
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Planets and their Significations

Monday, June 28, 2004
The Sun The Soul; Power; Intense Severity (fierce); Fortress; Good Strength; Heat; Splendour; Fire; Worship Of Siva; Courage; Thorned Trees; Being In Royal Favour; Bitterness; Old Age; Cattle; Wickedness; Land; Father; Taste; Self-Realization; Skyward Look; One Born of a Timid Woman; World Of Mortals (Mrtyu Loka); Square shape; Bone (skeletal system); Valour; Grass; The Belly; Strenuous Effort; Forest; Half A Year (uttarayana / dakshinayana); Eye (right); Wandering Over The Mountains (wanderer); Quadruped (also the birds); King; Travelling; Dealing; Bite; Scorch; Circular Shape ; Eye Disease; Body (vitality in the body); Timber (wood); Mental Purity; Lordship Of The Whole Country (sovereign); Freedom Form Disease; Lord Of Saurashtra State; Ornaments; Disease In The Head; Precious stones (gems); Lord Of Sky; Short Like A Dwarf; Lord Of The Eastern Direction; Copper; Blood; Kingdom; Red Cloth; Stone; Public Life; River Bank; Coral ; Ruby; Strong At Mid-Day (Noon); Eastern Direction; Mouth; Long Standing Anger; Capture Of The Enemy; Sattvik (Pure); Red Chandan Or Saffron; Hostility; Thick Cord

The Moon Mind; Imagination; Flower; Good Perfume (incence); Going to a Fortress; Brahmin by caste; Idleness; Phlegmatic (kapha) Humour; Epilepsy (diseases of mind, if afflicted); Enlargement of the Spleen (spleed creates bile which help in fat metabolism); Mental Disposition (state of mind); Heart (feelings); Woman (motherly); Virtue Or Vice (attributes of mind); Saltish taste/ Sleep (peace); Happiness; Anything like Water (any fluid); Bell-Metal; Silver (metal); Sugarcane; Typhoid (infection of intestine); Travel/ Going To Far Off Countries; Well; Pond; Tank (any water body); Mother (relations); Pearls; Consumption (infection of lungs/ TB); Whiteness (colour); Waistband; Short Stature; Ability; Winter Season; White Colour; Belly; Worshipping Goddess Gauri; Joking; Nourishment; Wheat; Pleasure; Splendour; Face; Sharp in Thought (in good association such as Jupiter); Love for Curd; Mendicant (sanyasa yoga); Fame (popularity among masses); Learned; Beauty; Strength at Night; Facing Westward; Learned; Getting A Job; Love For West; The Middle World; Nine Gems (navaratna); Middle Age; Life; Eating (food); Ailment of the Shoulders; Umbrella or any Other Royal Insignia; Good Fruits; Blood Purity and Vitality; Fish and Other Water Creatures; Serpent; Brilliant Things (sparkling); Clean Crystal; Soft And Velvety Clothes; Silk Garments

 Mars Prowess; Land (any immovable property); Strength; Kingship; Loss Of Virility; Thief; Battle; Hostility; Enemy; Generosity; Deep red colour; Owning A Garden; Sound Of A Trumpet; Affection; Quadruped; Fool; Anger; Going to a Foreign Country; Firmness; Supporter; Fire; Controversy; Bile; Heat; Wound; Commander in chief; Day; Seeing; Shortness; Disease; Fame; Tin; Sword; Lance Or Spear; Minister; Fracture Of A Limb; Jewel; Praying To God Subrahmanya; Youth; Pungent; Dubar Hall; Earthen Pots; Obstacles; Flesh eater; Calumniating Others; Victory Over Enemy; Bitter; Strong At The End Of The Night; Gold; Summer Season; Valour; Enemy's Strength; Profundity Of Character; Male; Axe; Forester; Village Headman; State Inspection; Pain while Passing Urine; Triangle; Goldsmith; Rogue; Burnt Place; Good Dinner; Leanness; Adept In Archery; Blood (red blood cells); Copper; A Beautiful Cloth; Facing South; Desire; Anger; Scandal; House; Sataghni, A Weapon; A Tree; Sama Veda; Brother; Spade Or Hatchet; Looking After The Wild Animals; Independence; Persistency; Judge; Serpent; World; Speech; Fickle Mindedness; Mounting A Vehicle; Sight Of Blood; Coagulation Of Blood

Mercury Formal education (schooling); Horses; Treasury; Mathematics; Speech/ Courteous Speech; Infantry; Writing; New Garment, Palatial Building; Green Colour; Sculpture; Astrology; Pilgrimage To Holy Places; Wise Lectures; Temple; Trading; Best Ornaments; Vedanta Philosophy; Maternal Grandfather; Bad Dreams; Eunuch; Facing North; Skin; Wet; Bell metal; Renunciation; Ritu (Season); A Beautiful House; Doctor; Neck; Recitation Of Mantras/ Sattvik Mantras; Childhood; Crooked Look; Heaven; Modesty; Paternal Relation; Fear; Dancing; Devotion; Humorous Temperament; Powerful In The Morning; Hemanta Ritu; Stone To Sharpen Knives; Tranquillity; Navel; Family Prosperity; Mixed Items; Proficient In Telugu Language; Worship Of Lord Vishnu; Sudra; Bird; After Born; Depth Of A Language; The Directions; Atharva Veda; Religious Action; Tower; Dust; Garden; Pudendum Virile; Even; Benefic; Moving In Villages; Impartial Nature; Fond Of Northwest Quarter; Well Versed In The Legends Of The Past; Specialist In Grammar; Expert In Testing Of The Precious Stones; A Scholar; Maternal Uncle; Sacred Prayer; An Amulet

Jupiter Brahmin; Guru; One's Duty; Chariot; Cow; Infantry; Savings; Meemamsa philosophy; Treasure; Horse; Honey; Large Body; Valour; Reputation; Logic; Astrology; Children; Grandson; Dropsy; Philosophy; Grand father; Great grand-father; Palatial House; Gems; Eldest Brother; Lord Indra; Automn Season; Wrath of Priest; Jewel; Merchant; Physical Health; A Beautiful Mansion; Royal Honour; Thighs; God (divine blessings); Penance; Charity; Religious Duty; Helping Others; Impartiality; Facing North; Circular; Yellow Colour; Moving In Villages; Close Friend; Swinging; Orator; Fat; Old Garment; A New House; Happiness; Mantras; Twice Born (Brahmins- Dvija); Holy Water; Knee; Movement In Heaven; A House Granting All Comforts; Intellect; Proficiency In Learning; Literature; Tower; Charming an Audience; Throne; Strong at All Times; a month; Vessels; Yellow Sapphire; Sweet Juice; Being Good; Happiness; Misery; Length; Gentleness; Reading Other's Mind; Ornamentation; Ether; Phlegm; Topaz; Vedic Text; Brilliancy; Softness; Worship Of Lord Shiva; Performing One's Religious Duties; Travelling In A Well-Decorated Carriage

Venus White Umbrella; Garment; Marriage; Income; A Biped (Human); Woman; Brahmin; Auspiciousness; Whiteness; Wife; Sexual Happiness; Short; Sour; Flower; Command; Fame; Youthful Vigour; Vehicle; Silver; South-East; Ogling; Scratching; Half A Month; The Quality Of Passion; Strong; Pearl; Yajur Veda; Vaisya; Beauty; Trading; Love-Making; Watery Resort; Elephant; Horse; Variegated Colour; Poetry; Dancing; Middle Age; Singing; Enjoyment; Happiness From The Wife; Gems; Fond Of Humour; Swimmer; Servant; Luck; Variegated Lustre; A Handsome Youth; Kingdom; Scents; Garland; Veena (a string instrument); Flute; Amusement; Lovely Gait; Eight Kinds Of Wealth; All Sorts Of Pleasures; Well Formed Limbs; Sparing In Meals; Spring Season; Ornaments; Eye; Truth Speaking; Proficiency In Art; Semen; Water Sports; Profundity Of Character; Pre-Eminence; Sharp-Witted; Decoration for The Stage; Fond Of Amorous Sports; Broken Health; Love, Greatly Respected And Highly Esteemed; Fondness For White Garments; Bharat Natyama (a form of dance in India); Government Seal; Worshipping Goddess Parvati and Lakshmi; Gentleness; Much Emaciated; Day Sitting Mothers; Literary Composition, Adept at Writing Poetry; Black Hair; Auspicious; Genital Organs; Urine; Afternoon; Diamond  

Saturn Laziness, Obstruction; Horse; Elephant; Skin (nerves, tendons and ligaments); Gain; Witness; Distress; Sickness; Misunderstanding; Misery; Death; Happiness Through A Woman; Maid Servant; Asses And Mules; Outcast; One With Disfigured Limbs; Haunting Woods; Handsome Look; Gift; A Lord; A Portion Of Life; Eunuch; One Born Of The Lowest Caste; Birds; A Servile Duty; Unrighteous Conduct; One Without Manliness; Telling Lies; Long Lasting; Wind; Old Age; Tendons And Muscles; Strong At The End Of The Day; Sisira Ritu (Winter); Great Anger; Exertion; Born Of A Very Low Mother; Bastard; Golaka (abode of lord Krsna); Dirty Clothes And House; Wicked Mind; Friendship With The Wicket; Black Colour; Evil; Cruelty; Ashes; Black Grains; Gems; Iron; Nobility; A Year; Sudra; One Representing The Father; Learning The Trade Of Another Class; Crippled; Sharp; A Blanket; Facing West; Life Saving Drugs; Downward Look; Agriculture; Life Saving Drugs; Arsenal; A Student Belonging To Another Caste; External Position; North-Eastern; Serpent World; Downfall; Lost in Battle; Wandering; A Spear; Lead; Misdirected Strength; A Turk; Worn Out; Oil; The Tamas Guna; Travelling Through Forests and Over Mountains; Hard-Heartedness; Fear; Long Standing Distress; Hunter; Ugly Hair; Entire Sovereignty; Alarm; Goats And The Like; Buffalos And The Like; Indulging In Sex Pleasure; Dressing Oneself For Amorous Appeals; Worshipping God Yama; Dog; Theft And; Cruel-Hearted
Rahu Umbrella; Kingdom; Gathering; Fallacious Argument; Hurting By Speech; Downcast; Wicked Woman; An Irreligious Man; Decorated Vehicle; Gambling; Strong At Twilight; Intriguing With A Wicked Woman; Going Abroad; Impurity; Bone; Enlargement Of Spleen; Falsehood; Downward Look; Perplexity; Emerald; Facing The Southern Quarter; Shelter Of Outcast Or Low People; Painful Swelling; A Big Forest; Wandering In Rugged Places; Mountain; Pain; Staying Outside; Tending Towards Southwest; Wind; Phlegm; Sorrow; Serpent; Night Breeze; Sharp; Long; Reptile; Reading Of Dreams; Travel; A Muhurata; Old Age; A Vehicle; World Of Serpents; Mother; Father Or Maternal Grandfather; Air; An Acute Or Sharp Pain; Catarrh; Breathing; Great Prowess; Forest; Worshipper Of Goddess Durga; Wickedness; Cohabitation With Quadrupeds; Urdu Script; Harsh Words
Ketu Worship Of God Chandeeka, God Ganesha And Many Other Gods; Doctor; Dog; Cock; Vulture; Salvation; All Kinds Of Wealth; Consumption; Pain; Fever; Bathing In The Holy Ganges; Great Penance; Wind; A Hunter; Friendship; Conferring Of Prosperity; Stone; Wound; Witchcraft; Inconstancy; Knowledge Of Brahma; Belly; Eye Sore; Stupidity; Thorn; Deer; Knowledge; Observing Silence As A Fast; Philosophy; All Sorts Of Luxuries; Luck; Trouble Form Enemies; Loss Of Appetite; Indifference To The World; Paternal Grandfather; Hunger; Severe Stomach ache; Boils And The Like Skin Troubles; receiving The Orders Of Arrest; Association Of Sudra.