
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ninth House significations,recent events and Khavedamsa(D40) Study

Ninth is the house of Philosophy,religion,medicine,Politics and Law.It is the house of higher learning and teaching in  the quest for secrets of the universe.The ninth house signifies devotion to God,devotion to one's personal diety and Piligrimages.The Ninth house indicates our spiritual and ethical disposition,our sense of righteousness in self and in the world.The Ninth house contains the energy for efforts directed towards self discovery.It is the house where yearning for Truth, knowledge of the laws of the universe and seeking for one’s true nature and purpose in life become activated. It is a house of power, prestige, honor and influence.   

Continuing the study of correlations to mundane events and changes in  Khavedamsa,From 31st May,in Khavedamsa,Retrograde Saturn changed over into Sagittarius,the Ninth house of Natural Zodiac to join with Rahu/Ketu which are stationery. Below is the Image of the Rasi chart and Khavedamsa on 31st May.

Saturn, the malefic among malefics changing over into the Ninth house of the Zodiac(in D40) to join Rahu/Ketu has caused a trend of events related to the significations of  Ninth House as detailed above starting 31st May.

Conflict between Buddhist monks and Muslims in Burma is one most significant event when the above mentioned conjunction is happening.Terrorist attacks on Shias in Iraq is one more and the Bus accident in Maharashtra,India while on a travel to Shirdi is another.

Dating of the remains believed to be of John the baptist in Bulgaria to First Century AD is another relevant event.Stabbing of a priest in Romania is also the effect of the conjunction under study in the Khavedamsa
Apart from the above there were some scientific breakthroughs,like decoding the genome of an ape , identifying the causes for extinction of  the wooly mammoths and preparation of a chemical which can be used to absorb Carbon dioxide.

The date wise list below shows events related to the significations of Ninth house :
(You can click on the hyperlinks for details of the events)

On 16.06.2012 : The piligrimage to Shirdi ended up in a disaster when the bus carrying the piligrims fell into a gorge in Osmanabad district in Maharashtra
on the same day a priest was stabbed to death in a church in Romania

On 15.06.2012 :
The Holy See establishes the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, for former Anglicans in Australia. (Bollettino)
Bulgarian remains believed by some to be John The Baptist are scientifically dated to the first century AD. (The Washington Post)

On 13.06.2012:

Scientists decode the bonobo genome, making it last great ape to have its DNA sequence laid bare, following the chimpanzee, orang-utan and gorilla. (BBC)

A series of bombings across Iraq, targeting shias in Baghdad, Hillah and Kirkuk, kills at least 93 people and wounds over 300 others. (Al Jazeera) (BBC)

On 12.06.2012:
An extensive study concludes that several factors aligned to cause the extinction of wooly mammoths. (Live Science

Scientists announce creation of a new chemical compound, NOTT-202, capable of selectively absorbing carbon dioxide. (BBC)

On 11.06.2012 :
 Burma declares a state of emergency after several people are killed in sectarian violence between Buddhists and Muslims (The Guardian)

On 06.06.2012 :

Controversy is stoked after a video emerges of a U.S. religious minister outlining his plan to imprison the country's gay and lesbian population behind an electric fence until they die. (Al Jazeera)

On 31.05.2012 :

Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope predict that the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in four billion years' time. (Los Angeles Times)

A suicide bomber kills five policeman at a police headquarters in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. (BBC)