
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nasa Hiding Historic discovery ???

News is abuzz in the internet about a discovery NASA made over Mars by the Mars rover curiosity. It all started when the chief mission investigator  of NASA John Grotzinger,hinted about a discovery which would be for the history books.  

The remark ignited speculations about finding life on Mars but was later downplayed by the NASA spokespersons.

Mercury the significator of communications is right now in retrogression and is in the last degrees of Libra. The retrogression will continue till the 27 th of the month and then Mercury turns direct and moves back to Scorpio to be exactly conjunct with Rahu on the 6 th of December, at 1 degree Scorpio.At the present too,Mercury is not that far away from the Rahu/Ketu axis. 

The conjunction might denote concealment of factual information.There is a possibility for  true information  to come out around the  27 th November,once the retrogression of Mercury is over.

Mars is transiting Sagittarius right now and is conjunct Pluto in the rasi chart.Sagittarius signifies Higher learning and the Origins of  the Universe.Pluto signifes Secrets.This conjunction too seems to signify the concealment of factual information about Mars.
Below are the links to the news :