
Friday, October 5, 2012

Unusual Happenning in the Stock Market Today

A rather unusual happenning in the stock market caused the market to be closed for about 15 minutes as the stocks suddenly started to trade at extremely low prices. The stocks effected were HDFC,SBI and ITC.These stocks have a direct bearing on the index and have caused the market to drop by about 920 points.

Todays planetary alignments show a close conjunction of Saturn and Mercury in the Airy sign of Libra. Libra is a sign which signifies trade.Mercury too signifies trade.

What should have caused the anamoly ???

Both Saturn and Mercury are conjunct with in a degree of each other and are in the Star Chitta which is lorded by Mars !!!. Mars right now is conjunct debilitated Rahu(these two are also within a degree of each other) in the Eigth house of the Zodiac which signifies sudden events. And in turn Mars is in the star  Anuradha lorded over by Saturn. Malefics are in action over Mercury. This conjunction of Saturn and Mercury in the star Chitta and exchange of stars between Mars and Saturn signifies some sudden negative news to the stock markets and trade/economy in general and may signify sudden correction next week.

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