
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Venus, known as Shukra in Hindu mythology, is the son of the great seer Bhrigu.
Bhrigu was an astrologer and taught his son all of the spiritual sciences and scriptures.
Because of Shukra's enmity toward Brahaspati (Jupiter), he (Shukra) agreed to be the teacher of the asuras (antigods).
When Shukra became the preceptor of the antigods, in order to protect them against the gods and subgods he worshiped Shiva and learned from him the method by which he could bring them back to life even after they were killed in battle.
Shukra in Sanskrit means "semen".
Rajasik in nature, Venus belongs to the Brahmin caste. An embodiment of love, he is a benefic planet and governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, sensuality, passion, comforts, luxuries, jewelry, wealth, art, music, dance, season of spring, rains and the bed-room.
Venus is also important because of its association with the science of mantras and Ayurvedic medicine, Tantra, the casting of spells, hypnotism, mesmerism, and alchemy.
When rightly aspected Venus is strong, and it brings wealth, comfort, attraction to the opposite sex in the early part of life. It makes its natives tender, gentle and considerate. They are lovers of jewelry, sour (pungent) taste, white dresses, decoration, perfumes, tasty foods and the fine arts.
Its' metal is silver, it’s gemstone diamond, the day is Friday and the direction is southeast. Venus rules number 6 in indian numerology.
Venusian Effects in the 12 Houses
Venus in the Ascendant
Venus in the Ascendant makes one handsome, blessed with good eyes, happy, with good longevity, attractive to the opposite sex and with good children.
Venus in the Second House
In the second Venus makes one a poet, with good education and wealth, with knowledge of music & with gift of the gab. In the horoscopes of Tennyson, Byron, Omar Khayam, Tagore & Aurobindo Venus in the second was responsible for their fame as poets.
Venus in the Third House
Venus in the 3rd makes one devoid of happiness from spouse and subject to the influence of the opposite sex. Will have difficulty in controlling anger. Will be miserly
Venus in the Fourth House
Venus tenancy of the fourth makes one wealthy, with a lovely well sculptured house and conveyances. Will be famous and will have a lot of admirers.
Venus in the Fifth House
Will be a lord, very intelligent with a lot of wealth and relatives. Will be clever and will be equal to a minister. Will be revered by many. Intelligence of a higher order will be exhibited.
Venus in the Sixth House
Venus in the sixth makes you suffer disgrace at the hands of women & you become the destroyer of your enemies. Will be subject to diseases. Will be afflicted by defeats and scandals.
Venus in the Seventh House
Will be a lover of the opposite sex. Will have beauty, brains and fortune. If male, there will be problems in marital life .
Venus in the Eighth House
This benign position of Venus makes one wealthy with good longevity. Will be regal in bearing and respected by many. Benefics in the house of longevity increases longevity.
Venus in the Ninth House
Venus in the Ninth makes one interested in the psychic arts, wealthy, fortune via father and with good partner and children. Will have favour from the Government.
Venus in the Tenth House
This benign position of Venus makes one very intelligent, famous and will be a doer of altruistic deeds. Will excel in textile technology. Will have wealth from textile trade. This dominance of Venus on the Meridian is good for business dealing with clothes.
Venus in the Eleventh House
Will love the opposite sex, will have subordinates and will have wealth of no mean order. This is a powerful regal yoga, as Venus in the house of gains can confer gains of a high standard.
Venus in the Twelfth House
Will be wealthy and will be a traveller. Will enjoy all the Pleasures of life. Will be bereft of relatives. This powerful position of Venus favours wealth & enjoyments of a high order.