
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ashtakavarga - Some important indications

Following are some important indications from the Sarvashtakavarga and Bhinnashtakavarga charts which would be of use :

1.When Jupiter transits the rasi where in the Lagna/Ascendant has highest number of Bindus in its BAV would favour the native in acquiring wealth,children and knowledge
Best times in the day for certain activities:
2.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Sun rises is the best time to do fire rituals.
3.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Moon rises is the best time to take upadesa of mantra.
4.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Jupiter rises is the best time to do financial transactions and do activities related to Children. The time is also best for attending learning courses,visiting spiritual gurus.
5.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Venus rises is the best time to plan outing for entertainment,for buying items of comfort and luxuries and vehicles.
6.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Saturn rises is the best time to start work involving labour.
7.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Mars rises is the best time to talk to younger Brothers,neighbours,play adventure sports.
8.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of mercury rises is the best time for sending important communications.

Buying Land
9.The direction indicated by the rasi having the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Mars is the best to buy lands.
Indications from the Divisional Charts :
Find out the aggregates of the BAV scores of all the Planets in each of the divisional charts. As each planet can have a maximum of 8 points,including lagna there would be 8 planets and the total would be 64.Find out the percentage which the aggregate BAV of Divisional chart holds to 64. You can judge which divisional chart is Strong.

When Jupiter and Saturn transit the rasis which have the highest number of Bindus in the SAV of the Divisional chart,then that aspect of life represented by the Divisional chart will improve surely.

Significations of that divisional chart would improve or suffer accordingly where in  there is a jump up or drop down in the SAV scores of  two rasis where there were transits of slow moving planets.The changes happen predominantly around the time of the transits. 

The best times in a person's life can be judged by the transits of  slow moving planets through the rasis having highest number of bindus.For example,if the native has a SAV score of 40 in Cancer,Saturn's BAV score being 5,then Saturn's transit through the rasi would result in the native having very positive results with respect to the Bhava it represents in his chart. 

Muhurtha and Ashtakavarga
The rasi which has a kendra/Trikona relation with the natal ascendant of the native has to be fixed as Muhurtha lagna for the activity. 
The Rasi having more SAV Score would be more favourable. The Muhurtha lagna should have more than 30 SAV score.
The tenth from the muhurtha lagna has to be checked for the SAV Score.
If the score is more than 30, then the intended ritual would go on successfully and would give excellent results.The muhurtha had to be fixed such that the BAV Score of most of the planets are above 4.These indications are to be seen in addition to the other standard principles in fixing the Muhurtha.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ashtaka varga of Venus

Happy Family Life :
Venus with 5 or 6 bindus and in a kendra or Trikona results in a happy and prosperous family life.If this Venus is aspected by Mars,the wife will be from a noble family.

Fine Vehicles :
When Venus is in Lagna,4 th or the 10 th bhavas assosiated with 5 bindus and has an aspect from a benefic,the person will possess fine vehicles.

Early Marraige :
When Venus is in a Kendra except the 7th bhava or Trikona from the Lagna,associated with 5 or more bindus and is not aspected by Mars,the person will marry early in life.

Difficulty in getting Married :
When Venus with 5 bindus is in debilitation rasi or Navamsa and is connected with Mars by association or aspect,the person will undergo great difficulties to get married.

Obstacles in Getting Married :
Venus in a Trikona or the 2nd house from the lagna occupied or aspected by malefics will create many obstacles for marraige

Good Fortune,Vehicles :
If the lord of the sign occupied by Venus is in a Kendra or trikona from the lagna and associated with 5 bindus in the ashtakavarga of Venus,the person will possess wealth,lands,vehicles and good fortune.

Ill treats Wife :
If the lord of the house occupied by Venus is in the 6th or 8th house from Venus and is in trine to the Lagna,the person will illtreat his wife and become a pauper in course of time.

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Ashwini aspected by other Planets

Sun in Ashwini aspected by  :

Moon - Helping Nature,comforts of good position
Mars - Cruel,Red eyes
Mercury - Luxuries,good character
Jupiter - Power
Venus - yearning for comforts
Saturn - Poverty,laziness

Moon in Ashwini aspected by :
Sun - Helping nature,cruel nature,comforts of good position
Mars - ENT Problems,dependant
Mercury - Famous
Jupiter - Education,Knowledge of shastras
Venus - wealth through women
Saturn - Strong body,insincere,troubles through children

Mars in Ashwini aspected by :
Sun - Education,knowledge,respects parents,intelligence
Moon - Liasions with other women,occasional thefts
Mercury - liasion with prostitutes,extravagant
Jupiter - head of the community,powerful
Venus - will not have good food,liasions with many women and troubles through them,social service
Saturn - Expelled from family,will miss mother's love

Mercury in Ashwini aspected by :
Sun - Likes friends and relatives,wealth through kings
Moon - interested in music and wealth through the same,comforts through women,comforts through wealth and conveyances
Jupiter - comforts through spouse and children,luxuries
Venus - Liked by all
Saturn - Charitable,strong physique,confrontation with family

Jupiter in Ashwini aspected by :
Sun - Religious,social service
Moon - Famous,gains
Mars - Cruelty,wealth through government
Mercury - quarrels with many people
Venus - trading in articles related to women,liasion with women
Saturn - Cruelty,will not have familial comforts

Venus in Ashwini aspected by :
Sun : Gains through government,quarrels with spouse
Moon - Good position and influence,bad name through women
Mars - poverty,will not have sexual happiness
Mercury - will get others wealth
Jupiter - Comforts,gain of family and children,wealth
Saturn - gains through illegal means,poverty,charitable

Saturn in Ashwini aspected by :
Sun - gains through agriculture,charitable nature
Moon - Cruel nature,liasion with other cruel people,hearing to bad advise
Mars - talkative nature,helping foreigners
Mercury - gains through illegal means,comforts through family
Jupiter - good position,expertise in gaining wealth,good education
Venus - frequent travels,good character,interest in poetry

In the case of Sun,Mercury and Venus please read as conjunction in place of aspected.