
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Significations of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto

Significations of Uranus
People signified by Uranus include antiquarians, astrologers, aviators, electrical and scientific goods traders, electricians, discoverers, engineers, government or civic officials, inventors, lecturers, mesmerists, metaphysicians, original thinkers, patentees, phrenologists, pioneers, psychologists, public functionaries, radio technicians, spirit mediums, travellers, and all pursuing uncommon forms of work.

Physically, Uranus governs the appendix; aura; brain and stomach membranes; breathing; electromagnetic forces; eyes; heart valves; motor nerves; nerve fluids; and the growth of long bones. When prominent, it confers a pleasing though ascetic or effeminate appearance; slim body; large, light, brilliant, keen eyes; and irregular features.

Illnesses include fractures; inflammations caused by mineral deposits; lesions; ruptures; and spasmodic disorders.

Significations Neptune :
People signified by Neptune include all those engaged in aesthetic, artistic, inspirational, literary, occult and psychic vocations (including mediums and mystics), or those connected with water.

Physically, Neptune governs the cerebral ventricles and pineal gland; cell development and reproduction; glands; intuitive perception of a psychic genesis; poisons; nerve fibres; nutrition; optic nerves; psychic and telepathic functions; respiratory and throat tissues; spinal fluid; tears; and white corpuscule formation. When prominent, it confers a slim, orderly body; a mysterious expression; hypnotic eyes; sharp, almost cruel features; and a long head, bald at the temples.

Illnesses include anaemia; catalepsy; drug addiction; energy depletion; glandular imbalance; hypochondriasis; neuroses; oxygen deficiency; and wasting disesases. 

Significations Pluto : 
People signified by Pluto include aeronauts, anonymous writers, archaeologists, leaders of large organisations and movements, nuclear scientists, sociological writers, space explorers and scientists, television engineers and technicians, those working underground, and weather forecasters.

Physically, Pluto governs metabolic balance, and the nerve centres connecting the solar plexus with the sacral plexus and the top of the spinal column with the pineal gland. When prominent, it confers medium stature; a rugged, sturdy build; delicate skin; and fine, soft head hair but little body hair. Illnesses include ailments resulting from mineral deposition caused by acidosis; arthritis; and arteriosclerosis.