is happiness. The moment a person enters the womb of the mother, he begins to experience the results of the karmas of his past lives.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

1) Lord of the sign occupied by a debilitated planet, placed in a Kendra (angle) from the Lagna or the Moon.
2) The planet which gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
3) The lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet is posited in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
4) A neecha planet exalted in the Navamsa.


5) A debilitated planet being aspected by another debilitated planet.
6) Lord of the Navamsa occupied by a debilitated planet in a Kendra (angle) or trikona (trine); the ascendant being a movable sign or the lord of the ascendant is in a movable Navamsa.
7) Lord of the Rasi where a planet is debilitated is in a trine from the Lagna or the Moon.
8) The planet that gets exalted in the sign where the planet is debilitated, is in a trine to the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet.


9) The lords of the debilitation and exaltation signs are in mutual kendras (angles).
10) A debilitated planet, aspected by the lord of the sign, situated in an auspicious house.
11) Lord of the Rasi in which a planet is debilitated or the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign, or the planet who gets exalted there is in a trine from the Lagna or the Moon.

Of the three sections given above, the importance of the yogas may be said to decrease in the descending order.

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

1. The lord of the sign of exaltation of the debilitated planet is in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. For example, if Mercury is debilitaed in Pisces, the Mercury itself which is the lord of Virgo, the sign of its exaltation, should be in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. Thus, Mercury attains neechabhanga if eithe lagna or chandra is in any of the dual signs. It is for this purpose you find that dual signs give good communication abilities and produce many writers etc. Another example: If Saturn is debilitaed in Aries, then if Venus, the lord of Libra its sign of exaltation is in a kendra to the Lagna or Moon, Saturn gets neecha bhanga or cancellation of debility.

2. The lord of the sign of debility of the debilitated planet is in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. This is the concept of the dispositor of the planet, and if the dispositor of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra to Lagna or Moon, then neecha bhanga occurs. This is also an important part of the Kalpa Druma Yoga where the dispositor of the strong lagna lord is required to be in a kendra to lagna. In such a case, when the naive approaches someone for help, when in trouble or in debility, help is sure to come.

3. The debilitated planet occupies its exaltation sign in the Navamsa chart. Every sign has nine Navamsa, Saturn is debilitated in Aries and the seventh Navamsa is that of Libra, its exaltation sign. Thus, if Saturn were to be between 20-23.20 degrees in Aries, neechabhanga is automatic. This implies that the native has done some very good dharmic karma in the past birth bring ing forth the blesings of Bhagavan and hence his debilitated condition or troubles are forgiven and he gets relief.

4. The sign where the planet is in debility is conjoined another planet which gets exalted in that sign. It pays to have powerful friends and associates and a planet in debility, if conjoined another planet in exaltation leads to a situation where the troubled soul meets another who is exalted and powerful or the person who is best suited to help him out. Sheer luck you may call those situations or just coincidence is what many people say. In one case, a businessman was about to be kicked out of all his businesses and as he waited at the airport, he had the acquaintance of the chairman of a bank. They discussed and then the businessman revealed his problem. The Chairman cancelled his flight and went back to office the next day and gave him a loan. The businessman went on to purchase controlling shares and grow into a big business house.

Such Rajyoga do not occur with every neechabhanga, and at least a few of the factors cited above have to occur. further, all planets do not get neechabhanga by all the four methods. As a study, examine the debility of each planet and see the peculiar situations that cause its exaltations and the lessons they hold

On Saturn's Transit into Libra this year

As per Brihat samhitha of Varahamihira:

When Saturn transits Hasta: barbers,potters,oil manufacturers,thieves,physcians,tailors(needle workers),elephant catchers,harlots the people of kosala country and garland makers (florists) come to harm.
The transit is happenning currently.
When Saturn transits Chitta :Trouble befalls women,writers,painters and painted vessels.

When Saturn is in Swati rhapsodists(or bards or the people of Magadha),spies,couriers,chariteers or story tellers,sailors,actors,muscians are effected.

Transits this year

This year we have already seen the transits of Jupiter into
Aries,Rahu/Ketu into Scorpio/Taurus and Opposition of Jupiter and

The most important transit to happen this year is that of Saturn from
November 15th into its exaltation sign Libra.

This is the time for natives to be born with strong Sasa Yoga which
has a benefic aspect of Jupiter from a friendly sign. Natives with a
strong Sasa Yoga will be proficient in appeasing people and be the
leaders of the masses.More so when they are born with Moon in
Cancer,as that will form a strong Gaja Kesari Yoga with Jupiter in

On an individual level every one of us will be witnessing a sea change
in our lives depending upon the Ashtakavarga strength of Saturn and
also the position of the same from the natal moon.

People of Leo rasi will be out of Yelinati sani and will have much
relief.People of Virgo,Libra and Vrischika will be under going the
Yelinati Sani period.

In this context i would like to mention that people having SAV
strength of 30 or more in Libra will not experience the bad effects of
the mentioned period.

It is said that Saturn will be starting to give effects 6 months from
before entering a raasi.So the changes are already ongoing.We should
observe ourselves.

As per Varahamihira's Brihat samhitha Writers/authors will be effected
with the transit of Saturn into Libra.

Another important transit is Mars going geo stationary for about 8
months from  October 29th.Developments in our State should be observed
as Mars effects South India in general and Andhra Pradesh in specific.