
Friday, October 7, 2011

Asteriod Hits - The Vela Incident

This is the chart for the time the Incident happened near to an island possessed by France as reported in the above link in Wikipedia.

There was an unexplained double flash of light which was observed,  associated obviously with enormous release of energy which probably was a nuclear explosion.

The incident has been observed by the Vela Hotel satellite belonging to US,which occured in the sea near to south Africa.There was much debate on whether the incident is related to a nuclear test or a meteorite fall.The puzzle never was solved or intentionally the truth was suppressed though there were many scientific investigations .

If we observe the planetary formations on that date with the data available in the link given above,we can see the Five planetary combination in Virgo that of Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus and Pluto. There was a Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction going on in Leo with Rahu-Ketu axis falling between Jupiter and Saturn.Mars is debilitated in Cancer.

In this instance too the planets are lined up in the skies,spread over three signs Cancer,Leo and Virgo.This lining of planets always signifies big events.

Pluto signifies atomic power and Conjunction with Sun results in manifestation of the atomic energy.

Pluto in Maya Shastyamsa is of much significance in this event which shows a coverup

More over,As in all other mysterious explosions/events analysed,there is no nexus between Pluto and Rahu/Ketu axis in this event. So we can conclude the event is not of an asteriod fall but a nuclear test,which has been covered up as an asteriod fall.