
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

UFO Crash at Roswell,Mexico(in 1947),its capture and subsequent coverup

Adjoining is the chart for the day a press release has been issued by the public information officer at Roswell,Mexico in 1947, about collecting the debris of a crashed flying disc.This has turned out to be the most controversial UFO incident and on the next day itself  authorities issued a statement to the effect that no alien flying disc was found but what was  collected from the site was only an experimental surveillance balloon.

Till 30 years after this, everything was forgotten. But when one Mr.Major Jesse Marcel who participated in the collection of debris was interviewed by an Ufologist everything came to light again raking up many investigations and debates.Many witnesses came forward giving accounts of recovering by the military of an  alien flying ship and aliens too of whom some are dead and some alive .

On an observation of the chart for the day of the press release,we can see that Uranus who is the significator of the UFOs is in rasi sandhi between Taurus and Gemini.Just a month before or so Uranus was in conjunction with Rahu in Taurus.This conjunction triggered many UFO incidents all around the globe,as mentioned in my previous posts.

In the wikipedia writeup on the incident, it has been mentioned that the debris of the crashed alien aircraft was found in June or July .Only the press release was made on July 8th. If we go back,we can see that from June 21 st till July 4th , Mars is conjunct Uranus,Rahu,Venus in Taurus. Mars should have caused the crash in the period he was conjunct, whether the debris is of an alien flying ship or of the balloon.Another probable cause for the crash should be that Uranus being in rasi sandhi between Taurus(Earthy sign) and Gemini(Airy Sign).

What makes the whole study interesting is,when the press release was made, Mercury,the significator of communications was retrograde. Retrogression of mercury always shows misleading communications.This is seen clearly in this incident as first it was stated that the debris belongs to an alien flying object and later on it was changed.Both the communications were made simultaneously giving rise to suspicion, as Mercury is retrograde in both the cases.It definitely shows a coverup of the facts.

In Khavedamsa for the day we can see an opposition of Neptune in Taurus and Pluto in Scorpio. Neptune signifies mysteries and Pluto in Scorpio shows alien life.

Involvement of Uranus with Rahu and Mars as mentioned above, clearly shows crashing of an alien flying object.

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