
Thursday, August 25, 2011

About Raasi's,Konas and Kendras

The names of the 12 Rasis (Zodiac signs) in their natural order and their rulers:
1.     Aries or Mesha is ruled by Mars/Mangal. It extends from 00:00 degrees to 30:00' in the zodiac.
2.      Taurus or Vrishabha is ruled by Venus/Shukra. It extends from 30:00 degrees to 60:00'
3.     Gemini or Mithuna is ruled by Mercury/Budh. It extends from 60:00 degrees to 90:00'
4.      Cancer or Karka is ruled by the Moon/Chandra. It extends from 90:00 degrees to 120:00'
5.      Leo or Simha is ruled by the Sun/Surya. It extends from 120:00 degrees to 150:00'
6.      Virgo or Kanya is ruled by Mercury/Budh. It extends from 150:00 degrees to 180:00'
7.      Libra or Tula is ruled by Venus/Shukra. It extends from 180:00 degrees to 210:00'
8.      Scorpio or Vrischika is ruled by Mars/Mangal. It extends from 210:00 degrees to 240:00'
9.      Sagittarius or Dhanu is ruled by Jupiter/Guru. It extends from 240:00 degrees to 270:00'
10.               Capricorn or Makara is ruled by Saturn/Sani. It extends from 270:00 degrees to 300:00' 
11.               Aquarius or Kumbha is ruled by Saturn/Sani. It extends from 300:00 degrees to 330:00'
12.               Pisces or Meena is ruled by Jupiter/Guru. It extends from 330:00 degrees to 360:00'
Sun and Moon own one house each and all the other 5 planets own 2 houses each. Rahu and Ketu do not own any houses. But in whichever house they are situated they behave according to the requisite qualities of that house & rashi.
The rashis are further divided into several categories. The categories are:
1. The Trikona or Triangular groups. 
Ø The 1st triangle formed by Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Agni-Tatwa or Fire signs. They are active, aggressive, adventurous and dominating by nature and are good leaders and administrators. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Dharma aspect predominant.
Ø The 2nd triangle formed by Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Bhu-Tatwa/Bhoomi tatwa or Earth signs. They are down to earth, practical and careful by nature and have a good sense of money. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Artha aspect predominant.
Ø The 3rd triangle formed by Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are Vayu-Tatwa or Air signs. They are intelligent, carefree, jovial and social by nature and enjoy life more than the other signs. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Kama aspect predominant.
Ø The 4th triangle formed by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Jala-Tatwa or Water signs. They are emotional, sensitive, romantic, artistic, nature loving and spiritual by nature. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Moksha aspect predominant.
2. The Kendra or Quadrangular groups
Ø Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn forming the 1st quadrangle are Chara or Movable rasis. They are active by nature, like change and direct in their approach. Normally people with chara rasis dominating in the birth chart travel a lot. 
Ø Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius forming the 2nd quadrangle are Sthira or Fixed rasis. They take their time to act, do not like change, and have a fixed views and ways of doing things. 
Ø Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces forming the 3rd quadrangle are Dwichara or Dual rasis. They are very intelligent and like exploring new ways and theories

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