
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Analysis of recent events using Varaha Mihira's Koorma Chakra

Varahamihira, the greatest astrologer of ancient India  has classifed the country into 9 regions based on the directions indicated by the 27 Nakshtras.

When ever there is transit of a Benefic/malefic planet/planets in a nakshtra the regions indicated by Varahamihira get effected as per the significations of the planets and raasis involved. Benefic and malefic nature of the planets are Naisargika as per the ancient texts. Natural benefic planets become malefics when they are combust and or debilitated. Natural Malefic Planets if in their Own,exaltation or Moola trikona signs still retain their malefic nature
With my limited knowledge in the subject and only with strong enthusiasm to study and learn astrology i tried herein below to analyse two of the recent events based on the classification done by Varahamihira.
Event 1.
There was a train accident in Tamil Nadu on 14 th September.As per the classification of regions,  Nakshtras representing Tamil Nadu among other regions are Uttaraphalguni,Hasta and Chitta.

On 14th September Saturn the strongest natural malefic is transiting in Hasta.

Saturn has a 74% aspect from debilitated Mars.Saturn is also in conjunction with Debilitated Venus  which is transiting in Uttara Phalguni which again represents the region.

Venus also signifies Luxurious Vehicles.Mars is the significator of accidents.

Event 2.

Mars entered Cancer its debilitation sign on 9th September.It is transiting Punarvasu.Eastern India is represented by  Ardra,Punarvasu and Pushya.The area covers Bihar,Jharkhand,West Bengal,Bangladesh,Meghalaya,Assam,Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram and Tripura.

Debilitated Mars which is transiting Punarvasu has a 74 % aspect from Saturn. The West Bengal Government announced a flood situation on 26th August also there was a flood situation in Bihar too.Both the states are covered by Punarvasu as per the Varahamihira's classification.

Please also refer to my previous post on Varahamihira's Koorma Chakra for ready reference