
Friday, August 24, 2012

Chiranjeevi and his Political Entry-Part 2

Did the elopement of Chiranjeevi's second daughter indicate his failure at coming to power???
Yes for sure. The fifth house indicates both children and also Power and fame. Before he announced formation of the Praja Rajyam party in 2008, on 17 th October,2007 his second daughter got married against his wishes.How ever she returned to her parents in 2011 due to the harassment done to her by her husband.The event of her marraige against his wishes indicates that all the 5th house significations are effected negatively and hence also indicates the disappointment he would face in politics.

His moon sign is Virgo and Saturn is the 5 th lord who signifies Children and also Power and fame in his horoscope.The marraige happened with in months after his Seven and Half years Saturn period started when from 15 th of July,2007 Saturn entered Leo his 12 house from Natal Moon. 5 th Lord in the 12 th house shows seperation from children and also loss of Power and fame.

The irony is, he became a member of Rajya sabha after his daughter returned back to him in 2011.

His Saturn dasa ended on 16 th May,2012 and he is now running Mercury dasa the 9th and 12th lord who has a ashtakavarga score of 5 in BAV. This dasa should be more favourable to him than the Saturn dasa and give him good results overall.  

Divisional Charts - Ashtakavarga and Transit strengths at present and future

If we observe his Natal D5 and D10 charts for the ashtakavarga strengths,we can see his D10 has good scores in BAV and the planets are in good kakshyas.But in his D5 ,the scores are very low and the planets too are not in  good kakshyas.This shows that he would have a good career and status but not much of power.   

If we observe his style of functioning we can observe,his Brother-in -law who is his close confident,exerts much influence on him. He is actually the power centre while the status is of Chiranjeevi.   

On an observation of the transit strengths of Saturn in his D5, we can see a peak(the best in his life time) in his Power and Fame during the period from November 2,2014 till January 26, 2017,in which period we can see him in the rank of  a Minister at the centre or state.