
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rules of Longevity - Sarvaartha Chinta mani

मरणाज्जीवित मरणं गुह्यस्थानम् च मरनहेतुम्च !
अन्नसुखा मरण देसं परिभवमपिचिन्तयेत्प्राग्यः !!

From the 8 th house longevity,death,sexual organs,reason of death,Food comforts,place of death,Insults are to be seen.

रन्ध्रेस्वरे पापयुतेन्त्यरासवल्पायुरस्येतिवदन्तिषष्टे !
तत्रापि लग्नेस्वर योग जातेत्वल्पा युरस्येतिवदन्तिसन्तः !१

Eigth lord aspected/conjoined by another malefic planet and  being in 12 th house, the native will not live long.If the 8 th lord is in 6 th with lord of the Ascendant,in this case too the native will be short lived.

स्वक्शेत्रगे वायाडी रन्ध्रनाधे दीर्घ्युर अस्तितीव दन्ति सन्तः !
मन्देनवाचिन्त्यमसेशमायुह् स्वक्शेत्र मित्रोच गृहस्थितेन !!

If  lord of the 8 th house is in own house or if Saturn is in exaltation or in a friends raasi then long life has to be predicted.

रन्ध्रेस्वरेनापि युते विलग्न नाधेरी पोउवा व्यय रासि युक्ते !
शष्ट्यान्त्य पे वायदि लग्न युक्ते दीर्घायु रस्येति सुभेक्षितस्चेत !!

lagna lord with lord of eigth is in sixth or eigth and if sixth lord or twelth lord is in lagna and is aspected by a benefic planet,the native will be long lived.

कर्मेस्वरेनापि वि चिन्त्य मायुःदीर्घंसुःरुत्स्वोच्छयुते न तेन !
केन्द्रस्थितौ कर्म विलग्न नाधौ तधैव दीर्घायु रुदहरन्ति !!

Tenth lord being placed in own or exaltation signs too confers good longevity.If Tenth and Lagna lords are in Kendras then too long life will result.