
Monday, November 26, 2012

Rama Krishna Paramahamsa,Dakshineswar Temple and the Mystic Connection

On the 31st of May 1855, the Kali temple at Dakshineswar was consecrated.

Below is the link to the information about the temple on
On preparing a chart for the day of  consecration,i.e the day when the idol of Goddess was installed in the temple and on studying the chart, i could see some interesting alignments on the day.

Moon is in Scorpio, debilitated and has aspect from Sun,Mars and Saturn from Taurus.Moon signifies the Mother Parvatee and debilitated Moon in Scorpio signifies  Mother in the form of Kaali.Both the forms are of the supreme goddess and represent Prakruti and Vikruti.Moon so aspected by strong malefics represents the Goddess in aggressive form. Scorpio, being Eigth house of the Zodiac,signifies a place of  Kaali/Shakti  as per Nadi Texts.

Sun and Moon represent  Lord Shiva and Parvatee respectively and being thus placed as explained above resulted in the consecration of the Goddess in an aggressive form on that day.

Reading the Consecration chart with that of Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa's chart, we find a very interesting connection.Both Sun and Moon(Lord Shiva and Parvatee) which are influencing the Mystical Scorpio at the time of the Con secretion are in his Ascendant(in his birth chart) and the Ascendant lord Saturn (who was in exaltation and in retrogression in his 9 th house, Libra in his birth chart) has an aspect over the Moon in Scorpio, at the time of consecration.

Rama Krishna has his ascendant lord Saturn in his 9 th house.We know the 9 th house shows one's religious inclinations and moreover, Saturn exalted and in 9th house which is Libra,owned by the feminine Venus,signifies worship of the Goddess in the form of  Mother Kaali.

The Mystic Connection :On this day of Consecration of  the Goddess at the temple, there is a mysterious transit of the Rahu/Ketu axis happening over his Ninth house and  natal Saturn(Ascendant Lord) in Libra . Rahu is also the co lord of his ascendant.

In Sri Rama Krishna's natal Chart, Rahu has a very significant role to play as we can see the planets Sun,Mercury,Jupiter,Saturn and the Ascendant in Rahu's Stars.

The Rahu/Ketu axis is also conjunct Pluto transiting in Aries at that time.Pluto on this day is in Devaamsa in D60 and is very closely aspecting his natal Saturn.

This conjunction of Pluto with Rahu/Ketu is the cause of many mystic events and this is one among those.Sri Rama Krishna's 9 th house was thus been activated at the time by the mystical transiting conjunction,Showing the intentions of the supreme powers as to who is to preside over the worship in the temple.Sri Rama Krishna took over as the priest of the temple an year later in 1856,when Pluto-Rahu/Ketu were in a closer conjunction.
Result is as we all know ,the temple is now widely known to the world due to Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bhrigu Bindu And Timing of Events

Bhrigu Bindu is an imaginary midpoint of the Rahu - Moon axis and is calculated by deducting the longitude of Rahu from that of Moon.The difference is divided by 2.The Quotient obtained should be added to Rahu's position and the result will be the Rahu-Moon midpoint and is called Bhrigu Bindu.

When any planet,benefic or malefic in transit aspects or conjuncts the Bhrigu Bindu,positive or negative  results are to be expected respectively. Conjunctions over this point are more effective than those by aspect.

Jupiter while transiting over Bhrigu Bindu results in progress in studies,obtaining employment,marraige,child birth,profits and expansion in business,piligrimage,recovery from sickness and fulfillment of long cherished desires.

Fast moving benefic planets like Mercury,Venus transiting over the Brigu Bindu  result in meetings with relations after long time,small gains of wealth,short piligrimages,festivities and enjoyments with relatives and the like.

Saturn while transiting over Bhrigu Bindu will produce unfavourable results such as long sickness,disagreement with spouse,sickness to spouse,sudden loss of wealth,death of near relations and one's own death provided it is indicated by other factors too (like vimshottarai dasa etc)
Fast moving Malefic planets like Mars and Sun will cause unfavourable results such as minor sickness,injury,temporary separation from near relatives,loss of money,quarrels or misunderstandings etc.

The Transit of Rahu/ketu over the Bhrigu Bindu will cause unfavourable results all of a sudden,on a very big scale and from unexpected sources.Bite by snakes or venomouse insects,mental suffering,trouble from government authorities like Income tax and enforcement department etc,theft of valuables,harassment,degradation or termination in service,family troubles,misunderstandings with wife or husband.

When more planets transit over the Bhrigu Bindu transit simultaneously over or aspect this point the effects are magnifies the benefic or malefic results to a very great extent depending on the nature of planets conjoining/aspecting.

The duration of the effects would prevail during the time the planets conjunct/aspect the point  within 3 degrees 20 minutes ( one Navamsa) around the Bhrigu Bindu. Maximum impact would be at the time immediately after the planet crosses over the Point.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Prediction which came true - Crude Oil Price volatility

As predicted in my post on the 7th of October , the Oil prices still continue to fall.Below is the link to the writeup on falling Crude oil prices on Yahoo:

Below are the links to my earlier posts on Mishaps to Oil Rigs,Short term oil price volatility and shortage.The prediction is purely based on the planetary alignments in Rasi and Khavedamsa and also considering the extra Saturnine Planet,Neptune as posted earlier.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nasa Hiding Historic discovery ???

News is abuzz in the internet about a discovery NASA made over Mars by the Mars rover curiosity. It all started when the chief mission investigator  of NASA John Grotzinger,hinted about a discovery which would be for the history books.  

The remark ignited speculations about finding life on Mars but was later downplayed by the NASA spokespersons.

Mercury the significator of communications is right now in retrogression and is in the last degrees of Libra. The retrogression will continue till the 27 th of the month and then Mercury turns direct and moves back to Scorpio to be exactly conjunct with Rahu on the 6 th of December, at 1 degree Scorpio.At the present too,Mercury is not that far away from the Rahu/Ketu axis. 

The conjunction might denote concealment of factual information.There is a possibility for  true information  to come out around the  27 th November,once the retrogression of Mercury is over.

Mars is transiting Sagittarius right now and is conjunct Pluto in the rasi chart.Sagittarius signifies Higher learning and the Origins of  the Universe.Pluto signifes Secrets.This conjunction too seems to signify the concealment of factual information about Mars.
Below are the links to the news :

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Savita Halappanavar - Killed by Religion - Follow up post II

Savita Halappanavar , the young Indian Pregnant woman died in Ireland due to 'Religion'.I wish to draw attention of the readers to my post on Mysterious happenings in store this month wherein i clearly mentioned religious thoughts and usage of drugs would be undergoing changes. Here in this case intervention of religion and non usage of medicines caused the death of a young lady due to which the religious practices and the relevant supporting laws have been questioned.The lady had her first pregnancy which turned life threatening to her suddenly. The doctors refused to abort the fetus till its heart stopped according to the prevalent 'laws'.

Sagittarius is the Ninth house of the Zodiac which governs Religion and Law.The conjunction of Neptune,who signifies drugs with Rahu/Ketu in the sign in Khavedamsa, prevented the surgical/medical process due to this young lady 

Below is the link to my relevant earlier post :

Refusal of  proper medical aid to this lady which led to her death caused  wide spread protests in Ireland against the prevalent Abortion Law and the Religious beliefs.This is due to the Jupiter-Saturn opposition happening in the Sagittarius/Gemini axis at this time along with the above said conjunction in Khavedamsa

Mysterious Happennings in store this month - Followup post I

Following are some events which happened in relation to the conjunction reported :
November 13 
Scott Routley, a 39-year-old Canadian man, makes medical history by becoming the first person believed to have been in a vegetative state to tell scientists that he is not in any pain. The discovery requires the rewriting of medical textbooks
November 14 
Ancient Shark species Gives insight into the  origin of great white shark 

Oldest Fossil of Giant Panda Family Discovered 

I already posted finding of a Rogue planet

Mishaps to Oil Rigs - Followup post III

In continuation to my earlier posts on the conjunctions in the Rasi and the Khavedamsa Charts about the mishaps to oil rigs, here is another event which resulted from the combination :

 An oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast caught fire on Friday the 16th of November, killing at least two people, local television reported, citing the Coast Guard and local officials.

According to KHOU-TV four more people were airlifted to hospital - two of them in critical condition - and two more are missing following the disaster on a rig operated by Houston-based Black Elk Energy.

In addition to the above event the Oil Gaint company BP agreed for a settlement with the US Department of Justice by paying up USD 4 Billion to end all criminal charges relating to the worst U.S Oil spill of 2010.

The Conjunction of Retorgrade Neptune with the Rahu/Ketu axis has shown its impact on the Oil companies.First it was Shell and next in the line was BP

Below are the links to the earlier posts on the topic:

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Rogue Planet - Alignments in Khavedamsa

Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope have identified a body that is very probably a planet wandering through space without a parent star. This is the most exciting free-floating planet candidate so far and the closest such object to the Solar System at a distance of about 100 light-years. Below is the link to the news :
The find is amazing from the Khavedamsa point of view wherein as i reported in my immediate previous post that some mysterious events are in vogue this month due to the alignments in Sagittarius in the chart. Uranus is conjunct Neptune along with Rahu/Ketu from the 2nd of this month till 18th. Uranus signifies discoveries and UFO s.Neptune signifies Mysteries and Sagittarius signifies higher learning. These significations are still more furthered with the two planets being in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mysterious happennings in Store this Month ???

The interesting alignment of  Retrograde Neptune with Retorgade Uranus and Rahu/Ketu over the Galactic centre Sagittarius,in the Khavedamsa , starting 2nd of this month along with the afflictions to the eigth house of Scorpio in the Rasi chart,  may result in some mysterious events and happenings till 18 th this month.

Following are some events which might happen :

1.An new line of thought may evolve now related to religions.An age old belief may change.
2.New knowledge about origins of life and of the Universe may come to light.which may revolutionalise the earlier thought process.
3.A new drug may be announced.An all together new line of thought about usage of drugs may come to light. 4.A mysterious UFO sighting may happen at a religious place.5.New knowledge about UFOs might come to light.6.Knowledge about an age old watery source might come to light
7.A mishap may happen during a piligrimage.8.Gaint sea beings may wash ashore.9.Some more storms may occur.10. A mystery related to a religious place might be solved or may come to light.
11.The world might very well see the death of  a spiritual guru.12.Some mysterious happening related to religion might happen.13.Difference in Opinions of various religions would come to the forefront 14. Primitive Aquatic life species might be found.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Prediction which Came true - Oil Shortage

In my post on the 7 th of October, i predicted about a short term Oil shortage resulting from the planetary alignments in the Rasi and Khavedamsa. Now i wish to draw  attention of the readers to the Oil rationing imposed in  United States in the aftermath of the Storm Sandy. Below is the link to the news :

The same alignments which are the causative factors for  occurrence of the super storm are the reason for the Oil/Gasoline shortages. Oil Production was cut down in the wake of the storm in  US,  which caused the shortage now.This cut down in the production resulted in  fluctuations in the Oil prices in  Asian market,which i reported in my earlier posts.

The same factors led the Oil Gaint company Shell to face litigation in the court of law,next it was the storm and in its aftermath, the Shortage.

 Below are the links to my earlier posts in this context.