
Friday, May 4, 2012

The Battle of Los Angeles - UFO Sightings

Continuing on the analysis of UFO Sightings, this incident which happened at the time of the Second world war, evokes much interest for being in tune with the finding that influences over Uranus result in UFO sightings or some illusions regarding UFO s. This incident happened in the early hours of 25 th of February ,1942. Heavy Anti air craft firing has been done on some unknown flying objects which were believed to be Japanese air craft approaching for an air raid on  Los Angeles and the artillery brigade began firing at the objects. 

Later on the US army officers gave statements that there was no air raid from the Japanese air force and it was a false alarm.

UFOlogists believe that the flying objects were of extra terrestrial nature.

An US air force document describes the event as follows:
"Probably much of the confusion came from the fact that anti-aircraft shell bursts, caught by the searchlights, were themselves mistaken for enemy planes. In any case, the next three hours produced some of the most imaginative reporting of the war: "swarms" of planes (or, sometimes, balloons) of all possible sizes, numbering from one to several hundred, traveling at altitudes which ranged from a few thousand feet to more than 20,000 and flying at speeds which were said to have varied from "very slow" to over 200 miles per hour, were observed to parade across the skies. These mysterious forces dropped no bombs and, despite the fact that 1,440 rounds of anti-aircraft ammunition were directed against them, suffered no losses. There were reports, to be sure, that four enemy planes had been shot down, and one was supposed to have landed in flames at a Hollywood intersection. Residents in a forty-mile arc along the coast watched from hills or rooftops as the play of guns and searchlights provided the first real drama of the war for citizens of the mainland. The dawn, which ended the shooting and the fantasy, also proved that the only damage which resulted to the city was such as had been caused by the excitement (there was at least one death from heart failure), by traffic accidents in the blacked-out streets, or by shell fragments from the artillery barrage."

Astrological analysis:
As we are interested in the astrological synchronicity underlying the event, let us now study the chart for the time the event happened. Above is the chart prepared for the time and appended for your perusal.

In the Rasi chart for the time, a precarious conjunction of Uranus,Mars,Saturn and Jupiter is going on in Taurus.The conjunction is observable only on a closer analysis of the chart. Uranus is at 3 Ta and Mars is at 1 Ta.In addition to the above two, Saturn is at 29 Ar. Jupiter too is involved by being at 19 Ta. At a time when an illusion of UFOs happened it is very interesting to see Uranus and Mars at such a close conjunction. Uranus signifies UFOs and Mars is the Warrior planet.Saturn is the greatest malefic. And the event is about firing of anti aircraft shells at illusory air targets!!!!

In the Navamsa chart for the time Pluto is significantly conjunct Rahu/Ketu in the airy sign of Libra. So the stage is set for something mysterious in the air.

In the Khavedamsa chart Rahu/Ketu are conjunct with Saturn.Saturn as we know is a Planet of Vayu(airy) tatwa.

As in the previously analysed events, Uranus is not conjunct with Rahu/Ketu in this event,but is conjunct with Mars and Saturn and Jupiter. The event may not be a conventional UFO event but only an illusion related to UFO s.If Uranus is conjunct with Rahu/Ketu, then we can expect the object to be of extra terrestrial nature.

The swarms of flying objects as described by the US Air force document may be a meteor shower or a bunch of weather balloons or the artillery shells themselves as seen in the search lights.

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