
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Khavedamsa Study(D40) and the Dooms Day Prophecy

This is a write up on my study of the Khavedamsa in relation to the mundane events. The rasi chart gives the clue about  major catastrophic calamities and the Khavedamsa chart(D40) shows the daily mundane events is what can be seen on a close study of the Chart.

The chart seems to amazingly reflect the mundane effects.Mainly the malefic Saturn,Mars and Rahu/Ketu and their afflictions clearly reflect the events to come. Though there is  still much to be researched for identifying the place of the event, i am trying to draw  attention of the readers to the relevance of the D40 chart in predicting the Mundane events.

All the events reported in this write up can be found out date wise in Wikinews.The planetary formations mentioned here in below are as in D40 on that day. Ayanamsa used : Lahiri Chitra Paksha

Sat - Neptune - Pluto
The death toll from a fake medicine crisis at a cardiology hospital in Lahore, Pakistan, reaches 112. (Express Tribune)
Neptune signifies drugs

Saturn - Pluto - Neptune - Venus
Cyclone Iggy kills 14 people and injures 60 over a four day period in Indonesia
Pluto at 0 deg Scorpio which is a watery sign  and start of Sat - Pluto conjunction

Rahu/Ketu - Pluto conj

A police officer and four journalists associated with British tabloid The Sun are arrested in relation to the News International phone hacking scandal, by detectives investigating payments made to police by journalists. The BBC understands the four journalists are ex-deputy editor Fergus Shanahan, ex-managing editor Graham Dudman, crime editor Mike Sullivan and head of news Chris Pharo. (BBC) (The Guardian)

Rahu/Ketu with Pluto in conjunction show scandals


Sc is a watery sign


Boat Sinks, 16 people dead
Iran's south coast
Sc is a watery sign

virologists stop developing a virulent stain
Libra is an airy sign and exaltation sign for Saturn

Rahu/Ketu, Neptune,Moon
Tropical storm to hit Mozambique
Moon,Neptune Significators for Rains and water

Rahu/Ketu,Neptune in oppo to venus
Truck brakes fail in Haiti killing 26
Venus significator for vehicles

Sat-Pluto in oppo to Venus-Mercury
Libra- Aries
European soveriegn debt crises.Credit ratings lowered.Sean Quinn Irelands richest person declared bankrupt
venus/mercury significators of business

Rahu/Ketu - Sun, Neptune conjunct
Bomb detonates near a shia muslim procession in Pakistan
Involvement of Sun and religious procession

Sun - Uranus conjunction
A power transformer malfunction in Turkey leaves millions without electricity
Sun for power and Uranus for Transformer malfunction

Sat- Pluto - Nep- Mercury
Standards and poor lowers credit rating of European countries
Mercury planet of trade

Rahu/Ketu - Venus
Costa Corcordia disaster
R/K about to change into Sc and joining Venus which signifies luxuries vehicles

Wild fires in south chile,
R/K aspecting all the fire signs which are all occupied by planets

Saturn Pluto /Mars Oppo
Libra - Aries
Land slide in Phillippines
Wild fires in south chile,
Mars the Bhoomi karaka

Saturn Pluto /Mars Oppo
Virgo - Pisces
Storm in Brazil, Bus accident in China
Pisces - Watery sign
Virgo - Earthy sign
Mars significator of accidents

Sun - Mars- Venus Oppo satu ,Moon - Pluto
Nigerian Islamist group issues threat to christians to leave
Invlovement of Sun is giving the religious angle

Sat,Mer,Pluto oppo Mars,Moon
Virgo - Pisces
Earth quake In Japan 7.0 mag
Virgo earthy sign,Moon,Mercury involvement in conjunction

In the D 40 chart on this day Jupiter in Aries is in opposition to Rahu/Ketu in Libra(airy sign).Jupiter signifies Snow fall and winter.The result was due to Heavy snow falls across much of the United Kingdom leading to the cancellation of hundreds of flights at Heathrow Airport and the closure of the runway at Luton Airport 


In D 40 Yesterday and Day before yesterday Mars in Taurus was in opposition to a Saturn-Pluto- Moon Conjunction in Scorpio two times and there were Gas pipe line explosions on both the days (Source: Wiki News).Today too there was a gas pipe line explosion in Lahore,Pakistan.Today Moon is conjunct with Retro Mars in opposition to Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

Moon signifies water and Mars fire.Their conjunction or opposition produces Gas/Vapour.Saturn signifies pipe lines. Thus triggering the explosions during the conjunction or opposition.Rahu/Ketu are about to transit into Virgo which is a Earthy sign and the effects are already seen with an earth quake hitting Phillippines.

Due to the conjunction of Sun with Retrograde Mars and in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio in D40 , The following were the effects:

1.The Romanian Prime Minister and his cabinet resigned yesterday
2.Maldives Prime Minister resigned today
3.Popular Singer S.Janaki fell down in Bath room today and was injured in her head and hospitalised.

Sun signifies government and kingly and famous personalities.

When there is a Full Moon due with Moon in Ardra and in Cancer in opposition to a Sun Mercury combination in Capricorn an Earthly sign in Rasi and Rahu/Ketu are about to transit into Virgo in D40 there was an earth quake in Phillippines.
On the Dooms Day Prophecy

However i want to draw your attention to another important aspect in the D40 chart. If we see the chart for the dooms day(21.12.2012), in D40 we can see a Sun,Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Scorpio, the Mysterious Eigth house of the Kalapurusha.Along with this conjunction, Rahu/Ketu in conjunction with Moon are in Sagittarius.Uranus too is in Sagittarius and significantly Rahu/Ketu and Uranus are very close to 5 Degree Sagittarius which is the Galactic centre.

Rahu/Ketu when near to the GC, i reported in earlier posts, triggers mysterious events and with Uranus(which signifies UFO'S) very close to R/K and GC signifies something involving the supernatural forces.There is one more to all this. Jupiter and Saturn are in Opposition in D40.In rasi chart on that day Rahu and Ketu are in their debilitation rasis and Rahu is in a watery sign.I dont think we should  take the dooms day prophecy as simple trash.