
Monday, September 5, 2011

Interpreting Indu(Sree) lagna

Indu lagna is a tool suggested by classics on astrology  for estimating the wealth of the native.Here wealth is not simply currency.Prosperity in all aspects of life can be studied from this lagna.
If a benefic planet aspects the Indu Lagna,it  gives a lot of wealth in its Dasha.Many benefic planets aspecting the Indu lagna,wealth would be in abundance.If one or more planets are in their own signs or exaltation signs, would make th native even more richer.

Malefics exalted and occupying the Indu lagna makes one very wealthy at the end of their  dasa.

If the malefic occupying the Lagna is not in its exaltation sign or own also gives wealth but moderately.

Planets occupying Trines and quadrants from Indu lagna give wealth in their Dasa/Antar dasa.

Debilitated malefics aspecting and or occupying the Indu lagna is not good for wealth.

Jupiter in its transits comes into a trine or quadrant from this lagna also gives wealth

Planets situated in dusthanas (3,6,8,12) from this lagna make one incur loss of wealth.

If the Indu lagna is not occupied or aspected by any planet is not good for acquiring wealth.

Studying yogas formed by the trinal and quadrant lords from this lagna helps in estimating the wealth of this native.

Studying the above with regard to the Bhinnashtaka varga strength of the Planets influencing the Indu lagna and the Sarvaashtakavarga strength of the raasis which are trines and quandrants from the lagna and the yogas formed helps in estimating the wealth aquired and the time when wealth is acquired.