
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pakistan into Turbulent times and Probable civil war

Transit of Saturn into Libra this November 15 th seems to be alarming in the case of Pakistan.On a study of the Pakistan's Independance chart we can see the following factors:

1.The transit is in the 5th house from natal moon.5th house in mundane charts signify Children,birth rate,Educational facilities,Stock Exchange,Speculation,Morals,immorality,scandals,crimes relating to immorality,High society,Parliament,ambassadors and diplomats from foreign countries and Danger to the Ruler as the 5th house is 8 th from the 10th .

2.Ashtaka varga Strength of the Fifth house in the Pakistan's Independence chart is 19 out of 56  which is alarmingly low.This low score denotes suffering with respect to all the significations of the 5 th house mentioned above.There might be danger to Rulers and representatives of People.People in general will be more restless which may lead to a civil war.More so because Saturn in this rasi has a BAV of only 2 out of 8 which too is very low adding fuel to the fire.

3.Aspect of Saturn on the Natal Sun : On 9th January 2014,Saturn has a 100% aspect on Natal Sun which shows danger to the ruler.Saturn is in Krooraamsa  and Sun in Kaala Pavakaamsa  in D 60 both in malefic shastiamsas.Significantly Saturn is aspecting Transit Sun and also Moon both of which are in Fire signs.Moon is in conjunction with Ketu and Sun is aspected by Mars.Another important aspect to be noted here is Jupiter transits over the natal Satru saham on July 20 th 2014.

4.Saturn transits over natal Jupiter creating delusions to the people.

5.Libra also happens to be the A10 which signifies the ruler.

6.Transit Saturn weak in strength signifies Civil war.

Transit strength of Saturn in various divisional charts during its transit in Libra:

D-2   43% Adverse
D-3   52% Average
D-4   55% Average
D-5   34% Very Low
D-8   43% Low

Low scores in D5 signifies very adverse Power and Fame
in D8 it signifies unexpected troubles.