
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Mystery of UFO Over Dome of the Rock ,Jerusalem , 29th January,2011

There was news last year,about a UFO hovering over the Dome of Rock,Jerusalem ,in the early hours of 29th January,2011.

Link to the news has been given above for more particulars about the event.
I have prepared a chart for 01.00 Am on 29th to see the planetary alignments at that time. On a study of the planetary alignments in Rasi and Khavedamsa for the time, i can say there were alignments which were definitely supportive of an event of mystical nature.

Let us now study the charts given above :

In Rasi chart:
Pluto is in Sagittarius,the Galactic center,in conjunction with the Rahu/Ketu axis. Pluto and Rahu were also in conjunction with Mercury. Predominantly in this conjunction, Pluto and Rahu were close within about 4 degrees.

Pluto was in Deva Shastyamsa at the time !!!

In one of my previous write up on "Lady of Fatima - The Miracle of  Sun" , i made an observation that Rahu/Ketu were in Deva Shastyamsa at the time of the Miracle. Below is the link to the write up :

Also in one of my previous posts on the astrological significations at the time of occurrences of UFO's i established the presence/Influence of Uranus in the events and as per Western astrologers, Uranus is the significator of Ariel navigation and Airplanes. It is needless to say UFO's come under the category of Airplanes.

While the conjunction of Pluto with Rahu over the Galactic Centre has set the stage for a Mystic/mysterious event, Uranus being in conjunction with Jupiter the lord of Sagittarius in Pisces and  in Opposition to Saturn in Virgo has determined the event to happen at a place of religious significance and that too of a UFO sighting.

Jerusalem, as the readers would know is the birth place of Three religions namely, Judaism,Christianity and Islam.

Neptune,the significator of Mysterious events  is in the sign Aquarius which is an Airy Sign.

In Khavedamsa chart for the time : 

The conjunctions and placements of planets in Khavedamsa definitely show up the possibility of sighting of an UFO.

Uranus is in conjunction to Mercury and both are in turn conjunct the Rahu/Ketu axis in Pisces.
Pluto is in Conjunction to Neptune,the significator of mysteries .