
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debilitated Planets

Real life manifestation REAL-LIFE MANIFESTATIONS OF NEECHA PLANETS: Applications of the hypothesis

There is often a physical or health-related problem signified by the neecha planet, and/or there will be some concurrent weakness involving one or more of the planet’s karakas (significations). For example, debilitated Jupiter might confer weakness to the liver or gall bladder, a tendency toward allergies and having one or no children. In the charts of females, problems with finding the appropriate spouse might occur since Jupiter is one karaka of the husband. While Venus and the 7th house ruler are the main karakas for one’s spouse, many respected astrologers also consider Jupiter as the karaka for the husband since he is traditionally supposed to offer wisdom and provide for the family’s growth and prosperity.

Moreover, the neecha Jupiter individual might be more practical, frugal, conservative politically and financially, less expansive ( or less gullible) and less optimistic than others. Since Jupiter also governs good fortune, overall “luck” in life, and finances, these areas are subject to difficulties when Jupiter is fallen. Financially, Jupiter in Capricorn also creates an interest in saving money, investing, obtaining better value for items, and being more cautious in spending. In Capricorn, Jupiter is acting more like Saturn. However, this Jupiter might simultaneously yield an intense interest or focus on education, philosophy, law, religion or spirituality, all with a very pragmatic approach. Sai Baba has this Jupiter placement, for example.

It is accurate to view planets that are in debilitation as acting DIFFERENTLY from what would be expected as the natural tendency for the particular planet in question . Another famous example (involving debilitated Mercury), is the well-known chart of Albert Einstein, who was Gemini rising with Mercury debilitated in the 10th house. Mercury is the planet which governs intelligence, logic, analysis, writing and communications. Sure, this particular Mercury was technically released from debilitation by it’s association with a highly exalted Venus and attained neecha bhanga raja yoga status. However, the point to be emphasized is that in Einstein’s case, most of his attention was mercurially-focused throughout his lifetime. He achieved the brilliance of Mercury through his perseverance and embracement of Mercury in Pisces. Interestingly, it is said that Einstein attributed his ability to discover hidden scientific truths, to being comfortable lingering in confusion (until answers would appear). This state clearly sounds like a Pisces Mercury in operation. This same Mercury (ruler of the 1st & 4th houses) also hindered his early education, speech development and conferred a series of health problems. Due to the overall high status of his chart, the debilitated Mercury became the focal point and motivational catalyst for Einstein’s spiritual development. If Mercury is discounted due to its neecha status, then the major focus/purpose of this individual’s life would be ignored. He was far from ignorant, illogical or unintelligent. Einstein’s Mercury simply functioned opposite of it’s natural tendencies.

Observations  indicate that a predominance of individuals with otherwise unafflicted debilitated planets, tend to emphasize that specific area of life signified by the neecha planet. There are also cases where the debilitated planet is additionally under other afflictions and the person still concentrated on that area, particularly in regard to their chosen vocation. Briefly, some examples of these cases involve several teachers, professors & attorney clients with Jupiter debilitated. Jupiter is clearly the karaka for education, law, ethics, morals, fairness, philosophy, judges and the courts. Hence, debilitated Jupiter is not the first chart component one would associate with attorneys. Why would a debilitated Jupiter choose law as a career? One assumption is that he is focused on improving that inherent deficiency during this particular incarnation. I’m referring to the resonance of a “higher frequency” of planetary manifestation which some individuals aspire to, because the rest of the chart indicates that tendency. One attorney has also steeped himself in Hindu philosophy, spiritual practices and he demonstrates honesty and integrity in his dealings with people. He fights for truth pragmatically, which is the Jupiter in Capricorn style. Of course, all attorneys don’t necessarily have debilitated Jupiter present. This pattern represents a sub-set of individuals with a particular bent for a legal career which is likely to manifest differently from other attorneys with different Jupiter placements. This is just one of several cases of a beneficial manifestation of a debilitated planet raising itself to a higher level, or overcoming some of it’s deficiency. From one perspective, perhaps practicing law is one type of “remedial measure” for improving the neecha Jupiter. Jupiter in Capricorn is certainly imminently practical!