
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Barack Obama'S Panchamsa

Data source:,_Barack
Rating : AA

Above are the charts of Barack Obama President of USA.This is in continuation to my earlier post labelled Divisional charts - Transits - Ashtaka varga.

 If we see the chronology of events as given in the astro data bank link given above,we can find the following under the head Events:

Work : Gain social status 1997 (Elected to Illinois state senate)
Work : Gain social status 27 July 2004 (Gave rousing keynote address at DNC)
Work : Gain social status 2 November 2004 (won election to the U.S. Senate)
Social : Great Publicity 17 January 2007 (Announces formation of presidential exploratory committee)
Work : Gain social status 27 August 2008 at 4:47 PM in Denver, CO (Acclaimed Democratic Party Nominee for President) 
Work : Gain social status 4 November 2008 (Elected President of the US)

Let me correlate the strength of Saturn transits vis a vis his Panchamsa SAV Scores.

1.When he was elected to Illinois state senate , Saturn was transiting Pisces aspecting exalted Moon in Taurus and also the fifth house of Power from Moon i.e Virgo in Raasi .In Panchamsa ( D-5), Saturn was transiting the Fifth house from Lagna.The SAV Score is only 22 in Pisces in D5.His journey to Presidency started from there.
2.When he won the election to US Senate on 2nd November,2004,Saturn was transiting Cancer which has a score of 41 out of 56 SAV points in D5 which is very high.He rose to fame in this transit.
3.When he was elected President on 4th November 2008, Saturn was transiting Leo,which has 31 out of 56 SAV Points .Though he was elected as president, he could not enjoy the same powerful position as his predecessors due to the many problems faced by USA.

In D5, In virgo, the SAV Score is only 26 and in the coming transit in Libra it is only 23,which is very less.He was loosing his popularity from the very third month of his becoming the President and in the next election in 2012,he might not be returning to power.