
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why there was a blast at Lahore Railway station ???

As i mentioned in my earlier post in the morning, Sun transited into Gemini in Khavedamsa today at about 13.30 Hrs, to be in opposition to Pluto,Jupiter and Rahu/Ketu.

Lets now see the synchronicity in the event.
Gemini is the third sign of the natural zodiac which represents short distance travels,communications through railways,telephone , Bus travel etc.

Sun represents fire arms like Guns,Bombs and other weapons.

Sun entering Gemini as said above resulted in the bomb blast in a railway station in Lahore,Pakistan.  
Jupiter's aspect and involvement in the conjunction is the cause of a low level loss of life.

While the kind of events that would happen could be foretold,Identifying the place of the event is a tough task..