
Friday, September 2, 2011

Special rules for Transit - Nadi texts

1.Add longitudes of the 5th lords counted from the Moon and Jupiter.When Saturn transits the resultant place,birth of a child is to be declared provided the 5th lord at that time is in aspect to a benefic.

2.Add the longitudes of the 4th lord,11th lord and ascendant lord.Saturn moving in the resultant place will cause much happiness and acquisition of wealth.

3.Add the longitudes of the 2nd lord,11th lord and ascendant lord.Jupiter moving in the resultant place with another benefic's aspect will produce gain of wealth and grains.

4.Add the longitudes of Mars,2nd lord and 5th lord.The time of Saturn's transit in the resultant place will harm wealth,grains and qudrupeds.

5.Add the longitudes of lords of 1st,5th and 7th.When Saturn's transit happens in the resultant space,the native will have professional fulfillment.Transit Saturn should then be in aspect to 10th lord.

6.Saturn's movement,in aspect to Jupiter,in the space resulting the addition of the longitudes of the lords of the 2nd,10th and 11th will give marraige and or pleasures.

7.Add the longitudes of the lords of the 2nd,11th and 10th.When Jupiter in transit occupies this space with the aspect of moon,the native will have abundant financial gains.

8.Add the longitudes of the lords of 4th,1st,2nd and 11th.Saturn's transit in the resultant space will cause marraige,gain of lands,or men borne conveyances.

9.Add the longitudes of the lords of the 2nd ,9th and 12th.Loss of wealth and great grief will result the transit of Saturn in the resultant space.There should however be aspect of a benefic on the said Saturn.

10Saturn moving in the space caused by adding the longitudes of the lords of  the ascendant,5th and 12th will cause evils in respect of progeny.