
Monday, February 6, 2012

Will Jaya Lalitha loose Power

This is the D5 Chart of Ms.Jayalalitha,the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu.There was news recently that  Ms.Sasikala her long time friend and partner planning a coup against Ms.Jayalalitha by poisoning her and taking over as CM of Tamil Nadu.

Also, she had severed ties with Vijayakanth of DMDK her associate in the polls.

Vimsottari dasa running now is Rahu-Mars from 05.08.2011 till 22.08.2012.Mars is retrograde in her birth chart and is in the 5th house of Power and authority from Rahu the Dasa Lord.Mars is with a ashtakavarga strength of 3 in her birth chart which is not favourable.Mars is also the 6 th and 11 th lord for her ascendant and a functional malefic.

Mars is currently transiting over its natal position and natal moon while aspecting natal Sun.Both Sun and Moon are the planets which signify Fame and authority.

Moreover, Mars is also transiting over the A10,A5 and A2. The transit of malefic Mars, being geo stationery till May in Leo,over the mentioned Arudhas clearly shows her state of affairs now. A2 shows wealth and family.Jayalalitha is now facing a court trial for disproportionate assets case and alienation from family,as she treated Sasikala as her own for long.A5 shows authority and fame,both of which are now under pressure due to the Ms Sasikala's issue.A10 shows political power and that too would take a beating now in this transit.
Coming to the analysis of the Divisional charts, the D5 chart(which shows Power and Fame) shows Saturn currently transiting in Libra with a Score of 1 out of 8 in Bhinnashtaka varga and a Score of 24 in SAV. This shows her power struggles in this transit of Saturn till November 2nd 2014. How ever with Saturn turning retrograde on February 8th  and transiting into Virgo on May 15th,she might have a respite for a brief period till August 9th.After Saturn re enters Libra in August, the problems will resurface.

With such low scores in BAV and SAV,she might have to retire from political life by end of 2014.

The transit of Saturn is in the Ninth from Sun,Moon in D5 shows separation/alienation from Power.In D5 too the transit Mars is aspecting the natal D5 Sun and Moon.Both Sun and Moon signify Politics and leaders. Saturn has full aspect on A8(which shows Scandals,unexpected troubles,break in power)  which is in Aries in D5 and transiting over A5(Power and authority) in D5.This may result in a break in her regime.

The D8 Chart has Rahu/Ketu in Libra . D8 Shows Litigations and unexpected troubles. Transit of Saturn over Rahu/Ketu shows a coup involving murder and poisoning by servants/employees/assistants.In Ashtamasa Saturn has a BAV strength of 4 and Libra has an SAV of 36 which is favourable.This helps in overcoming the troubles.

The D4 Chart which shows Fortune is positive with regard to the current transit and that is the reason why the coup was detected.In D4, Saturn is transiting now in the 3rd from the natal D4 Moon. It was surprising to note that the coup was informed to Ms.Jaya Lalitha by Mr.Narendra Modi the chief Minister of Gujarat. The third house denotes Brothers !!!. The Positive transit in D4  made her fortunate enough to escape the coup through a brother like Modi.

Transits in D10 Chart  are weak as Saturn transits over the natal D10 moon with a BAV of 3 and the rasi having an SAV of 26 this may effect her regime badly..Transit of Jupiter into the 8 th house from D10 moon might compound the troubles for her.

To conclude: The transits in  D4 are helping her to continue in Power for now but the adverse transits,low scores in D5 show that she might have to retire from Politics by the end of 2014.

Note: The above views are expressed only from an astrological perspective and may not be true.  
Birth Data Source: