
Monday, February 27, 2012

Vayu Tatwa afflicted - Air Plane Crashes in the Offing ??? - Khavedamsa Study

In Khavedamsa (D40) ,right now, Pluto is in Sagittarius in Opposition to Rahu/Ketu in Gemini. Rahu/Ketu would be in Gemini for a Eight day period from 26 th February till March 6 th 2012.

In Khavedamsa in Libra, there is a conjunction of Jupiter and Retrograde Saturn and Uranus.Uranus shows Technical problems,unexpected developments,inventions among other things.Both Gemini and Libra are airy signs 

In Rasi, Sun is in Aquarius,an airy sign, in opposition to Retrograde Mars in Leo. Retrograde Saturn is in Libra which too is an airy sign.

With Strongest of Malefics afflicting  the  air signs in Rasi and Khavedamsa we can expect Air Plane accidents,crashes and failure of satellite launches if any, scheduled and or some Inventions and or good developments in relation to the aviation industry all in the period mentioned above.

As the airy signs Gemini,Libra and Aquarius are afflicted with a Jupiter - Saturn combination in Libra,Wiki news is reporting news of a new Virus out break in England which effects the cattle. This disease is airborne

Friday, February 24, 2012

Arson in Prisons and Khavedamsa study

In Khavedamsa From February 12 th 2012 till February 21 st night , Rahu/Ketu were in Leo, while Retrograde Mars is in Leo in Rasi. 

Leo which is a fire sign signifies Forts,mountains,Forests and caves.Rahu/Ketu in Leo signifies persons imprisoned in  Forts.Mars signifies Violence,conflicts,Assassins,Rebellions and Fire accidents.  

There were two instances one of riots in a prison and the other a fire accident in prison  in the period R/K were in Leo, one on 19th February in Apodaca,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 
and the other one between 14th and 15th February in Comayagua,Honduras killing about 358 people.refer to this link for more details on the event : 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Protests over Burning Quran in Afghanistan and Khavedamsa

From 11.45 PM approximately on 21.02.2012 Jupiter is in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu in Khavedamsa (D 40) in Cancer.

Jupiter signifies everything related to Preceptors and Quran is one such object which contains the preachings of the Prophet.  With the conjunction of Jupiter with Rahu/Ketu a Guru Chandala Yoga is formed resulting in the burning of the sacred text.

We can see violent protests in Afghanistan over burning of the Quran at Bagram air base.
Refer the link

Monday, February 20, 2012

Samisthi Stuti of Shiva by Maharshis

भुर्भुभुवः  स्वर्महस्चैव  जनः  साक्षात्तपस्तथा ,
सत्यलोकस्च  पातालं  नरकार्णवकोतयः /
तारकाग्रह  सोमार्को  ध्रुवः  सप्तर्षयस्तथा ,
वैमानिकास्तथानेय  च  तिष्ठन्तस्य  प्रसादतः /
अनेन  णिर्मितास्त्वेवम्  तदात्मानो  ड्विजर्शभाह् ,
समिष्ठिरुपः  सर्वात्मा  संषितः  सवदा  शिवः /
सर्वात्मानं  महात्मानं  महा  देवं  महेस्वरम्   ,
न  विजानन्ति  समूधा  मायया  तस्य  मोहिताः /
तस्य  देवस्य  रुद्रस्य  शरीरं  वै   जगत्रयं ,
तस्मात  प्रणाम्य  तं  वक्षेय  जगतां  निर्णयं  शुभं /

The totality of Bhur, Bhuva, Swaha, Maha, Jana, Tapa, Satya, Paataala, Naraka,
Arnavaas / Seas, Nakshatras, Nava Grahas, Chandra- Surya lokas, Dhruva, Sapta Rishi
Lokaas and so on is all integrated in the Composite Form of Sada Shiva. This basic truth
is not comprehended by ignorant persons and display of Maya or Illusion; indeed the
Sarvaatma, Mahatma, Maha Deva and Maheswara is far from being discerned and legible
to the common ignoramus let alone Maharshis. Let there be awareness that Paramatma
alone would be able to decide about the status of the Universe !

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Durga Stuti

‘जयस्व   देवी  गायत्री  महा  माये  महा  प्रभो ,
महा  देवी  महाभागे  महा  सत्वे -दिव्यगन्धनु  लिप्तङ्ग 
दिव्यस्त्रग्धम  भुषिथेय ,
वेदमतर  नमस्तुभ्यं  त्र्यक्षरस्थेय  महएस्वरि   ,
त्रिलोकस्थेय  त्रि -तत्वस्थेय  त्रिवःनिस्थेय  त्रि  सुलिनि -
त्रिनेत्रेय  भोउम  वक्त्रे  च  भिमनेत्रे  भयानके -
कमल  असनाजे  देवी  सरस्वती  नमोस्तुतेय ,
नमः  पङ्कज  पत्राक्षी  महामयंरुतस्त्रवेय -
सर्वगेय  सर्व  भूतेषु  श्र्वाहकारेय्  श्र्वदेम्बिकेय् ,
संपूर्णं  पुर्णचन्द्राभेय  भस्वराङ्गेय  भवोद्भवेय -
महा  विद्ये  महा  विद्ये  महा  दैत्यविनसिनि ,
महाबुद्धिर्युद्भवे  देवी  वीतशोके  किरतिनी -
त्वं  नितिस्त्वं  महाभागे  ट्वम्  गोस्त्वं  गोउस्त्वा - मक्षरं ,
त्वं  ढिरस्त्वम्  स्रिस्तत्वं  ओम्करस्तत्वे  चापि  परिस्थिथ ’

Durga Stuti
‘Jayasva Devi Gayatri Maha Maaye Maha Prabho,
Maha Devi Mahabhaage Maha Satve-Divyagandhanu liptanga
Divyastragdhama bhushithey,
Vedamatar namastubhyam Tryaksharasthey Maheswari,
Trilokasthey Tri-tatvasthey Trivahnisthey Tri Sulini-
Trinetrey Bhouma Vaktre cha Bhimanetre Bhayanake-
Kamala asanaje Devi Sarasvati Namostutey,
Namah Pankaja patrakshi Mahamayamrutastravey-
Sarvagey Sarva Bhuteshu Swaahakaarey Swadembikey,
Sampurnam Purnachandraabhey Bhasvaraangey Bhavodbhavey-
Maha Vidye Maha Vaidye Maha Daityavinasini,
Mahabuddhiryudbhave Devi Veetashoke kiratini-
Tvam nitistvam Mahabhaage Twam Gostvam Goustva- maksharam,
Tvam Dhirastwam Sristatvam omkarastatve chapi Paristhitha’

.(Hey Maha Maya, Mahaprabha, Mahabhaga, Mahotsava, Maha Devi Gayatri-My
Greetings- your body parts smeared with Sandalwood paste and decorated with Divinely
‘Mala’, hey Veda Mata or Mother of Vedas and Maheswari, My Greetings! Hey
Trilokastha, Tritatvastha, Tri vahnistha, Tri Sulini, Trinetra, Bhima Vaktra, Bhima netra,
Bhayanaka, Kamalasan’s daughter Sarasvati, My Greetings! Hey Maha Maya with Lotus
like eyes, Omnipresent, Sarva Bhuteswari, Svahakara and Svadhakara Rupini Ambika;
With Full Moon like Face and Illuminated Body, an embodiment of Knowledge and
Medicine, Great Annihilator of Demons, Fund of Maha Buddhi, Sorrowless, Devi
Kiratini, Mahabhaga, You are the personification of Morality, Sarasvathi, You are the
origin of Sound and Undiminishing wisdom, you are the Courage, Omkarasthita and The
Provider of Boons, I greet you).
[Essence of Varaha Purana]

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake. The resulting tsunami is given various names, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, South Asian tsunami, Indonesian tsunami, and Boxing Day tsunami.
The earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (98 ft) high.[5] It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest-hit country, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
With a magnitude of Mw 9.1–9.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. The earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. It caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as 1 centimeter (0.4 inches)[6] and triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska.[7] Its epicenter was between Simeulue and mainland Indonesia.[8] The plight of the affected people and countries prompted a worldwide humanitarian response. In all, the worldwide community donated more than $14 billion (2004 U.S. dollars) in humanitarian aid.[9]

ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS of the Planetary Alignments

In Rasi:

Saturn is at 1 degree Cancer (which is a watery sign) and about to transit over into Gemini.

When Saturn is at the edge of any rasi, calamities happen for sure depending on the nature of the rasi concerned.

Pluto in Scorpio, in conjunction with Mars is also with Venus and Mercury. While Scorpio being a watery sign is the Eighth house of the Zodiac which signifies Mysteries and Untoward events, this bunching of planets in it signifies Calamities related to Oceans and seas.

It was a Full moon day and Moon was in 90% opposition to Mercury at the time of the event. These are the conditions for occurrences of Earth quakes as per previous researches on the most probable time of occurrences of Earth quakes. The time is definitely congenial for earth quakes, keeping in view both the precursory conditions being satisfied.

In Khavedamsa (D40):

This chart shows the Auspicious and Inauspicious events

Rahu/Ketu, Pluto, Neptune are all in close conjunction around the Galactic centre (GC) and in opposition to Mars-Moon conjunction in Gemini. Close conjunction of planets along with Rahu/Ketu around the GC in conjunction to other planets signify catastrophic, mystic events. Moreover, involvement of Neptune (Oceans) and Pluto (Death) in the conjunction and in opposition to Mars clearly shows violent death originating from the Oceans.

Here in this chart too Saturn is in a watery sign and that too in the mysterious Scorpio

Disasters -2011 - India - Tawang Plane Crash

The Event
2011 Tawang Town Mil Mi-17 crash was an accident of a Pawan Hans Mil Mi-172 on 19 April 2011. The helicopter has 18 passengers and 5 crew. The flight took off from Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Assam to a heliport near the town Tawang Town in Tawang district. The flight was trying to land at the heliport which is on top of a hill but the helicopter crashed into a gorge 15 metres height from the heliport and caught fire. The accident occurred at around 1:30 pm. Reports say that 17 of 23 passengers and crew were killed in the accident.[1] [2][3][4] [5][6][7]

Planetary Alignments and Observations

In Rasi:
Rahu/Ketu are in Sagittarius and Gemini at Zero degrees and are just about to transit over into Scorpio/Taurus. Gemini is an airy sign and with Ketu in it has resulted in the crash.
Uranus in close conjunction to Venus in Pisces.Venus signifies luxurious vehicles.Uranus causes technical snags which is believed to be  the cause  of the crash.

In Khavedamsa :
Mars in opposition to Rahu/Ketu in Scorpio and Taurus respectively shows accidents.More so because Scorpio is the Eighth  house of the zodiac which also signifies untoward events.
Saturn and Sun are in conjunction in Libra which is an airy sign.Sun is debilitated in this sign and afflicting Saturn which represents People

ResponsePawan Hans sources said the chopper caught fire, broke into pieces and crashed into a gorge close to the Tawang Civil helipad at around 1357 hours. The helicopter had taken off at 1245 hours, they said.[8]
An official in the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said that as per initial reports the helicopter crash-landed "due to likely wind shear and down draft while landing and caught fire on impact to the ground".[8]


The aircraft involved, a Mil Mi 17, registered VT-PHF, was also involved in a previous emergency landing in the same region.[9]


The exact cause was yet to be ascertained though a technical snag could not be ruled out, the sources said.
An official in the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said that as per initial reports the chopper crash-landed "due to likely wind shear and down draft while landing and caught fire on impact to the ground".


Seventeen of the 23 on board were killed including three crew members, it also includes two passengers who survived the crash but later died due to injuries from the post-crash fire.

Disasters - 2011 - India - Sabarimala Stampede

The event
The 2011 Sabarimala stampede was a human stampede on 14 January 2011 at Sabarimala in Kerala, India. It broke out during an annual pilgrimage, killing 106 pilgrims and injuring about 100 more.).[1] The pilgrims were returning from a Hindu shrine on the last day of a yearly festival which attracts millions of devotees. It began after a Jeep toppled over.

Planetary Alignments and Observations

In Rasi Chart:
Jupiter – Saturn Opposition in Pisces – Virgo.
Jupiter signifies religious rituals.Saturn signifies masses. Jupiter is in exact conjunction with Uranus which shows sudden and surprise events .
Rahu and Pluto are conjunct in Sagittarius very closely. Sagittarius signifies religious places.

In Khavedamsa
Sun which signifies Temples is debilitated and is aspected by Saturn-Mars the strongest malefics and Jupiter
Rahu Ketu are conjunct with Venus in Pisces a Jupiterian sign which signifies religious piligrimages.Venus signifies Luxuries vehicles and the cause of the stampede is an SUV.


Pilgrims gathering in Sabarimala for the Makarajyothi in 2010.
It is the worst recorded accident to have occurred in Sabarimala. On 14 January 1952, 66 Ayyappa pilgrims were burnt to death when two fireworks sheds caught fire, while on the same day in 1999, 52 pilgrims were killed following a stampede during their return after witnessing the Makarajyothi at pamba.[2]
The two month long pilgrimage, which had started in November 2010, had been mostly incident-free before this stampede.[3]


The incident happened around 8 p.m. local time. Most of the dead were from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. There are various versions of the accident as reported in various newspapers and television reports. The victims were going back home through the forest after Makara Jyothi darshan, thought to be a celestial phenomenon on the hill shrine of the Hindu god Ayyappan.[3] The stampede was reportedly caused by an SUV which blocked the path, possibly after breaking down. When moved it may have overturned and caused people to stumble, triggering the stampede or by too many people running down the hill towards the road where there was already a pack of vehicles. There is a version of an accident between an autorickshaw and a Jeep. The real trigger of the incident remains a mystery given the fact that the spot where the stampede occurred is an open field.

Gayatri Sahasranama ( Thousand names of Devi Gayatri)

अचिन्त्य   लक्षण , अव्यक्त , अर्थमत्री  महेश्वरी , अमृतर्नव  माधयस्त , अजित ,
अपराजित , अनिमादि  --गुणधर , अर्कमन्दलसंस्थित , अजर , अज , अपर , अधर्म 
( She has no dharma or caste etc.), अक्षसुत्रधर , अकरद्यक्षरन्त  ( from the letter
‘AA’ to‘Ksha’), अरिशद्वर्गभेदिनि , अन्जन्द्रि - प्रतिक्ष , अन्जनद्रिनिवसिनि , अदिति ,
अजपा , अविद्या , अरविन्द  निभेक्षण , अन्तर्वहिस्थित , अविद्या  -ध्वंसिनि , अन्तरत्मिक ,
अज , अजमुखवास , अरविन्दनिभानना , अर्धमतर  ( thus called Vyanjana –
varnatmika), अर्थदानन्जन , अरिमन्दलमर्दिनि , असुरघ्नी , अमावास्य , अलक्सिघ्नि ,
अन्त्यजर्चित , Adi लक्ष्मी , Adi सक्ति , आकृति , आयतन , अदित्यपदविचर ,
अदित्यपरिसेवित , आचार्य , अवर्तन , अचर , आदि  मूर्ति  निवासिनि , अग्नियि , Amar , अद्य ,
आराध्य , असनस्थित , अधरनिलय , अधर , अकसन्त  निवासिनि , अहं  तत्व ,
अद्यक्षर  संयुक्त , अन्तरिक्षसरुपिनि , अदित्यमनदलगत , अन्तरध्वन्त  नासिनि ,
इन्दिरा , इस्ताद , इष्ट  इन्दिरनिवेक्षण , इरावती , इन्द्रपदा , इन्द्राणि , इन्दुरुपिनि ,
इक्षुकोदन्द  संयुक्त , इसुसन्धनकारिणी , इन्द्रनिलसमकर , इदपिन्गलिकरुपिनि ,
इन्द्राक्षी , इस्वरी , देवी  इहात्राय  विववर्जित , उमा , उष , उदुनिभा , उर्वकफलानना ,
उदुप्रभ , उदुमति , उडुप , उदुमध्ययग , उर्ध , उद्धकेसि , उर्धधोगति 
भेदिनि , ऊर्धवहुप्रिय , उर्मिमलवग्ग्रन्थि - दयानि , रत , ऋषि , ऋतुमती ,
ऋषिदेवनमस्कृत , ऋग्वेद , रिनःअत्री , रिषिमन्दल  चारिणी , ऋद्धिदा ,
रिजुमर्गस्थ , रिजुधर्म , रिजुप्रद , ऋग्वेद  निलय , रिजवी , लुप्तधर्म  प्रवर्तिनी ,
लुतदिवर  संभूत , लुट  दिविस  हरिणी , एकाक्षर , एकमात्र , एक , एककनिष्ठ ,
ऐन्द्री , इरवतरुधा , ऐमुष्मिक  प्रद , ओंकार , ओषधी , ओत , ओतप्रोत  निवासिनि ,
और्ब्ब , ऒउशध  संपन्न , अण्ड  मध्यस्थित , अहङ्कार  निरुपिनि  (Visargarupini),
कात्यायनि , कालरात्रि , कामाक्षी , कामसुन्दरी , कमल , कामिनी , कान्त , कामदा ,
कालकन्तिनि , करि  कुम्भस्तनभार , करवीर  सुवासिनि , कल्याणि , कुण्डलवती ,
कुरुक्षेत्र  निवासिनि , कुरुविन्द  दलकर , कुण्डली , कुमुदालया , कलजिभा , कलरस्य ,
कालिका , कलरुपिनि , कमनिगुन , कान्ति , कलाधर , कुमुद्वती , कौशिकी , कमलाकर ,
कामकार  प्रभन्जनि , कौमारी , करुणापाङ्गी , ककुबन्त , करिप्रिय , केसरी ,
केसवनुत , कदम्ब  कुसुम  प्रिय , कालिन्दी , कालिका , काञ्ची , कलसोद्भव  संस्तुता ,
काममाता , क्रकुपति , कामरूप , कृपावती , कुमारी , कुण्ड - निलय , किरति , किरवहन ,
कैकेयी , कोकिलालाप , केतकी , कुसुमपिय , कमण्डलुधर , कलि , कर्म  निर्मूल 
कारिणी ,कलहंस  गति ,कक्ष , कृत , कुअतुकमन्गल , कस्तुरी  तिलक , कमर ,
करिद्रगमन , कुहु , कर्पुरलेपन , कृष्ण , कपिल , कुहुरस्राय , कुतस्थ , कुधर ,

कुकुसिस्थाखिलविस्तप , खड्गकेतधर , खर्भ , खेचरी , खगवाहना ,
खत्तन्गधारिणी , ख्याता , खगरजोस्परिस्थित , खलग्नि , खण्डितजर , कधकिष्ण्या 
प्रदयानि , खन्देण्डु  तिलक , गङ्गा , गणेश  गुहा  पूजित , गायत्री , गोमती , गीत ,
गान्धारी , गानलोलुप , गौतमि , गामिनी , गध , गन्धरसर  सेवित , गोविन्द 
चरनक्रन्त , गुणत्रय  विभाविता , गन्धर्वी , गःवरी , गोत्र , गिरिस , गमन  गमि ,
गुहानवास , गुणवति , गुरुपापा  प्रनसिनि , गुर्व्हि , गुणवति , गुह्य , गोप्तव्या  ,
गुनदयानि , गिरिजा , गुह्य  मातङ्गी , गरुड  ध्वज वल्लभा , गर्वापहारिणी , गोदा ,
गोकुलष्ट , गदाधर , गोकर्ण  निलयसक्त , गुह्यमन्दल  वर्धिनि , घर्मदा ,
घनदा , घण्टा , घोर  दानव  मर्दिनि , घृणी  मन्त्र  मयि , घोष , घन  संपदा 
दायिनि , घन्तरवप्रिय , घ्राण , घृणी  संथुष्टि  कारिणी , घनरी  मण्डल , घूर्ण ,
गृतचि , घनवेगिनी , ज्ञान  धातु  मयि , चर्च , चार्चिनि , चारुहासिनि , चातुल ,
चण्डिक , चित्र , चित्रमल्ययि  भूषित , चतुर्भुजा , चारुदन्त , चातुरी ,
चरितप्रद , चूलिका , चित्र  वस्त्रान्त , चन्द्रमा  कर्ण  कुण्डल , चन्द्रहासा ,
चारुदात्री , चकोरी , चन्द्रःअसिनि , चन्द्र  धात्री , चकोरी , चौरी ,
चोर , चण्डिक , चञ्चत  वाग्वादिनी , चन्द्रचुद , चोरविनसिनि , चारु  चन्दन 
लिप्ताङ्गी , चन्चचचमरविजित , चारुमध्य , चरुमति , चरुगति , चन्दिल ,
चन्द्ररुपिनि , चारु  होमप्रिय , चर्व , चरित , चरुबहुक , चन्द्रमनदल 
मध्यस्त , चन्द्रमण्डल  दर्पण , चक्रवकस्तानि , चेस्त , चित्र , चरुविलसिनि ,
चित्र  स्वरुप , चन्द्रवती , चन्रम , चन्दनप्रिय , चोदयित्री  ( impelling Jivas to
action), चिरप्रज्ञा , चातक , चारुहेतुकी , च्त्रयत , च्त्रधर , च्हाय ,
च्हन्द  परिच्छ्धा , च्हयदेवि , च्हन्द्र  नख , च्हन्नेन्द्रिया  विशपर्निनि ,
च्हन्दोनुष्टुप्  परिष्टन्थ , च्हिद्रोपद्रव  खेदिनि , चेदह , च्त्रस्वरी , च्हिन्न ,
च्हुरिक , च्हेलन्प्रिय , जननि , जन्मररहित , जातवेदा , जगन्मयी , जःणवी , जटिला ,
जत्रि , जरामरण  वर्जित , जम्बुद्विप  वाति , ज्ञ्वल , जयन्ति , जलसलिनि , जितेन्द्रिय ,
जितक्रोधा , जितामित्र , जगत्प्रिया , जातरूपमयी , जिह्वा , जानकी , जगति , जरा , जनित्री ,
जःनुतनाय , ज्ञगत्त्रयहितैसिनि , जवलमुली , जपवती , ज्वरघ्नी , जितविस्तप्ह ,
जितक्रन्तमयि , ज्वल , जग्त्रिति , ज्वरदेवता , ज्वलन्ति , जलद , ज्येष्ठ  , जयघोष  स्फोत 
दिन्मुखी , जम्भिनी , जिम्भन , जृम्भ , जवलन्मनिक्य  कुण्डल , जिन्जिखा ,
जननिर्घोष , जिन्ज्ह  मरुत  वेगिनी , झल्लकिवद्य  कुसल , नृप , निभुजा ,
तनक  भेदिनि , तन्कबन  संयुक्त , तन्किनि , तन्किगनकृतघोष , तनकिय  मोह 
रोष , तन्करक्राणि , थ  थ  सर्व्दनिनदिनि , दमरी , डाकिनी , डिम्भ ,
दुन्दमरैकनिर्जित , दमरी -तन्त्र  मार्गस्थ , दण्ड  दमुअरि  नादिनी , दन्दिरवसहा ,
दिम्भलसत  कृद  परायन  ( dancing happy in battles), धुन्दी  विघ्नेस  जननि ,
दक्ख  हस्त , धिलिव्रज , नित्यज्ञाना , निरुपम , निरुपम , नर्मदा , त्रिगुण , त्रिपदा ,
तन्त्री , तुलसि , तरुण , तर , त्रिविक्रम  पादाक्रान्त , तुरीय  पद  गामिनी , तुरीय
दित्यसंकास , तमसि , तुहिन , तुर , त्रिकाल  संपन्न , त्रिवली , त्रिलोचन , त्रि  सक्ति ,
त्रिपुर , तुङ्ग , तुरङ्ग  वदन , तिमन्गिलगिल , तिब्र , त्रिस्तोथ्र , तमसनिनि , तन्त्र 
मात्र  विसेशज्ञा , तरिमध्य , त्रिविस्तप , त्रिसन्ध्या , त्रिस्तानि , तोष  संस्था ,
तलप्रतकपिनि , तन्तकिनि ,तिसुरभ , तुहिन  चल  वासिनि , तुजला  संयुक्त , तःअहर 
वलिप्रिय , तिलहोमप्रिय , त्रिलोचन  प्रिय , तिथ , तमाल  कुसुमकृति , तारक , त्रियुत ,
तन्वि , त्रिसन्कु  परिवारि  प्रिय , तलोदरी , तिरोभाश , ततंक  प्रिय  वदनि , त्रिजट ,
तित्त्री , त्रिष्ट , त्रिभिदा , तरुणाकृति , तप्तकन्चन  संकास , तप्त  काञ्चन 
 भूषण , त्रिअबक , त्रिवर्ग , त्रिकलज्नना  दयानि , तर्पण , तृप्तिदा , तृप्त , तमसि ,
तुंवरुस्तुत , तर्क्स्यथ , त्रिगुणाकार , त्रिभगी , तनुवल्लरि , तत्कारी , थरव , थन्त ,
दोहिनी , दिनवत्सल , दानन्तकारि , दुर्ग , दुर्गसुर  निभर्हिनि , देवरीति , देवरत्री ,

द्रौपदी , धुण्ड  भेरुष्ण , देव्यानि , दुरावास , दरिद्य  भेदिनि , दिव , दामोदर 
प्रिय , दीप्त , दिग्वास , दिग्विमोहिनी , दण्डकारण्य  निलय , दण्डिनी , देव  पूजित , देव
वन्दिता , दिविसद , द्वेषिणी , दानवाकृति , दिनान  थुस्थ , दिक्ष , दिवस - दिस्वरुपिनि ,
धात्री , धनुर्धर , धेनुर  धारिणी , धर्मचारिणी , धुरन्धर , धनुर  धारिणी ,
धनद , धन्य  दोहिनी , धर्मसील , धनाध्यक्ष , धनुर्वेद  विसरद , धृति ,
धन्य , धैतपदा , धर्मरज्य  प्रिय , ध्रुव , धूमावती , धुमकेसि , धर्म 
सस्त्र  प्रकर्षिनि , नन्द , नन्दप्रिय , निद्रा , निर्नुत , नन्दनात्मिका , नर्मदा  नलिनी ,
नील , निलकन्त  समस्राय , रुद्राणी , नारायण  प्रिय , नित्य , निर्मल , निर्गुण , निधि ,
निराधारा , निरुपम , निथ्यसुद्ध , निरञ्जन , नदबिम्बु  कलातीत , नदबिण्डु 
कलत्मिक , नृसिंहिनी , नगधरा , नृपङ्ग  विभूषित , नरक  क्लेसनसिनि , नारायण
पदोद्भव , निरवद्य , निराकर , नारद  प्रियकारिणी , नानाज्योति , निधिदा , निर्मलात्मिका ,
नवसुत्रधर , निधि , निरुपद्रवकारिणी , नन्दजा , नवरत्नध्य , नैमिसरण्य 
वासिनि , नवनीत  प्रिय , नारी , नील  जीमूत  निस्वन , निमेषिणी , नदीरूपा , निलग्रिव ,
निसिस्वरी , नवमली , निसुम्भग्नि , नागलोक  निवासिनि , नव  जम्बुनाद  प्रख्या ,
नगलोकधि  देवता , नूपुर  क्रन्त  चरण , नरचित्त  प्रमोदिनि , निमग्ना  रक्त 
नयन , निर्घात -समा -निस्वन , नन्दनोद्य  निलय , णिर्व्यहोपचरिनि ,
पार्वति , परमोदार , परब्रःमत्मिक , पर , पञ्चकोस  विनुर्मुक्त , पञ्च  पातक 
नासिनि , पर  चित्त  विधानज्ञ , पञ्चिका , पञ्चरुपिनि , पूर्णिमा , परम  प्रीति , परतेज 
प्रकसिनि , पुराणि , पौरुषी , पुण्य , पुरन्दरिकनुभेक्षण , पाताल  तल  निम्मग्न ,
परित , प्रीति  विवर्धनी , पावनि , पद  सहित , पेसल , पपनसिनि , प्रजापति , परिश्रान्त ,
पर्वत  स्तन  मण्डल , पद्मप्रिय , पद्मसंस्थ , पद्माक्षी , पद्म  संभव ,
पद्मपत्रा , पद्मपदा , पद्मिनी , प्रियभाषिणी , पसुपस  विनिर्मुक्त , पुरन्दरि ,
पुरवसिनि , पुष्कल , पुरुष , परभ , पारिजात  कुसुम  प्रिय , पतिर्वत , पतिर्वतङ्गी ,
पुष्पहास  परायन , प्रज्ञावती  सुत , पोउथ्री , पुत्रपुज्य , पयस्विनी , पत्तिपस  धर ,
पङ्क्ति , पितृलोक  प्रदयानि , पुराणि , पुन्यसील , प्रनतारति  विनासिनि , प्रध्युम्न  जननि ,
पुस्त , पितामह  परिग्रह , पुन्दरिपुरवास , पुण्डरी  समानन , प्रितुजन्घ , परितु  भुज ,
परितु  पद , प्रितोदरि , प्रवाल  सोभा , पिङ्गाक्षी , प्रितवास , प्रचवल , प्रसव , पुस्तिदा ,
पुण्य , प्रतिष्ठा , प्रणव , पति , पञ्च  वर्ण , पञ्चवानि , पञ्चिका , पञ्जरस्थिथ ,
परमया , परज्योति , परप्रिथि , परागति , पराकाष्ठ , पशुप  हसा , प्रितुदर , पितङ्गी ,
पीतवासा , पीतस्य , पिसाचिनि , पिता  क्रिया , पिसचघ्नि , पतक्षि , पतुक्रिया , पञ्च
भक्ष  पर्यचर , पुथन  प्राण  घातिनि , पुन्यगवन  मध्यस्त , पुण्य -थीर्ध 
निसेवित , पञ्चाग्नि , परसक्ति , परमधद  कारिणी , पुष्प  कन्दस्थित , पुस ,
पोषिककिल  विस्थाप , पानप्रिय , पञ्च  सिखा , पन्नगोपरि  सयानि , पञ्च  मात्रात्मिक ,
पृथ्वी , पतिक  , पित्रुदोहिनी , पुराण  न्याय  मीमांसा , पातली , पुष्प  गन्धीनि , Punya
प्रिय , परदत्री , परमर्गैक  गोचर , प्रवाल  सोभा , पूर्णस , प्रणव , पळ्हबोदरि ,
फलिनी , फलदा , फल्गु , फुत्कारि , फलकाकृति , फनिन्द्र  भोग  सयान ,
फनि  मण्डल  मण्डित , बलाबल , बहुमता , बल  तपनि  भुम्सुक , वन्द्य ,
बलभद्र  प्रिय , बदव , बुद्धि  संस्थित , Bandi  देवी , बिलवती , बदिसघ्नि ,
बलिप्रिय , बान्धवी , बोदिनि , बुद्धिर्बन्दुक  कुसुम  प्रिय , बलभनु  प्रभाकर ,
ब्राह्मी , ब्रह्मणा  देवता , बृहस्पति - स्थुत , बृन्दा , बृन्दवानि  विहार , बलाकिनी ,
बिलहर , बिलवास  बहुदयक , बहुनेत्र ,बहुपदा , बहु  कर्णवतंसिक , बहु  बहु 
युता , बीज  रूपिणी , बहुरूपिणी , बिन्दुनाद  कलातीत , बिन्दु  नदव्स  रूपिणी , बुद्ध  -
गोधन्गुली  तरण , बदरस्रम  वासिनि , बृन्दारक , बृहत  स्कन्द , बृहती , बनपत्रिनि ,
बृन्ददक्ष , बहुनुत , वनित , बहु  विक्रम , बद्ध  पद्मसनसिना , बिल्व  पत्र 
तलस्थित , बोधि  द्रुम  निज  वास , बधिस्त , बिन्दु  दर्पण , बल , वरासन  वाति ,

बदबनल  वेगिनी , ब्रह्माण्ड  बहिरन्तष्ट , ब्रह्म  कङ्कण  सुत्रिनि , भवानि ,
भिषनावति , भाविनि , बह्यःअरिणी , भद्र  कलि , भुजङ्गाक्षी , भरति , भरतस्य ,
भैरवी , भिष  कङ्कार , भूतिदा , भूति  मालिनि ,भगिनी , भोगनिरत , भद्रद , भूरि 
विक्रम , भूतावास , भृगुलता , भार्गवी , भू  सुरार्चित , भागिरथि , भोगवती ,
भावस्थ , भिषङ्ग्वर , भामिन , भोगिनी , भास , भवानि , भूरि  दक्षिण ,
भर्गात्मिका , भमवति , भव  भन्ध  विमोचनी , भजनीय , भूत  धात्री  रञ्जित ,
भुवनेश्वरी , भुजङ्गवलया , भीम , भेरुण्डा  , भाग  धेयिनि , माता , Maya ,
मधुमती , मधु   जिह्वा , मनु  प्रिय , महा  देवी , महा  भाग्य , मलिरि , मिनलोचन ,
मयतित , मधु  मनसा , मधु  द्रव , मानवी , मधु  संभूता , मिथिला  पुरा  वासिनि ,
मधुकैतव  संहर्थि , मेदिनी , मेग  मालिनि , मन्दोदर , महा  मया , मैथिली ,
मसृण  प्रिय , महा  लक्ष्मी , महा  कलि , महा  कन्या , महेश्वरी , महेन्द्री ,
मेरुतनय , मन्दर  कुसुमर्चित , मन्जुमन्जिर  चरण , मोक्षद , मन्जु  भाषिणी ,
मधुद्रविनि , मुद्रा , मलय , मलयान्विता , मेधा , मरकस्त्याम , मागधी ,
मेनकात्मजा , महामारी , महा  वीर , महा  स्याम , मनुस्तुत , मातृका , महिभाश ,
मुनुदपदा  विक्रम , मुलधरिष्ठ , मुघ , मणिपुर  निवासिन , मृगाक्षी ,
महिसुराध , महिषासुर  मर्दिनि , योगासन , योग  मया , योग , य़ौवनकस्रय ,
योउवानि , युद्ध  मध्यस्थ , यमुना , योउग  धारिणी , यक्षिणी , योग  युक्त , यक्ष 
राज  प्रसुतिनी , यत्र , यन  बिन्धनज्ञा , यदु  वंस  संभव , यकरन्ति  हकरन्त ,
यजुषि , यज्ञ  रूपिणी , यामिनी , योग  निरत , युता  धन  भयङ्करी ,रुक्मिणी , रमणी ,
राम , रेवती , रेणुका , रति , रौद्री , रौद्रप्रियाकारा , राम  माता , रति  प्रिय , रोहिणी ,
राज्यदा , रेव , रस , राजीव  लोचन , रकेसि , रूप  संपन्न , रत्न  सिंहासन  स्तिथ ,
रक्तमल्यंबर  धरि , रत्नगन्ध  विलोपन , राज  हंस  समृद्ध , रम्भा ,
रकवली  प्रिय , रमणीय  युगधारा , रजितखिल  भूतल , रुरु  चर्म  परिधर ,
रातिनी , रत्नमालिका , रोगेसि , रोगसंहरि , रविनि , रोमहर्षिणी , रामचन्द्र 
प्रदक्रन्त , रावण  च्छेद  कारण , रत्न  वस्त्र  परिस्च्चिन्व , रथस्थ , रुक्म 
भूषण , लज्जाधिदेवता , लोल , ललित , लिङ्ग  धारिणी , लक्ष्मी , लोल , लुप्तविस , लोकिनी ,
लोकविस्रुत , लज्जा , लंबोथारि , ललन , लोक  धारिणी , वरद , वन्दिता , विद्या ,
वैष्णवी , विमलाकृति , वाराहि , विरजा , वर्ष , वरलक्ष्मि , विलासिनि , विनता , व्योम 
मद्यस्थ , वरिजसन  संस्तिथ , वारुणी , वेणु  Sambhuta , Viti  गोत्र , विरुपिनि , वायु 
मण्डल  मध्यस्थ , वरिजसन  संस्तिथ , वारुणी , वेणु  संभूत , वीतिहोत्र , विरुपिनि ,
वायु  मण्डल  मध्यस्त , विधि  क्रिया , विष्णु  पत्नी , विष्णु  मति , विसलक्षि ,
वसुन्धर , वाम  देव  प्रिय , वेला , वज्रिणी , वसुदोहिनी , वेद्यक्षर  परितंगी ,
वाजपेय  फलप्रद , वासवी , वमजणै , व्ककुन्थलय , वर , व्यास  प्रिय ,
वर्मधरा , वाल्मीकि  परिसेवित , सकंभरि , सिव , संत , सरद , सरनगति , सतोदरि ,
सुभचर , सुम्भसुर  मर्दिनि , सोभवति , सिवकर , संकरर्ध  सरिरिणी , सोना ,
शुभस्य , सुभर , शिरः  स्कन्द  कारिणी , सरवति , सरनन्द , सरज्ज्योतन , शुभानना ,
सरभ , सुलिनि , सबारी , शुद्ध , सुखावहान , श्रीमति ,  स्रिधरनन्द , श्रवण  नन्द 
दायिनि , सर्वाणि , सर्भरि  वन्द्य , सद्भाश , सद्रितु  प्रिय , सदाधारा  स्थित  देवी ,
षण्मुख  प्रिय  कारिणी , सदङ्ग  रूप  सुमति , सुरासुर  नमस्कृत , सरस्वती ,
सदाधारा , सर्व  मङ्गल  कारिणी , सामगानप्रिय , सूक्ष्म , सावित्री , समसंभव ,
सर्व  वास , सदानन्द , सुस्तनी , सागराम्बर , सर्वैस्यर्य  प्रिय , सिद्धि , साधु 
बबन्धु  पराक्रम , सप्तर्षि  मण्डल  गत , सोममण्डला  वासिनि , सर्वज्ञ ,
सान्द्रकरुणा , समनाधिक  वर्जित , सर्वोत्तुङ्गा  श्रन्गहिन , सद्गुण ,सकलेष्टदा ,
सरघ  ( Bee), सूर्य  तनय  , सुखेसि , सोमसंहति , हिरण्य  वर्ण , हरिणी , ह्रींकारी ,
हंस  वाहिनी , क्षौम  वस्त्र  परितङ्गी , क्षिरब्धि  तनय , क्षमा , गायत्री , सावित्री ,
पार्वति , सरस्वती , वेदगर्भा , वेदरोह , श्री  गायत्री ,  परंविक .

[Reading, hearing or memorising the Great Names of Devi Gayatri with cleanliness of
body and mind, devotion and sincerity as contained in Devi Bhagavata would indeed
yield unimaginable fruits of destroying the gravest sins committed, ensuring prosperity
and well being as also leading a disease free and contented life. Particularly significant
are the eighth lunar days when the Gayatri Saharsanamas are rendered in the company of
Brahmanas of pledge, after one’s own daily Sandhya vandana, Dhyamam, Japam,
Homam and absolute concentration and commitment, on a strictly ‘Nishkama’ basis or
without anticipations of results. The Saharanamavali ought not to be made available
indiscriminately to anybody for bravado or cheap publicity. A strict caution is being
imposed that only those really deserving persons of ‘Achara’ and dedication should have
access to these Mighty and Highly Powerful Mantras of Devi Gayatri.]
[Essence of Devi Bhagavatham]

Natural Calamities - India - 2011 - Gujarat Earth Quake

2011 Gujarat earthquake (Gujarati: 2011 ગુજરાત ભૂકંપ;Hindi: 2011 गुजरात भूकंप) was a magnitude 5.3 (Mw) moderate earthquake[1] epicentered at Bhuj, Gujarat, India at around 22:48 IST. The earthquake centered within Bhuj area of Gujarat, which was hit by one of India's worst quakes in history 10 years ago. Tremors were felt in Surat, Ahmedabad, Amreli, and Junagadh areas of Gujarat and also in certain parts of Mumbai.[2]


The magnitude 5.3 (Mw) earthquake occurred inland at 18:10 IST on 20 October 2011 in Saurashtra region of Gujarat, at about 38 km (23 mi) from south of Junagadh. The depth of the quake was 15.5 km. Earthquake was felt for 25 seconds in Junagadh resulting in people rushed out of their homes in panic.[3] There were few utter chaos in Talala, as the entire city got plunged into darkness following a power outage caused by the quake.[2]
No casualty was recorded immediate to the quake.

Observations on Planetary Alignments

In Rasi:
Saturn was in 26 Virgo an earthy sign and is about to transit into Libra on 15th November.
Mars, the Bhoomi karaka debilitated and at 24 Cancer
Ketu debilitated at 21 Taurus which is again a earthy sign

In Khavedamsa :
Saturn at 29 Virgo an earthy sign

In Trimsamsa :
Rahu/Ketu and Mars are in Capricorn which is an earthy sign

Ashtakavarga : Eigth house Scorpio has only 21 SAV at the time

Amsas :
D60 Debilitated Mars in Pureeshakamsa. Saturn in Bhrashtamsa

Natural Calamities - India - Sikkim Earth Quake 2011

Planetary Alignments at the time of earth quake in Sikkim

In Rasi:
Ketu debilitated and in 23 Taurus which is an earthy sign. Saturn in earthy sign of Virgo at 23 Virgo and is about to transit over into Libra.Mars the Bhoomi Karaka is debilitated in Cancer at 5 Degrees.

In Khavedamsa (D40):

Mars and Rahu/Ketu are in Taurus an Earthy sign in opposition to Sun-Venus in Scorpio the 8th house of the zodiac. Mercury – Moon in conjunction in Virgo which is an Earthy Sign.

In Trimsamsa (D30):
Saturn-Rahu/Ketu are in Capricorn an Earthy sign. Mars, Moon and debilitated Venus are in Virgo with Uranus. Sun is in Taurus which too is an Earthy Sign

Event :  The 2011 Sikkim earthquake (Hindi: २०११ सिक्किम भूकम्प Sikkim Bhūkamp), also known as the 2011 Himalayan earthquake (Hindi: २०११ हिमालय भूकम्प Himalaya Bhūkamp), was a magnitude 6.9 (Mw) earthquake centered within the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, near the border of Nepal and the Indian state of Sikkim, at 18:10 IST (12:40 UTC) on Sunday, 18 September 2011.[3] The earthquake was felt across northeastern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and southern Tibet.
At least 111 people were killed in the earthquake.[4] Most of the deaths occurred in Sikkim, with reports of fatalities in and near Singtam in the East Sikkim district.[5] Several buildings collapsed in Gangtok.[6] Eleven are reported dead in Nepal, including three killed when a wall collapsed in the British Embassy in Kathmandu.[7] Elsewhere, structural damage occurred in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and across Tibet; another seven fatalities were confirmed in the latter region.
The quake came just a few days after an earthquake of 4.2 magnitude hit Haryana's Sonipat district, sending tremors in New Delhi.[8] The earthquake was the fourth significant earthquake in India of September 2011.[9]
The magnitude 6.9 (Mw) earthquake occurred inland at 18:10 IST on 18 September 2011, about 68 km (42 mi) northwest of Gangtok, Sikkim at a shallow depth of 19.7 km (12.2 mi).[3]

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Khavedamsa Study(D40) and the Dooms Day Prophecy

This is a write up on my study of the Khavedamsa in relation to the mundane events. The rasi chart gives the clue about  major catastrophic calamities and the Khavedamsa chart(D40) shows the daily mundane events is what can be seen on a close study of the Chart.

The chart seems to amazingly reflect the mundane effects.Mainly the malefic Saturn,Mars and Rahu/Ketu and their afflictions clearly reflect the events to come. Though there is  still much to be researched for identifying the place of the event, i am trying to draw  attention of the readers to the relevance of the D40 chart in predicting the Mundane events.

All the events reported in this write up can be found out date wise in Wikinews.The planetary formations mentioned here in below are as in D40 on that day. Ayanamsa used : Lahiri Chitra Paksha

Sat - Neptune - Pluto
The death toll from a fake medicine crisis at a cardiology hospital in Lahore, Pakistan, reaches 112. (Express Tribune)
Neptune signifies drugs

Saturn - Pluto - Neptune - Venus
Cyclone Iggy kills 14 people and injures 60 over a four day period in Indonesia
Pluto at 0 deg Scorpio which is a watery sign  and start of Sat - Pluto conjunction

Rahu/Ketu - Pluto conj

A police officer and four journalists associated with British tabloid The Sun are arrested in relation to the News International phone hacking scandal, by detectives investigating payments made to police by journalists. The BBC understands the four journalists are ex-deputy editor Fergus Shanahan, ex-managing editor Graham Dudman, crime editor Mike Sullivan and head of news Chris Pharo. (BBC) (The Guardian)

Rahu/Ketu with Pluto in conjunction show scandals


Sc is a watery sign


Boat Sinks, 16 people dead
Iran's south coast
Sc is a watery sign

virologists stop developing a virulent stain
Libra is an airy sign and exaltation sign for Saturn

Rahu/Ketu, Neptune,Moon
Tropical storm to hit Mozambique
Moon,Neptune Significators for Rains and water

Rahu/Ketu,Neptune in oppo to venus
Truck brakes fail in Haiti killing 26
Venus significator for vehicles

Sat-Pluto in oppo to Venus-Mercury
Libra- Aries
European soveriegn debt crises.Credit ratings lowered.Sean Quinn Irelands richest person declared bankrupt
venus/mercury significators of business

Rahu/Ketu - Sun, Neptune conjunct
Bomb detonates near a shia muslim procession in Pakistan
Involvement of Sun and religious procession

Sun - Uranus conjunction
A power transformer malfunction in Turkey leaves millions without electricity
Sun for power and Uranus for Transformer malfunction

Sat- Pluto - Nep- Mercury
Standards and poor lowers credit rating of European countries
Mercury planet of trade

Rahu/Ketu - Venus
Costa Corcordia disaster
R/K about to change into Sc and joining Venus which signifies luxuries vehicles

Wild fires in south chile,
R/K aspecting all the fire signs which are all occupied by planets

Saturn Pluto /Mars Oppo
Libra - Aries
Land slide in Phillippines
Wild fires in south chile,
Mars the Bhoomi karaka

Saturn Pluto /Mars Oppo
Virgo - Pisces
Storm in Brazil, Bus accident in China
Pisces - Watery sign
Virgo - Earthy sign
Mars significator of accidents

Sun - Mars- Venus Oppo satu ,Moon - Pluto
Nigerian Islamist group issues threat to christians to leave
Invlovement of Sun is giving the religious angle

Sat,Mer,Pluto oppo Mars,Moon
Virgo - Pisces
Earth quake In Japan 7.0 mag
Virgo earthy sign,Moon,Mercury involvement in conjunction

In the D 40 chart on this day Jupiter in Aries is in opposition to Rahu/Ketu in Libra(airy sign).Jupiter signifies Snow fall and winter.The result was due to Heavy snow falls across much of the United Kingdom leading to the cancellation of hundreds of flights at Heathrow Airport and the closure of the runway at Luton Airport 


In D 40 Yesterday and Day before yesterday Mars in Taurus was in opposition to a Saturn-Pluto- Moon Conjunction in Scorpio two times and there were Gas pipe line explosions on both the days (Source: Wiki News).Today too there was a gas pipe line explosion in Lahore,Pakistan.Today Moon is conjunct with Retro Mars in opposition to Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

Moon signifies water and Mars fire.Their conjunction or opposition produces Gas/Vapour.Saturn signifies pipe lines. Thus triggering the explosions during the conjunction or opposition.Rahu/Ketu are about to transit into Virgo which is a Earthy sign and the effects are already seen with an earth quake hitting Phillippines.

Due to the conjunction of Sun with Retrograde Mars and in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio in D40 , The following were the effects:

1.The Romanian Prime Minister and his cabinet resigned yesterday
2.Maldives Prime Minister resigned today
3.Popular Singer S.Janaki fell down in Bath room today and was injured in her head and hospitalised.

Sun signifies government and kingly and famous personalities.

When there is a Full Moon due with Moon in Ardra and in Cancer in opposition to a Sun Mercury combination in Capricorn an Earthly sign in Rasi and Rahu/Ketu are about to transit into Virgo in D40 there was an earth quake in Phillippines.
On the Dooms Day Prophecy

However i want to draw your attention to another important aspect in the D40 chart. If we see the chart for the dooms day(21.12.2012), in D40 we can see a Sun,Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Scorpio, the Mysterious Eigth house of the Kalapurusha.Along with this conjunction, Rahu/Ketu in conjunction with Moon are in Sagittarius.Uranus too is in Sagittarius and significantly Rahu/Ketu and Uranus are very close to 5 Degree Sagittarius which is the Galactic centre.

Rahu/Ketu when near to the GC, i reported in earlier posts, triggers mysterious events and with Uranus(which signifies UFO'S) very close to R/K and GC signifies something involving the supernatural forces.There is one more to all this. Jupiter and Saturn are in Opposition in D40.In rasi chart on that day Rahu and Ketu are in their debilitation rasis and Rahu is in a watery sign.I dont think we should  take the dooms day prophecy as simple trash.