
Friday, September 30, 2011

Dasaarishta Bhanga from Saravali

प्रवेशे बलवा न्खेत सुभैर्वा  सुनिरीक्षित: !   
सौम्याधिमित्रवर्गस्थो मृत्यवे न भवे त्थादा !!

अन्तर्दसाधिनाधस्य बलस्य दसायदा !
बलिनस्यत्तदा भङ्गो दसरिष्टस्य तद्ध्रुवं !!

युधे च विजय तस्मिन्ग्रःयोगे शुभे यदि !
दास्यां न भवेत्क्ष्टं स्वोचाधिषु च संस्थित: !!

At the time of start of the antardasa, if the antardasa lord is a benefic,strong or is aspected by benefics,or is in the sign of a friend then the antardasa lord will not give any evil effects during its period.

At the time of the start of the antardasa,if the antardasa lord is weak and the Moola dasa lord is strong,then in that antardasa there will be not be any  evil effects  .

In  the dasa of a planet victorious in a inter planetary war then too there will be no evil effects.

The above slokas are from Kalyana varma's Saravali.