
Monday, September 12, 2011

Debilitation of Mars and Accidents

Currently Mars is transiting in its debilitation sign Cancer and will be in this sign upto 30th October,2011.Cancer we all know is a watery sign and Mars being a Fiery planets gets debilitated in this sign. As Mars signifies accidents there would be a surge in the number of accidents during this period till 30 th October.

Accidents will have connection to watery places like rivers,seas and oceans

There are already some accidents
one At Zanzibar,Tanzania where one ferry carrying passengers sank killing more than 200 people is note worthy for now.

Leo natives will be effected the most as there is a papa kartari yoga by being placed between many malefics on either side and might be having troubles in long distance travels,health issues and obstacles all along in everything they do.

People with Sagittarius rasi should be extra careful during this period regarding their health.Cancer sign natives will be having very short temper and may have ill health,Capricorn natives will be showing over aggression on their partners and may also have some illness,Aries natives might  be having vehicular accidents quarrels with their mother and problems with their landed properties.Aquarius natives will be having digestive problems and might be deceived by their enemies.Virgo natives might be having quarrels with their elder brothers,friends and may have some losses.Librans might face obstacles in their ventures and parents health might be effected.Scorpio natives might deviated from accepted practices, might face problems in piligrimages and long distance travels.Pisces natives might develop negative thoughts and have to be care ful regarding their children. Taurus natives will lack courage and be with less stamina,will have trouble with younger brothers.Gemini natives might have to be careful about what they eat  and might have familiy problems.