
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Phala deepika - Transit Effects of Dasa Lord

Interesting correlations of Transits and Vimsottari dasa, effects of the Dasa lord

यद्भावगो गोचरतो विलग्नात 
दसेस्वरह् स्वोच सुहृद गृहस्थः 
तद्भावपुष्टिं कुरुथे तदानीं 
चलान्वित   स्छे ज्जननेपि तस्य 

In any dasa,if the dasa lord transits his exaltation,own or friendly house he does good to that bhava counted from the lagna,provided the planet is strong at the time of birth.

बलोनितो जन्मनि पाकनाधो 
मोउध्यं स्वनीचम् रिपुमन्दिरंवा 
प्राप्तस्च यद्भावमुपैथि चारात्
 तद्भावनासं कुरुथे तदानीं

At the time of birth which ever planet is weak,debilitated,combust the planet in its dasa while transiting the above said raasis destroys the significations of the bhava owned by it

दसेसस्य तुङ्गे सुहृद भे दसेसात 
त्रिशत्कर्म लाभात्रिकोणस्तभेषु 
यदाचार्यगत्या समायाति चन्द्रः 
शुभं संविधत्तेन्यधाचेद अरिष्टं 

When Moon transits the exaltation,friendly signs or 3,6,10,11 th houses or 5th , 9th Konaas or transits 7th house from the dasa lord gives problems.

पाकप्रभुर्गो चरतः स्वनीचम् 
मोउध्यं यदायाति विपक्षभं वा 
कष्टं विदध्या त्स्यगृहं स्वतुन्गम् 
वक्रं गतः सोउख्यफलं तदानीं 

In transit if the antardasa lord reaches his debilitation,enemy's sign or becomes combust he gives problems.If he transits his exaltation sign or when in retrogression gives good results.

पाकेसस्य सुभप्रदस्य भवनं तुङ्गं प्रपन्ने यदा 
सूर्ये तत्फलसिद्धिमेति गुरूणा प्येवंफलं चिन्तयेत 
नीचं कश्तफलप्रदस्य च दसानाधस्य वैरिस्थारं 
प्राप्तेभास्वति गोचरेण लभते तस्यैवकष्टंफलं 

when a favourable antardasa is running, in transit, when Sun reaches the exaltation sign of the antardasa lord or Jupiter transits in its exaltation sign,then the good results of the planet manifest. When in transit Sun reaches the antardasa lord's debilitation sign then the bad result destined to be given by the antardasa lord will definitely manifest.