
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Saturn - Rahu Conjunction (Contd)

Mundane effects of the conjunction ( Contd) : The Conjunction is important because of two factors. Firstly as the conjunction is happening in Libra after a period of 147 years and Secondly ,when the conjunction happened previously, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Saturn in exaltation in this Rasi ,represents Leaders with mass following. Saturn afflicted by Rahu caused the assasination of Lincoln.He was shot in a theatre by an actor. The conjunction under study was happening in Libra which is a venusian sign which signifies places of entertainment.Abraham Lincoln as we know strived for the abolition of slavery.

This event gives  clues of the events to happen during the period while the planets are in conjunction. Below is the link to the events that happened in the year 1865 when the two planets were in conjunction previously :

In the year under study, following events can be seen from the link above: .1.There was a civil war going on in United states which ended in the year 2. Abraham Lincoln was reelected to the president ship only to be assasinated later on 3.Slavery has been abolished by the 13th amendment in the United States.4.Dominican Republic gains Independence from Spain 5.Florida drafts its constitution 6.Claywater Meteorite explodes before reaching ground level in Wisconsin 7.Shergetty Meteorite falls in Gaya , Bihar , India. 

Generalising the events listed above we can say 1.Democratic tendencies were evident in the year.This is because Saturn  was in exaltation.2.Assasination of the People's leader happened as the exalted Saturn was afflicted by Rahu. 3. There were meteorite impacts as Libra is an airy Sign afflicted by two malefics Saturn and Rahu.

We can expect similar effects to happen now too.In India Saturn signifies Gujarat.Prominent leaders of Gujarat might be under threat.
Saturn would be in retrogression from 19th of February 2013 till 7th of July 2013 during which period the effects of the conjunction would be  drastic.
However,Jupiter transits into Gemini on 31st of May,2013 and aspects this conjunction in Libra.Jupiter's aspect would have a modifying influence over the effects.

To be observed : While Saturn - Rahu are going to be conjunct on 17 th September,2013,the newly discovered Comet ISON would be approaching closest to Earth by the Christmas of 2013. These two occurences definitely signify big events and big people.

Rasi wise effects :
Aries : The conjunction would be in the 7th sign and would result in the people being cheated by partners.
Taurus : The natives of this rasi are in for good times as malefics are transiting the sixth house.This transit would benefit the rasi people in general
Gemini : The conjunction happening in the fifth house results in changes in behavioural patterns, stress in thinking, problems to children,losses in ventures
Cancer : The natives of this rasi would be facing some tough times as the conjunction is going on in the fourth house  which would result in turmoil in career and at home.
Leo : Natives of this raasi would travel a lot in this period. the natives would be more courageous. But they need to be more alert regarding their communications.Sibling of the natives may be troubled.
Virgo : The natives of this rasi need to be alert regarding their food habits and should guard their speech.should be careful regarding their family and wealth.The natives may have differences with their maternal relatives.
Libra: The natives of this rasi would be experiencing ill health,pressures in thinking and all affairs in general.They should be careful of their loved ones and children.
Scorpio : Natives of this rasi should be careful regarding their expenses,should be alert so as to avoid any theft of belongings.The natives should be careful while in long distance travels and from accidents.
Sagittarius : The natives would have good time in general.They would meet their long lost friends.The natives would be having more than one source of income. Would become more aggressive and would earn through questionable means.
Capricorn : The natives would have a boost up in career but need to be careful about loss of position and loss of money. 
Aquarius : The natives of this rasi should be care ful about their father's health and their own. Would visit religious places in this period. The natives would have dip in sacred rivers
Pisces : The natives should guard their health. Would be separated from their near and dear ones.

Effects for people running the dasa of Rahu or Saturn :
People running Saturn dasa would have good time generally but should be alert from any kind of cheating from foreigners. People running Rahu dasa should be careful about their health.The natives having Saturn exalted or in own sign in their chart would experience good results.

The above effects are general in nature and also depend upon the ashtakavarga strengths of the planets in the natal chart and other significations.