
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Agni - V - Test Fire - Will it fail ???

In my previous posts about the Venus-Ketu conjunction and possible mishaps to Luxurious vehicles,i gave links to the news of the mishaps that happened.

The conjunction is to stay for a while. Venus is stationery in Taurus till 31 st July.Ketu will be in Taurus till 14 th of January 2013.

Taurus is the own sign of Venus while it is the debilitation sign of Ketu. we can expect the effects of the conjunction to be there until 31st July.

Failure of the North Korean rocket launch is an outcome of the Conjunction.

There is one more event of the kind.The news link to the event is given herein below :

A Jet plane pilot mistook the planet venus as an approching US war plane and caused his jet to nose dive,to correct himself later

Coming to the news of test firing the Inter Continental Ballistic Missile, Agni V today , i dont think the time is very conducive to the test.The test may fail.

Note: The observations are made from a astrological study perspective and may not be true