
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

India's Kali Saham and Assasination of Indira Gandhi

In continuation to the study of the Sahams on Mundane charts,this is one more instance, in addition to my previous post titled India's Kali Saham and Terrorist attack on Mumbai. This is the chart for the time  of Jupiter transit over India's Kali saham on 23.11.1984.The Year 1984 has been a very significant year for India as there were many untoward incidents. Following are the incidents that took place during the year :
6 June - Indian troops storm the Golden Temple at Amritsar, the Sikhs' holiest shrine.

31 October - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by her two Sikh security guards. Rajiv Gandhi becomes prime minister of India.

31 October - 3 November An estimated 2,700-10,000 Sikhs killed during the anti-Sikh riots in Delhi and other areas; mobs loot and damage several Sikh homes, businesses and Gurdwaras in response to the assassination of Indira Gandhi
3 December - Bhopal Disaster: A methyl isocyanate leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, kills more than 2,000 people outright and injures anywhere from 15,000 to 22,000 others (some 6,000 of whom later die from their injuries) in one of the worst industrial disasters in history.

From the above listed events we can see that  very close to the transit, Mrs Indira Gandhi,the then Prime minister of India was assasinated.
Following the assassination there was wide spread arson in the Capital city which resulted in massacre of sikhs.

There are two issues to be considered here.1.Transit of  Rahu /Ketu on their natal positions.2.Ketu transiting very close to Sun who denotes the ruler.

The saham Ascendant is Aries which is aspected by Mars ,Saturn and Pluto.

Further, there was disaster which happened in Union Carbide in Bhopal. At the time of this transit there was a conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in the Airy sign of Libra .This conjunction is in aspect to the Saham ascendant.

The Saturn Pluto conjunction aspecting the saham ascendant resulted in the operation blue star,Bhopal disaster and Ketu's conjunction with Sun and Moon resulted in the assassination of the Prime Minister !!