
Sunday, October 21, 2012

And the World Dances to the tunes of Planets

Yes the world is obviously dancing in perfect tandem to the tunes of planets.But dont worry it is always this way.

The two important conjunctions happening now in the heavens are of Mars and Rahu in Scorpio and Saturn and Sun in Libra.News of relevant happenings in correlation to these conjunctions are pouring in from every where.

Mars - Rahu Conjunction and Sports related scandals  :

Last week there was more news of the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong's doping scandal.Though there were allegations on him about using performance enhancement drugs to win cycling medals from before,the fallout of the allegations happened after the conjunction of Mars/Rahu started. He had to resign from the chairman ship of  his own charity LIVE STRONG on the 17th of this month.

He also has lost many endorsement contracts and would be losing aroung USD 50 million over the next few years.

In my post on the conjunction , i mentioned there would be fraud related to sports coming to light . This event is one more of the kind. Earlier i reported the sting operation conducted on the T20 world cup empires who were ready to sell their decisions.Links to my earlier posts have been given here under

Sun - Saturn Conjunction - Deaths of Kingly personalities/High ranked officials by explosions and heart strokes :

Also In the news is that of Fiedal Castro suffering a heart stroke and is on his death bed

This is the result of the Sun Saturn conjunction happening in Libra. Another relevant event in this context is the killing of Lebanese Chief of Intelligence

Gaddafi's youngest Son Khamis Gaddafi dies due to the injuries sustained in the battle with armed forces in Libya is another relevant event.

Link to my earlier post on the conjunction :